"So wait..." Thomas frowned in confusion as Virgil just sat there on the steps with an annoyed look. "I have... anxiety?"

"You say that like it's a bad thing." Virgil mumbled making Thomas frown more.

"Well, Anxiety isn't exactly..."

"Say I'm a disorder and I might go livid." Thomas paled as Virgil stood himself up ignoring the warning look the Prince was giving him. The light siders all agreed if Virgil was staying in the palace then Thomas had to know about him considering the palace had a direct connection to the host. Chances are Thomas would sense him and more now that he was there. They didn't want Virgil messing up somehow and screwing Thomas over simply because the host didn't know. However, they had given him rules about his interaction with Thomas, whether in the real world or not. Just as Remus did before he left. And Virgil was slowly crossing the line. "I'm your anxiety. It's my job. Don't like it... to bad."


"Fuck off, Princey." 

"LANGUAGE!" Patton yelled out making Virgil flinch as he held his hands up in surrender.

"I'm just saying that..." Virgil groaned as he looked up to see the anger in Roman's and Patton's eyes. He was screwed. "I-I w-was just... I mean... I... Ah... shit." Patton flared as Virgil hugged himself slightly trying to calm himself down. If he kept stuttering Logan would have a comment. Logan was already giving him this look that he didn't quite understand. "I'm j-just s-saying that y-you can't change who I-I am. I am your a-anxiety. My job is to g-give you a-anxiety. I am a v-valid part of you. B-By calling me a d-d-dis-sorder you're making my job mean l-less. I'm not a f-fucking disorder. I'm your anxiety."


"Patton, do you understand the effects swearing can have on a person's mental and physical health?" Logan's eyes widened a bit as Virgil snapped over at the moral side. "Swearing can help lower stress. Swearing while sweating can actually make you physically stronger. Its been proven to raise your pain tolerance and help you cope with emotional issues. By telling me I can't swear you are essentially FUCKING me over." Patton's eyes went wide as Virgil forced himself to stop. "I am not just going to stop being who I am because you want to 'remake' me into one of you. I am Anxiety. I am who I am and I shouldn't have to change because I don't fit your rules."

"Well, you already broke several of them." Roman growled as he crossed his arms in frustration. "My dearest apologies Thomas. I assure you we are going to fix this. Anxiety here just isn't used to how things work around here yet."

"Does swearing really help with all that?" Everyone paled as Virgil just laughed. 

"Well, yeah, Thomas. Obviously Morality is right. Swearing isn't a 'nice' thing to do to at a person but when it's well-timed it's just as beneficial as a good deep breath. You just have to think before you start spouting it all out. You don't want to hurt someone."

"Oh no. You are not teaching Thomas bad things, mister." Patton shot Virgil this disappointed and stern look making the younger crash. "Swearing is bad. You never swear."

"Moralit..." Logan was cut off as Patton quickly sunk down forcing Virgil to go with him leaving the two other sides to attend to Thomas. Roman just groaned as Thomas gestured to the two spots in wild confusion.

"Patton is attempting to teach Anxiety to be 'good'. I'd say right about now  he's probably in time out." Which would mean he's locked in his room for god knows how long until Patton determines he's allowed to come out.

"But did Anxiety really do something... wrong?" Roman's eyes went wide in shock as Logan frowned in confusion. "Sure he used harsh language but he did provide Thomas with stunning information. Information I myself did not know about. Depending on its accuracy witch I would love to determine myself, Virgil did in fact help Thomas just in a way we would never have done ourselves."

"Who are you and what did you do with the Microsoft turd?" Logan's eyes darkened as Roman flailed in anger. "He was just telling Thomas he should swear."

"No, he said swearing helped with stress and proved benefits. He even gave examples to back up his claim. He at no time said that Thomas should in fact swear. He simply said if he did that Thomas should be smart about it. Smart... Knowledge... Those are things I can get behind." Logan smirked seeing Roman's confused anger. "I'm on Virgil's side in this. Thomas, I shall check to see if Virgil's facts are accurate and get back to you on that. For now, I would refrain from any harsh language for Patton's sake. At least until I can determine the fact. Alright?" Thomas could only nod as Logan let out a content breath. "Now in regards to Anxiety, himself... He isn't going anywhere, Thomas..."

"Logan, don't..." Roman growled out in warning but obviously Logan didn't care.

"Virgil is Roman's partner in the well-being and functionality of your mind and body."


"Wait, what?" Thomas's eyes darted between the two before resting on Roman who just sighed. "Roman, care to explain?"

"Virgil was chosen to help me in managing everything. I don't know exactly what he's supposed to be doing for you or how exactly he's supposed to help me but... He is. He's my partner." Thomas smiled as only one thought filled his head. "Why are you smiling? What are you..." Roman's eyes went wide as Thomas thought finally hit him. See, Roman was in charge of his creativity and romance and all of that but he doesn't always create it. If Thomas has a thought he didn't create or a dream or just anything that involves Roman really... Roman will still know and see it. That being said... When Thomas had an 'interesting' thought over the fact that Roman and Virgil were partners... Roman had it to. "No. No. No. No. Ew. No. I said we were partners, not partners. God, that should have gone to Remus, not me." 

"Roman?" Roman frowned as Thomas just laughed. "You have to face it... it was kinda funny."

"NO, IT WASN'T!" Roman sunk out before anything else could be said as he just groaned and collapsed onto his bed. "What the heck even is... prinxiety?"

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