[14- Unexpected Night]

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Sorry...I let you guys and all do Fairy Tail down" Jellal apologizes again. I walk up to him saying nothing. I then wrap my arms around him. He tenses up a bit.

"Like I said, I believe in you. So there's no worry about letting us down. What matters is that you tried. I think that alone is great." I say, still in the embrace. Jellal returns the hug for a second.

"Thank you...(Y/n)." Laxus and Gajeel both let out a little 'tch'.

~With Fairy Tail Team A~

"Hey! You're back Lucy!" Natsu exclaimed.

"Yeah," Lucy looked at the scoreboard, "last place?!" Natsu gives Lucy his signature toothy grin.

"Don't worry Lucy! I'm competing tomorrow!"

~Somewhere Else~

"It has finally begun to bear fruit..."

~With Wendy and Carla~

"W-what was that?" Carla straightens up.

~Fairy Tail Team A~


~At The Bar~

~(Y/n)'s POV~

"GOOD JOB SUCKING, LOSERS!" Cana yelled, drunk as usual.


"THEY HAD VISION LACRIMAS AND I WAS CHEERING YOU ON. Not to mention the booze here is fine and not to mention pretty cheap." She says before taking yet another swig of her gigantic beer barrel placed in between her legs.

"SHUT UP BRATS," A familiar voice cuts in, "LET' TOAST TO LUT CRUSHING DEFEAT!" Gramps raised his mug high into the air, obviously drink as well.

"DON'T WORRY GRAMPS! I'M ENTERING THE GAMES TOMORROW AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME!" Natsu says, pumping one of his fists into the air. I smile at his determination.

"Ya know, if Flamebrain here is gonna participate tomorrow, I don't see why I shouldn't try." Gajeel says, crossing his arms with a smirk evident on his face.

"Yes. You can finally show them the outcome of three months of training." Lily approves.

"Did you train as well, Lily? I still look forwards to battling you in the very near future." Atreyu says, looking up from her fish for a second to deliver the message.

"Y-yes! I cannot wait to spar either!" Lily says hastily. I see Haply's head snap up and he glares at Lily. stifle a laugh and Atreyu glares at me from her spot on my shoulder. I then sign.

"What's wrong, (Y/n)?" Atreyu asks me, munching away happily.

"You know, if I had been able to get more points in Hidden, we would be in a better position. We got second to last in that competition!" I tell her. Atreyu listens to my little paragraph of self pity.

"Like Mira said, you tried. And if I do recall, you told Gray that it would get better. Who would you be to go against your own words?" My eyes widen.

"Y-you heard my conversation with Gray?!" I ask in surprise, but only so she can hear me. She smirks at me and turns away.

"Don't worry, you did a good job of comforting your friend." She says in an approving voice. I smile at her praise. Getting up from my seat, I walk by Cana who is laughing at an unconscious Evergreen and Bixslow.

A Fairy's Tale [Various!Fairy Tail x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now