[21- Nightfall]

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"Like I already said before, it's obvious for Juvias feelings towards you. It's not like she hides it. But if you really feel for (Y/n)...I suggest you do it soon. Or as soon as you realize it." Erza shakes her head and laughs lightly. "Let's get back to the inn, it's already quite late." Erza turns and begins to walk away. Gray nods, but makes no move to walk.

"Feelings for (Y/n), huh?" He whispered into the night sky. "Doesn't sound too bad..." With that, he turned around and began to walk after Erza.

~Back With (Y/n), Natsu, Happy, and Atreyu~

(Yes, Atreyu is there...)

~3rd Person POV~

"AHOO!" (Y/n) rubbed her nose.

"Do you have a cold, (Y/n)?" Atreyu asked her companion. (Y/n) shook her head.

"I don't think so..."

QUICK AUTHORS NOTE: I REALIZED AWHILE AGO THAT THE POV I'M WRITING IN MAKES IT HARD TO KNOW WHAT THE OTHER CHARACTERS ARE FEELING. In (Y/n)'s POV, I'm always using 'I', when I should be using 'You'. 'You' as in THE READER. Using 'I' for the reader, you're not able to know what the other characters are feeling, so to try it out because of my mistake, this chapter will be using 'You' to see how you guys (readers) like it. That's also the reason why I put quotation marks around ~(Y/n)'s POV~ b/c it's not necessarily YOURS. Ya get it? SO SORRY ABOUT THAT!

"(Y/n)'s POV~"

"Natsu..." You turn to Natsu after bidding Yukino a good night. Natsu looks at you with hate in his eyes. Natsu isn't hating on you, however. Hate for Sabertooth fills his eyes. Your own (E/c) eyes are filled with hints of rage and anger. Natsu nods slightly at you, and you nod back. A silent agreement was made.

"Atreyu, Happy, you guys can go back to the inn." Natsu says. Atreyu looks at (Y/n).

"I know what you're thinking..." She says. You look away, avoiding Atreyu's gaze. Of course she would know what you were planning.

"I'll be fine, I have Natsu with me." Natsu blushes a bit, even though he knows what you mean.

"Why, Natsu?" Happy asks innocently.

"No reason. We'll be at Sabertooth though." Happy nods slowly and flys away with Atreyu right behind him. She sends (Y/n) on more look that says,

"Don't do anything stupid."

"So, let's go?" You nod at Natsus question.

"Yeah. Let's go."

~Time Skip~


Explosions rang out through the inn Sabertooth was staying in. Windows shattered and shards of glass were sent flying. A white Dragon Slayer who was once sleeping peacefully was woken up by the sound of explosions.

"What's going on?" His question was answered when Rogue burst into his room with Frosch right next to him.

"We have intruders!" Rogue yells.

"EVERYTHING IS BLOWING UP!" Frosch adds. Sting gets out of bed once he hears intruders came. Sting magically got dressed at the speed of light. Getting dressed quickly, Sting left his room with Rogue, Lector, and Frosch following closely behind him.

"Who would come and attack Sabertooth? They must really be an idiot if they even thought about it!" Sting exclaims, rushing down the hallway.

"I don't know. All I know is that whoever came tonight must not be planning to leave this place alive!" The two boys and exceeds stopped in their paths when they arrived to the central area of the inn. Members gathered around the doors, but some were blown back from the impact of an explosion. The doors burst open, and a member wen flying with the debris. Other members attempted to keep the doors closed, but that wasn't going to work. Flames and Lightning destroyed the doors, and even more members went flying. Smoke cleared to reveal two familiar figures. Natsu and (Y/n).

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