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"Wow!" Alex whispered as he hugged his brother's arm. Roman smiled as he led the group back through his kingdom. Virgil walked behind them, watching to make sure nothing happened. "It's so... bright."

"Pretty..." Adam mumbled as his eyes darted about taking in all the flowers and trees.

"That's what I said too." Virgil said catching Roman's eyes a bit before looking away with a frown. "Looks out of a Disney movie."

"What's Disney?" Roman froze up on the spot making the two boys walk into him. "Uh oh." Adam whispered slightly as Roman slowly turned and gave them this overdramatic look of pure shock.

"What was that?" Adam frowned as Roman quickly looked up at Virgil who was trying really hard to suppress his laughter. "Virgil? Did he just ask... what Disney was?" Virgil choked on a laugh as Roman literally collapsed onto the ground. "Oh, the agony. The heartbreak... The insanity. How you've wounded me so."

"Princey, get up. You're going to get your clothes all dirty!" The boys giggled as Roman squirmed and whine playfully. "Roman!"

"I am not in my prince uniform!" Roman cried as he flailed making his darker clothing all look dusty. "I don't care. He said he didn't know Disney! I've been wounded. I've been shot. I don't know what I've been but I've been fatally hit. I'm dead or dying or something. Virgil! Help." Roman made grabby hands up at the other who just scoffed and rolled his eyes over the prince's dramatic. "Heeeeelp." He whined as he pouted on the ground. 

"Nope. You did this to yourself." Roman huffed as he rolled over onto his belly and just teasingly glared over at Virgil.

"You're no fun." The boys by this time are laughing so much Alex was literally leaning against his brother for support. Roman smiled as he pushed himself up and quickly dusted off his clothes before winking over at Virgil who just groaned. "Come on. Patton's probably worried at this point."

"And this..." Roman called out with a dramatic wave of his arm. "This is the Mindpalace! Pretty cool isn't it?" The boys stood there in pure awe as Roman giggled excitedly. He glanced behind him with this really big smile just in time to see the door get flown open and he jumped with glee. "And that's Patton. PATTON!" Roman yelled with a happy wave. His energy was... hyper. Virgil couldn't stop staring at the prince. This entire time it was like he was a completely different person. Virgil wasn't sure what was going on but... he had to admit... The Roman he had seen throughout this entire trip... 

Was one he wouldn't mind seeing more of. If this was Roman... he wouldn't mind getting to know more.

"Roman!" Patton beamed as he ran over and slammed the prince into a hug. "I was worried. You said you would be back several hours ago."

"I know Pat. I'm sorry. The tour took a bit more time than I thought it would." Patton quirked a brow only to freeze up as Roman moved so that he was behind the slightly anxious boys. "Patton, this is Alex..." Roman gestured to the boy huddled against his twin for support and Patton's eyes just softened. "And this brave prince, is Adam." 

"They're twins!" Patton squealed happily as Roman nodded and smiled. "Oh my goodness. It's like you and Remus all over again." Roman faltered a bit before chuckling and nodding again.

"They came into the place Virgil and I was volunteering at so... I thought I would bring them over for a visit." Patton frowned in confusion as Roman's eyes darkened a bit. "They're orphans, Pat."

"Just like..." Roman nodded and Patton crashed slightly with this sad smile. He crouched down to their level clearly seeing not only the fear in them but also in Virgil who watched with this protective look in his eyes. "Heya, Kiddos. I'm morality." Alex squeezed Adam's arm as the other just nodded and shifted till he was more in front of Patton than his brother was. Patton's eyes narrowed as he glanced up to see Roman with this sad reminiscent look in his eyes. He turned back to Adam and smiled. "You're very protective, I see. You must care a lot about your brother." Roman tensed as Patton whispered softly.

"We only have each other. I have to care for him. There's no one else who will."

"I could." Adam's eyes shot wide as Patton just smiled brighter. "You wouldn't be the first set of twins I adopted. I would very much love to take care of you both. If you want that is..."

"But... I don't... Why?" Alex whimpered slightly as he hugged Adam tighter. Patton noticed how Roman looked away and he sighed. "We're not anything special."

"You might not think you are now but..." Roman lulled as he placed a soft hand on Alex's shoulder. "I told you. You are both prince's in my book."

"But we're from the dark side!" Patton's eyes went wide as they shot up to Roman who cringed slightly. Adam had this look of confusion and desperation in his eyes as his voice shook. "Why would either of you care at all about a couple of no good nobodies from over there. I mean... We're just... Anxiety?"

"It's ok, Adam." Virgil frowned seeing the fear in those two. He could feel it. "Remember all those stories I told you all?"

"But they weren't real, You even told us that." Virgil nodded as he looked around and sighed. "I just..." Adam turned back to the two light siders and frowned. "I don't understand."

"Honestly... I see myself... and my brother in you two." Roman whispered catching everyone's eyes as he avoided all their gazes. "Adam... You... You are a lot like Remus."

"Wait, what?" Roman nodded as he forced himself past Patton refusing to let anyone see the tears that fell.

"Yeah... He was always protecting me too."

"Ro..." Patton sighed as he shook his head and turned back to the kids. He was going to have to talk with Roman later but for now, his focus had to be on the boys. "Boys. It's up to you kiddos. We won't force you to stay. But if you chose to... I would very much like to care for you." Patton tensed as Virgil shot him this look. "It's ok, Virgil. I'm being serious here."

"Wait..." Adam mumbled slightly as he tried to work through things. "You... You mean it. You... want to..."

"I would like to adopt you yes." Adam instantly started crying as Alex cautiously pulled away from his twin.

"No take backsies?" Alex said softly making Patton giggle as he held a pinky up.

"No take backsies."

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