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"Are we ready?" Virgil frowned as Roman jumped about giddily. "Is it time? Are we leaving?" Roman giggled as Virgil's eyes narrowed in annoyance. "Is it over? Are we going?"

"WILL YOU KNOCK IT OFF?!" Roman reeled back as Virgil snapped shocking the prince a bit at the tone. Virgil sighed as he took a deep breath trying to collect himself. "I have no idea why you are so... hyper, but can you please calm down?"

"Ok." Roman frowned as he looked around seeing the place nearly empty save for Adam and Alex, and a few other people. He choked back another giggle seeing the boys just sitting there waiting patiently. "But, are we going back?"

"I give up." Virgil groaned as Roman laughed following the younger out of the kitchen. "You just want to get out of those clothes."

"I mean... you aren't wrong." Roman teased as he rolled his eyes. "But, no. There's something more important than my appearance." Virgil froze up on the spot as Roman spun around and just giggled excitedly. "Let's go, Virge. I want to get there before Patton starts to get worried."

"Wait, hold up." Roman quirked a brow as Virgil pointed lazily at him. "You just said there's something more important than your appearance."

"It is." Roman frowned in confusion as Virgil just stood there completely stunned. "What? Is it that shocking that I would say that? Yeah, I take pride in my appearance but... oh. Right, pride." Roman deflated a small bit as he looked over at the boys. "Trust me, Virgil. This is important."

"The last thing I'm going to do is get in your way." Roman smiled softly as he nodded only making Virgil a tad more nervous. "What exactly is it that you're planning?"

"Oh... nothing." Virgil frowned with nerves as Roman smirked. "Just giving a tour and introducing a couple of young princes to a very father-like figure figment."


"Adam? Alex? You two ready?" Virgil crashed as he saw the two twins slowly get up. 

"Uh, Ro?" Virgil's voice caught in his throat as Roman bounded over to the boys with a smile. "R-Ro?"

"Ok, boys. Now, Virge and I are gonna take you over ok? Patton's already over there waiting but you two can change your mind. Are you sure you want to go?" Adam nodded as he smiled over at his more sheepish twin who was huddled a bit behind him.


"Sweet! Let's get going then. Patton's going to flip... happily of course." Virgil was just frozen as Roman started to lead the boys out. That was until they walked out and Virgil snapped out of it. He ran out the door and grabbed Roman's arm suddenly making the prince freeze up. 

"You can't kidnap kids." Roman frowned seeing the panic in the younger's eyes as his grip tightened around his arm. "You can't just whisk kids away. Do you WANT to make people freak?"

"Virgil, they're orphans." Virgil paled as Roman gently pulled his hand from his arm. "I'm not kidnapping. I'm rescuing."

"Princey... You can't just..." Virgil hesitated seeing this sparkle in the other's eyes and he sighed. "What are you planning?"

"I told you. I'm giving a couple of young princes a tour... and introducing them to Patton." Virgil shot the man a very suspicious look as Roman just laughed. "That's all I'm doing."

"Now, why don't I believe that?" Roman just shrugged as he started to turn away only to freeze up completely as Virgil yelled out.

"ROMAN, I SWEAR TO GOD!" The boys both jumped with wide eyes in shock as Roman cringed. He slowly turned back around to see Virgil glaring angrily at him. "If anything happens to those boys."

"What exactly do you think I'm planning?" Roman's face fell as his mind started to spiral. "I know... the rumors but... Come on. Virgil, you must know I'd never... I..." He just shook his head as he forced himself to ignore the other before he ended up accidentally slipping. He turned his focus completely on the boys who honestly looked really scared now. Guess, they didn't exactly completely understand that they were talking to Prince Roman. Great... Just great. Roman slowly crouched down with a soft smile ignoring how Alex flinched behind his brother. "Did you change your mind?" Adam frowned as he looked the prince up and down almost as if trying to read if he could be trusted. "I never said who I was did I? Although I wasn't very stealthy about it either. I said I had a twin, that I was a prince, and that I knew Patton."

"No... you didn't lie. I just..."

"Wasn't expecting me?" Adam nodded as Roman swiftly brushed his hair back with a laugh as he wiped his face with his hand only making the boys giggle since he was just smudging everything.

"Roman, seriously?" Virgil grumbled as he rummaged through his bag for his wipes. Roman just gave the boys a silly look until jumping and whining playfully as Virgil aggressively wiped all the makeup off. "Stop, whining, you big baby."

"Stop trying to tear my face off..." Roman batted Virgil's hands away melting at how the boys broke down in laughter. Virgil froze at the sound glancing over to see they were both red in the face from all the giggles. "Honestly, it's like he's trying to hurt me." Roman stuck his tongue out before hoping up with a spring in his step before bowing as the boys calmed down. "Well, Adam... Alex... If you both still want that tour, I am more than happy to oblige."

"But... You're... and- and we're... why?" Roman smiled sadly as he brushed Adam's blonde hair back.

"I told you. I'm helping a couple of Princes." Roman gently poked Adam's chest making the boy chuckle before he spun around and gestured to follow him. "Royalty deserves the best..."

"Pride..." Roman groaned as he shot Virgil this silly look. 

"It's not prideful if it's true." Virgil rolled his eyes as Roman laughed. "True royalty... the ones with pure hearts that care for others MORE than themself... they deserve the best because they will always GIVE their best." Virgil's face fell as Roman lulled softly. "I saw a couple of royals and I wanted to do something for you."

"But we aren't princes." Alex squeaked out as if afraid Roman would suddenly change on them. "We're just orphans from the dark side."

"Outcasts." Adam muttered sadly making Roman stop short and sigh. "We're not royalty. We don't even have a family."

"Neither did we." The air went cold as Roman choked out slightly under his breath. He glanced back with this understanding look as the boy's eyes filled with confusion. "What? Did you really think I was born a prince? I'm just this nobody kid from the side of the road. Sure I've never had it as bad as you two but... Ray and I... We... We weren't just made like this. If I am a prince... you can be too."

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