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He couldn't think. And by that I mean, he literally couldn't think. Roman sat there at his desk staring at the many pages of packets and things tears every so often falling from his red eyes. Everything hurt. 

It had been a while since then, Virgil has been keeping his distance while Roman hardly ever left his room. It seemed like every time he did he slipped and caused some sort of an issue. He hated it. He hated himself. He hated how he could be so easily broken. He hated how he loved that emo so fucking much that he was a complete mess. 

Of course, his emotional overload only made it so he couldn't focus on his job either. He was so behind it wasn't funny. Thomas has even mentioned feeling a bit... unmotivated which only hurt Roman's pride all the more knowing it was his fault. And forget talking... He started to go back to old habits. If his pride isn't in control, he doesn't talk much. Preferring to be silent rather than force others to deal with his stutter.

He was tired and annoyed. He hadn't left his room at all today, not even to grab some food. He's just been at the desk trying hard to work and getting nowhere. He just wanted to get some things done. Was that too much to...

"...ask..." Roman finished allowed as the sound of knocking filled his room. He growled in frustration as he glared at the door. "Go away!" He didn't care who it was. He wanted to be alone. 


"I SAID GO AWAY!" Roman yelled out as he got up and chucked a pillow at the door. "Can't you tell I want to be alone?!" Roman stood there panting out as more tears fell. "Just go away." There was silence for a while before one last knock sounded making the prince groan loudly in anger as he stormed over to the door. "Are you stupid or so-..." Roman froze the second he opened the door to see Alex standing there. His whole body crashed as he dropped to his knees seeing how the small boy was shivering. "A-Al-lex?"

"I'm s-sorry."

"No. N-No d-don't be." Roman smiled softly as he forced himself to take a breath. "I've b-b-been-n... b-been... irri... ir- irrit-t-t-tate..." Roman shook his head as he clammed up making Alex frown. "W-What's wr-ron-ng?"

"We were w-worried a-about you." Roman's eyes softened as he gently reached out to hold the small boy's hand. "A-Ad-dam... P-Patton... M-M-Mostly A-Anx."

"N-No ones bothered-d to v-vis-sit b-but you." Alex's frown only grew as Roman just shrugged. "Your th-the... the o-only o-on-ne who's c-com-me." Roman laughed as he shook his head. "Th-though I d-did y-yell at you so I uh... I guess I... um... I-I uh..." 


"Give me a sec. L-Lost my w-words." Roman sighed as he blinked a bit trying to work his thought through before just giving up. "F-Forg-get it. D-D-Do... Don't- Don't know why I-I'm t-talk-king."

"Roman, i-its ok..." Roman quickly stood back up and walked over to his desk as if ignoring the boy but Alex knew the prince was struggling. He could feel how upset the other was and how hard it was for him to keep himself from slipping. "R-Roman?"

"I'm ok, Alex." Roman choked out as he clenched his fists tightly on his desk as he leaned against it to hold himself up and ground him. "Inform the others I will not be joining them for dinner. I have far to much work to do before my meeting on Friday. I wish not to be disturbed."


"Goodbye, Alex." Roman merely forced out as the young boy nodded and stumbled out the door quickly. The prince collapsed into his chair laughing painfully at himself as his thoughts drowned him in self-deprecation. He was truly pathetic. He couldn't even face it. To hide himself away like this over a broken heart... And he's supposed to rule the mind space. Virgil was far better at it than him. Maybe he should just let him... No. No, he needed to get his act in order. He couldn't burden the man with all his issues. He needed to strengthen up and at least do his damn job. Even if it's all he does... and all he is... The least he could do is do his job like he's supposed to.

"Alex?" Virgil's soft voice lulled through the kitchen as the boy simply shook his head and hopped up at the table. "He's not... He's not coming?"

"H-He s-said he w-wanted to be a-alone." Virgil visibly deflated as he nodded and turned back to his plate. Patton was humming away as he gave everyone theirs. Well, the other two boys anyway, as Logan was pulling another all-nighter in his cabin. Virgil couldn't help but worry. It was like everything was falling apart around him. He thought he found some semblance of 'family' with them all. But... Logan's never there. Patton doesn't do much with him anymore and Roman... Roman completely pushed him away. "A-Anx? A-Are you o-ok?"

"I'm fine. Just tired... and hungry." Virgil teased as he stabbed some potatoes with his fork to prove a point. "This is really good, Pat."

"Why thank you, Kiddo." Patton smiled before getting his own plate and sitting down. Even with him here, Virgil could still see the hesitance in the eldest. "I'm glad you like it. I wish the others were here too but I'm sure their busy. Roman does have that big council meeting coming up. He's probably just a bit stressed."

"I hope he can take a break at some point." Virgil stared at his plate as everyone else ate around him. Surprisingly Adam, who was watching Virgil closely, hadn't said anything once. He just sat there in silence which was never something the more bolder twin could do. "If he works too hard, he could end up sick."

"Yes, well... that's Roman, I'm afraid." Patton sighed sadly as he shook his head. "I'll have to bring him some food later just so he remembers to eat."

"Has he eaten at all today?" Virgil's anxiety peaked as Patton's eyes only got darker. "Roman's going to end up breaking if he doesn't take care of himself. I..." Virgil stopped the second he could feel his hands starting to shake. His nerves and anxiety over everything finally hit their mark. He couldn't do it anymore. He was spread so thin as it was trying to help everyone and do his own job with the constant panic in his blood. Now with this... it's just sending him over the edge. "Thanks f-for the f-food, Patton but... I think I'm going t-to have to lie down. I'm not well." 

"Oh? Are you..." Patton froze like ice as Virgil got up and left without another word. The poor father figment just didn't know what to do anymore. His own mind was in a tizzy since all that happened with the vase. He was trying to give them all space and lessen up but at this point, he wondered if that was doing anything at all. Regardless the father didn't move. He simply returned to his food as the two young boys watched the retreating anxiety with mirrored expressions of concern and sadness. "Eat up boys. Don't want you getting sick either."

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