[5- Ice Cream and Spirits?]

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Hey people! I'm sorry about the short chapters but I had recently recovered from a broken thumb, and writers block. Hopefully you guys can help! -Author


~(Y/n)'s POV~

You see Natsu leaning his elbow on your shoulder.

"Hey, (Y/n), wanna train with me?" Natsu says, giving you his classic smile.

"Natssuuuu..."  You whine. "I just fought Erza. I think I'm just gonna relax." He holds you closer.

"Come on! It'll be fun!" Natsu begs. You see his eyes flicker over to Gray for a second. (Fangirl: Why do I feel as if right now I'm writing out Natsu to act like Hikaru and Kaoru from OHSHC?? Maybe beachside Natsu is trying to be SNEAKY...)

You try to escape his death grip.

'I'm sure he won't take a straight no as an answer...'

The struggle of having Natsu as a friend.

~ Natsu's point of view~

She tried pulling me off as I made eye contact with Gray. He glared at me but I smirked at him and pulled (Y/n) closer to me. Gray growled. I bet (Y/n) heard.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

While still trying to escape, You could hear Gray growl.

'Wait a minute.. does Gray like me? No, no way! Is he ...jealous? '

"U- um.." You said quietly, looking as the sandy ground, giving up. Suddenly, you were pulled out of Natsu's arms. You realized Gray was carrying you on his shoulders as Natsu yelled at him to "give (Y/n) back".


"Gray can you put me down now?" You say, patting his shoulder lightly. Gray hesitantly put you back down.

"Oh sorry.." The raven-haired boy said rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it." You give him a sweet smile.

~Grays point of view~

"It's fine, don't worry about it.'' She said with a cute smile.

'Wait stop, Gray, you don't like her. You just can't. And Natsu can't either.'

I was snapped out if thought as (Y/n) asked if you were okay.

"Hey, you still in there?" (Y/n) waves her hands in my face.

"Yeah I'm fine." I say awkwardly.

"Well would you like some ice-cream with me then?" She asked putting her soft, tiny hands in my shoulders.

I looked around to see if Natsu was still around. He was running around with Happy. I then nod and we start our walk to the ice cream store.

At first, there was a slighty awkward silence. I cleared my throats and she looked at me.

"So...how was the guild while we were gone?" I ask her, trying to break the silence. (Y/n) puts on a thoughtful look before she answers.

"Well...nothing like before. It was really quiet, and sad too." She answers finally. I nod. "I guess you guys brought the life back." (Y/n) gives me a sweet smile. I blush a bit at her smile, but redirect my face to the ice cream shop ahead. (Y/n) follow my gaze.

"We're almost there" I point out.

"Great!" (Y/n) grabs my hand and pulls me along as she begins to jog towards the shop. Good thing she's in front of me, or else she would've seen a blushing mess.

A Fairy's Tale [Various!Fairy Tail x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now