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"If you keep looking as if you're about to get attacked, people are going to get suspicious." Roman jumped slightly as Virgil frowned in concern. "Why are you so scared anyway?"

"I'm not scare..." Roman sighed as he looked away and shrugged. "I don't know. Last time I came here my brother kind of threatened me and... I really just don't know, to be honest." 

"Well, confusion only makes it worse, but... Here's something you latch on to..." Virgil smiled as he pointed to himself. "Nothing bad is going to happen... not when you're with me anyway."

"That doesn't..." Roman shivered slightly as he bit his tongue to stop himself from speaking. "Thanks."

"You don't look comfortable at all." Roman frowned as he shook his head making  Virgil sigh. "Hey, why don't we just go back..."

"No." Roman flinched at his own voice before quickly shaking his head. "No, I... I have to do this Virgil. I'm fine. I swear."

"Fine. If you say so..." Virgil mumbled as the two just continued walking down the street. Roman took a deep breath and looked around trying to take it all in. The last time he was there he was focused on finding out what he could about Virgil and the so-called rumors. Now that he was actually paying attention to everything. He wasn't all that happy with what he said. He didn't know where Virgil was taking him but he saw the familiar streets. He half expected to see that little girl again but he didn't. Instead Virgil led him further down the pathway until they were met with this rundown looking building. It was pretty big considering the tiny homes and makeshift shacks around them. Roman's eyes narrowed in confusion as Virgil just laughed and opened the door letting him walk inside.

"Where are we?" Roman whispered as Virgil gently tugged on his arm to follow. It was this large cafeteria-like room. Like a schools almost but smaller. Roman frowned as he spotted all the people around the place. He could feel his heart drop.

"It's a soup kitchen." Virgil spoke softly as he led the prince through to the kitchen and grabbed an apron to put on. "You wanted to see what it was like here. How to help... Well, this is how you help." Virgil tossed another one making Roman panic slightly as he caught it. "Put it on. We're on detail." Virgil glanced over at the clock on the wall and smirked. "And it's nearly lunch rush."

"Rush?" Roman watched as Virgil made way to get himself all set up and ready. He moved through the kitchen with an ease you'd only get by being there a lot. "Do you expect a lot of people?"

"Ro... There aren't many jobs here in the dark realm. Those that do, pay poorly. Most often than not the parents will only get food for there kids if they can and come here for a single meal just so they don't go hungry." Virgil paused a bit as he carefully put his gloves on. "There are some of us... the more prominent sides like Ray, Dee, and I... We're pretty well off where the rest of them are struggling. I like to help out where I can. These are my people after all. We should be doing all we can to better their lives, shouldn't we?"

"Of course." Virgil's eyes widened a bit as Roman grabbed his own gloves. "Our people shouldn't suffer if we can help. So..." Roman giggled softly as he held his gloved hands up with a smile. "Where do you want me?"

"Right here is fine. You're with me." Roman nodded as Virgil rushed to get some bowls. He yelled over to this one girl who nodded and rushed off to prop the doors open. "Just a fair warning... Things might get... much." Roman's eyes set as he only nodded again watching as Virgil passed him over some bowls. "Ask for more before you run out. That way you don't have to wait."

"Got it." That's when the people started coming in. Virgil wasn't kidding, there was a lot. What got Roman the most though were the kids. Even though Virgil said many would get for them anyway some were still there. Some looked sick. Some were just so young. Roman did everything he was told. Went was Virgil wanted him... Passed out as many bowls as he could... There didn't seem to be an end to it all. Roman frowned as he glanced over to see these two boys, twins... One had gently nudged the other into a line many minutes prior and was very happy to see had come back with a bowl. Roman couldn't seem to stop looking over at them. As the one twin ate the other just watched with a small smile. He never came up for his own. He never asked for any from the other. Roman sighed as he grabbed a bowl and filled it up before walking off much to Virgil's confusion.

"Ro?" Roman just smiled as he walked over to the two and set the bowl down on the table before crouching to be at their level.

"Hello there boys." They both seemed to jump as if scared Roman was going to yell at them. "Is everything alright."

"Uh... Uh, y-yeah?" Roman smiled sadly as he looked over at the one that wasn't eating. 

"Are you sure? You didn't get any food." The boy paled as he looked over at his brother before tearing up. "What's wrong?" 

"Are you going to take the bowl away?" Roman tensed as he quickly shook his head making the boy look confused. "But... Why not?"

"Well, why do you think I would?"

"Because it's just us. E-Erin said... o-only grown-ups c-can..."

"I'm gonna stop you right there." Roman chuckled softly as he gently pushed the bowl towards the boy, whose eyes went wide in shock. "Can I tell you what I saw?" The boy nodded as Roman smiled at him reassuringly. "I saw a boy who cared enough about his bother to come here despite being alone and make sure that he got food even if you didn't."

"Well, yeah. He hadn't eaten in a while. I ate yesterday."

"Well, you'll eat today too. Both of you." They both lit up as the one boy finally started to eat his own soup. Roman just watched with a soft expression.

"I have a brother too you know." Their eyes went wide as Roman nodded. "He's a bit of a wild card. I love him but I never really showed him... that's my fault. You however pushed to make sure your brother was fed and cared for. That's something you don't just teach. You have a kind heart. I know someone who would be VERY proud of that."

"Who?" Roman paled slightly as he shot a worried look over at Virgil who was far to busy passing out bowls to notice.

"My friend, Patton." They nearly choked on their soups making Roman panic a bit. "Breathe. Take it slow." He chuckled a bit as he passed them napkins and smiled. "I take it you know the name. "Anxiety m-may have m-mentioned it."

"Awe, so you now the emo prince too huh?" The boys nodded as Roman smirked. "Yes, I can tell you both are very pure-hearted indeed. I mean... It's tradition at this point..." Both boys shot each other a weird look as Roman just laughed. "Twin Princes?" Their eyes went wide as Roman nodded to himself playing a part he wasn't quite sure exactly what it was. "Now Remus may not exactly have the title but a twin prince he still... kind of is? Honestly, I don't really know about him. Anyway, You two are the first set of twins I've seen... ever, besides mine."

"Wait, what... who..." Roman's eyes darkened slightly as his smile fell.

"I have a question and would like you to answer it as honestly as you can ok?" The one boy that did all the talking nodded as Roman sighed. "When you said it was just you two... did that mean you didn't have parents?"

"It's just us. I care for Alex the best that I can." Roman glanced over and frowned as he saw the sad look in the other's eyes.

"And your name?"


"A names... nice." Roman smiled as he stood up quickly pulling out his phone much to the boys' confusion. "Here's the thing Adam... and Alex... I can't just let two dashing young princes sit here wondering when their next meal is. It's just not proper for royalty." Adam's eyes narrowed in confusion as Roman beamed. "That's why I'm going to fix that. If you want to accept it that is?"

"Accept what?" Roman laughed as he heard the familiar dial tone fill his ears.

"The help of a fellow prince." The boys paled as the phone rang until a soft hello could be heard on the other side. "What do you say, boys?" Adam frowned as he looked between his brother and Roman before sighing.

"Help him and I'll be happy." Roman's eyes seemed to shine as he placed a soft hand on the boy's shoulder. 

"I said, princes... I plan to help you both." Adam actually started to cry as Roman winked over at Alex before turning back to his phone. "Yes, Patton? I'm sorry to bother you when you're on a break of sorts but I have a small... favor to ask of you."

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