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"I'm gonna scream!" Roman roared as he threw a pillow at some random location before collapsing onto the couch with a pout. " Patton, he was really mean."

"I'm sorry, Kiddo. Hopefully, we can help to fix that." Roman nodded with a smile as he dropped himself back in thought. "Hey, Ro. Do you think we should inform them?"


"Deceit and Anxiety." Roman groaned as he just shook his head. "Well, isn't Deceit your partner?"

"Heck no. Deceit is just some Reptilian Repscalion. He's not the one in charge anymore. The moment he named Anxiety as a successor, I was no longer obligated to work with him. Technically, if anything, I should inform Anxiety as HE is my partner. God, I hate working with Darksiders. I've never even met him. What good does Anxiety even do for Thomas?!"

"They are Darksiders for a reason, Roman."

"Yeah, well soon enough we will be finding out if those lessons of yours will 'correct' them." Patton sighed softly as he sat down beside the prince. "Pat? Did you ever hear about any rumors about us?" Patton frowned as he shook his head making Roman frown. "Alright. It's not important. What is important is figuring out what we're doing with Virgil."

"Well, if I'm supposed to be curbing his behavior, he's going to have to be close by." Roman groaned as Patton smiled apologetically. "As in... with us."

"No." Patton gave Roman this look making him cringe a bit before rolling his eyes. "Why does he have to be with us? Patton, it's bad enough I'm going to have to be working with... something like anxiety. Now you're telling me I have to LIVE with a dark side. It was horrible living with Remus. Why do you think he left?!" 

"Roman, I can't hope to have my lessons actually work if he's not here to actually receive them. Do you actually want him to get better or..." Roman frowned as his eyes darted away in thought. "Did you ask this of me for a different reason?"

"What other reason could I have?" Patton shrugged as Roman narrowed his eyes. "Virgil doesn't get to just say what he does and walk off scot-free."

"What did he say?" Roman tensed as he shook his head making Patton's eyes go wide in realization. "Did he curse at you?!  That's it. I'm going to..."

"Patton, wait!" Roman froze up in confusion as Patton just frowned at him. "Uh... I mean... He's already being punished for what he said. He's in the cells, remember?"

"Well, yes but..."

"You can 'teach' him when he's out, Patton. We still have to figure out a way to explain this to Logan."

"Oh, he already knows." Roman's eyes went wide as Patton giggled. "He's with him right now."

"Honestly, I do not understand the necessities of such... triviality." Virgil laughed tiredly as he glanced over to see Logan standing there on the other side of the gate. "Salutations... again."

"What up?" Virgil groaned as he shot the other a two-fingered salute. "You here to call me a moron again or are you just coming to look at the pathetic rat in a cage?" Logan frowned in confusion as Virgil slowly sat himself up. "You know, Logan, for someone who's supposed to be an intellectual, you would have thought to at least know something about a person's emotional response."

"I am Logic. I have no need for emotion and therefore do not see a reason to corrupt my functionality with such nonsense."

"I said Emotional response." Virgil smirked as he limply dropped his arms over his knees. "As in a physical response to the emotions someone is experiencing, whether it be a person laughing before they find humor in something, or stuttering when they get anxious." 

"I uh..."

"I am not stupid in the slightest. I was raised to be smart. My job is to keep Thomas safe after all. As you can attest the best way to do that is to have the knowledge needed for any situation, yet... You immediately assumed that I was intellectually inept simply because of my freaking stutter, for which I have no control over when I'm overly anxious." Logan's brow raised in thought as Virgil rolled his eyes. "And more so on that subject, you just admitted to not bothering yourself with any information regarding emotions. That is correct, yes?"


"Then in regards to anything emotional... you are not the smartest and thus are actually pretty fucking stupid." Logan's eyes shot wide as Virgil just smiled. "By not bothering yourself with any information in the slightest regardless of what it is you are limiting yourself. Dee made sure I had the brains to back up my claims. So... That means at this juncture... the man you made feel intellectually inferior and is now locked up for hardly anything at all... is actually smarter than Logic himself."

"Falsehood." Virgil just sighed as he laid back gesturing weakly to wave the other off.

"Prove me wrong then, Logan." Virgil laughed as he rolled over and closed his eyes to rest. "The next time Thomas has an 'emotional' episode, I want you to actually think about what could be causing it and how to help him. If you can... Then I'll admit I'm wrong and apologize. Otherwise... Fucking do your damn research. You're supposed to be logic. Logic isn't just about numbers. It's about having the knowledge necessary to function and thrive. Emotion knowledge is a part of that."

"Logan, what the hell are you doing down here?" Roman burst through the door seething as Logan just sighed and fixed his tie.

"It would seem that I am getting lectured for not doing my job properly."  Roman frowned in confusion seeing an almost inquisitive expression from the usually robotic counterpart. "Given this new information, it appears I have much to think about. So, please excuse me, Roman. I shall be in my study if you need me."

"What the f... heck did you do to Logan?" Virgil frowned as he rolled his eyes refusing to turn around. "Hello? Virgil? Are you seriously ignoring me? God, you have no respect for authority."

"No, I just don't respect prideful assholes who don't actually care. I thought you were better than that." Virgil finally pushed himself up with this look that actually made Roman freeze up. "I refused to believe ANY rumor about any of you. YOU, the prince, SPECIFICALLY! I thought there was no way Roman Sanders could be anything like what I was hearing. You are literally the one running everything. It's your job to protect us all. Yet... You locked me up... for what?"

"Your disrespect."

"For hurting your pride by snapping at you because I was scared of you." Roman's eyes twitched slightly as Virgil just laughed. "I was honestly scared of you, Roman. And I reacted... Its called a fight or flight response. Everyone has one. It's often triggered by a person's anxiety." Roman faltered as Virgil just laid himself back. "Surprise, Deceit. Your boi did exactly what you told him not to do and look where he's at. I should've just listened and stayed home."

"Virgil, what exactly are you?" Virgil rolled his eyes as he tried to ignore the prince. "Virgil, if just this one, please do as I say and answer the dang question. Who are you to Thomas?"

"Wouldn't you like to know, Princey? Now... I'm done talking. So... Goodnight."

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