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{TW~Lack of selfcare, lack of eating, sad kid, Roman's pride causing some real shit)

Roman didn't really know what had happened. He didn't understand where his mind had gone. He didn't know what was going on but... He knew, as he found himself stumbling in the dirt and trash covered dark realm alleyway, he belonged here. He deserved worse. He was stupid. He really didn't know what had happened. It was like his mind had blacked out and his pride took complete control. He broke before he even realized what had happened.

It had been awhile. He hadn't been eating right maybe a few meals a week if he managed it. He wasn't sleeping at all. He was lucky he even managed to get himself dressed and showered properly as if that alone was enough to care for himself. It wasn't. He was beyond exhausted. Beyond stress... He had been losing weight and despite the worry over all his clothes beginning to be too big on him. He had bags darker than Virgil's eyeshadow, skin pasty and pale. He had to layer on the makeup just to look somewhat normal and not so sickly. 

He had managed an hour of sleep surprisingly that morning. He took forever getting ready, his hands shaking as he tried to apply the foundation and concealer. His eyes had looked so bloodshot so he grabbed his sunglasses. He knew no one would judge him. He and Remy both have been known to wear them indoors, the later way more than the prince. He had a big meeting that day and he was already strained as it was. It was even worse though because of Virgil. 

"Roman?" Roman froze stiff the second he passed the kitchen entrance only to see Virgil standing there with this bag in hand. "Are you... o-ok?" Roman didn't say anything only resulting in Virgil's worried frown getting worse. The younger sighed as he handing him the bag making Roman's eyes narrowed in confusion not that Virgil could see that with the shades. "I made you some lunch. There's also a muffin in there for breakfast. It's not much but it's something. Patton told us all about the meeting and I just wanted to make sure you didn't forget to eat." 

"Th-Th-Than-n..." Roman cringed at his own voice before just nodding as starting to walk off.

"Uh, Ro?" Roman internally groaned as he turned back around with a brow raised which made Virgil tense up. "I'm sorry." 

"F-F-Fo-or?" Virgil's eyes darkened as he rubbed his arm anxiously. 

"Hurting you. You've gotten so distant. I... I know it was my fault. I'm sorry." Roman could only feel his heart break more as Virgil smiled sadly at him. "I wish you well at your meeting."

"V-Vi-r-rg-g-... F-F-uck-k!" Roman growled at himself as he watched his love disappear. His stutter had gotten so bad, it really was impossible to understand him. He's gone mute for the most part. He couldn't even speak just to say one god damn thing. Roman clenched the papers he hand tightly as he forced himself to turn away and head to the meeting. 

That was when things went bad. 

His nerves were so fucked, he was barely aware for any of it. He didn't understand what the problem even was. He was just sitting there listening to people go off. Worst is... So many of them seemed to dislike how Roman was just 'vanishing'. When in reality he was doing community service in the darkside. People had an issue with Virgil, who they didn't understand was important because they didn't know the role he played. And They all seemed to voice a very LOUD confusion over the twins. Roman was at his witts end. So many time had he forced the topic back to important matters. They had spent hours upon hours talking about things that should have taken only a few.

When he finally got word of her...
He had already been snapped.

Again, he felt he had to reiterate. Roman didn't know what had happened. Not true. He didn't know what had gotten into him. He didn't know why he would have done that. He had spent so long working with Virgil on his pride, he thought he had a handle on things. Turns out when your already broken, you can't just slap some tape and expect yourself not to fall apart worse then before when you plummet.

God, what had he done?

"Roman?" Virgil stood there horror in his eyes as he glared back at him, emotionless and numb. A small girl was at his feet crying when the Anxious one finally showed up, Patton not that far behind. As Patton rushed to help the girl, Virgil found himself completely shaken under the utter emptiness in Roman's eyes. 'Roman, what happened?"

"It is none of your concern, Anxiety." The girl's head shot up as Virgi flinched at Roman's tone. "Go back inside."

"I will not. Not until I know what happened!" Roman just growled as Virgil turned his attention to the girl. "Wait? I know you... don't I?"

"A-Anx?" The girl cried harder as Virgil gently dropped to his knees. "I-I was just..."

"Just harassing everyone that happened to visit the palace." Roman quickly said only making the girl shake her head.

"No, I wasn't. Please? Anx? I wasn't?"

"Melanie... right?" Mel smiled sadly as she nodded and avoided eye contact. "Do you mind telling me why you're here and not at home with your brother, Aaron?"

"He's sick." Virgil's eyes shot wide as Mel started to cry more. "He's sick. He's sick and Momma can't pay all the bill and the medicine. I thought... I thought I would help." Roman's face fell as he suddenly tensed up. "I was just trying to earn some money to help Momma."

"What were you doing?"

"Selling flowers." Virgil's blood turned to ice as he looked over to see Roman staring off into space, hands clenched tightly. "I was selling flowers. I thought the nice people here would like them, but not many wanted any and then..."

"Did you pick the flowers yourself?" Virgil spoke softly not wanting the poor girl to start crying again. Her eyes lit up as she nodded happily and filled with pride.

"I went to that spot you showed us with all the pretty bushes and wildflowers. I picked so many." Virgil's eyes went to her hands to see the dirt still covering them and he had to hold himself back from snapping.  "I had a whole basket full. I was so sure I'd sell them all and help Momma."

"What happened?"

"I didn't..." Roman tried to cut in only to freeze seeing the anger in Virgil's eyes as he shot him back a look. Roman's head was in a flurry. He was steadily coming back to the present, only to realize what had happened. He could see the panic in the girl as she looked over at him. The pain in her eyes. The rage in Virgil's... the sadness in Pattons.

"I won't say. I can't. I don't want to get in trouble." Roman's heart twinged at how the poor girl whined as she spoke. Virgil just smiled at her as he shook his head. 

"You aren't going to get in trouble. You trust me right?" Mel nodded as Virgil brushed her hair back reassuringly. "Then tell me what happened?"

"He took my flowers. All of them. Told me to leave." Roman's face paled as Virgil just stayed there, still smiling, despite how he closed his eyes obviously holding himself back.

"He took your flowers?" She nodded again as she shifted further away from the prince who at this point was just standing there numb to everything. "I'm sure he was going to pay." Roman's head snapped up with this look of confusion as Patton frowned upon hearing that. "He must have just forgotten his wallet. Silly Prince he is. He's always losing things. Don't worry though. I'll pay." The way Virgil's voice growled the last sentence out made Roman's skin crawl. His eyes darted beside him to see the basket tipped over and spilled and he just wanted to go hide away in his room forever. Virgil quickly pulled his own wallet out and handed the girl a large sum of cash making her eyes bug. "What? I have to pay you for the work to. You picked them all yourself. You've earned it. Go take that to your Ma ok?"

"Thank you, Anx!" The girl squealed happily as she ran off leaving the three adults there alone on the steps of the palace and already you could feel the storm about to rip through the very being of Roman's life.


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