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"Oh no." Adam tensed seeing the broken mess of glass on the floor. His eyes darted to Alex who was already crying. They hadn't meant to. Alex was just trying to help Adam and he ended up knocking over the empty vase from the counter. Adam knew Roman would have helped but he was getting swamped again and so the boys didn't want to add to his stress. They knew how much Roman hated snapping and they didn't want to accidentally set him off. They rarely ever see Logan to even know what he would do. He's been researching at his cabin. Then there was dad... Patton. Oh boy... Adam tensed as he tried not to think about what he would do. They've been so careful. They haven't wanted to do anything to get in trouble. After all, they'd seen how he'd put Virgil in time out just for the smallest of things. They didn't want that... 

"Alex no!" Adam yelled out the second he saw Alex go to pick up the glass, but it was too late. Alex cried as he cut his hand on the jagged pieces. Adam was quick to grab some paper towels and press it against his palm while trying to calm his twin down. "It's ok. It's ok. It's..."

"D-Dads-s g-g-gonna be so m-mad-d." Adams eyes darkened as he tried to work through everything. Can't go to Logan, he's not here. Can't go to Roman, this would set him off instantly. Virgil... They'd have to go to Virgil. He's the only one that won't get to mad. "A-d-dam?"

"We're gonna go see Anx, ok?" Alex nodded as his brother held the paper towel tightly against him, slowly leading him to the dark leaders room. They past by Roman and the twins actually had to stop over the wave of emotions that were eminating from it. They're eyes narrowed before Adam quickly shook his head and pulled his brother along. All they knew was Roman was struggling bad. If he didn't some how work through this...

He was going to break.

"A-Ad-dam?" Adam frowned as he pushed Alex's hand over to hold the towels firmly with a short nod.

"It's going to be ok." Adam didn't even get the chance to knock. The door whipped open to reveal Virgil standing there, his hazel blue eyes taking the scene in before he noticed Alex's hand. Virgil quickly pulled them in, running to get the first aid as Adam gently led his brother to the bed. "Anx?"

"Here." Virgil dropped to his knees as he opened the bag and carefully pulled the paper a way so he can clean the cut. He sighed sligthly as he looked up at Alex with a smile. "It's not that bad. Just gonna hurt because of where it is, ok? You're good though." Virgil could sense their fears. He felt it the second it had happened. He didn't think much of it because he could also sense Roman's fear and he didn't want to push. But when he felt it right in front of the door obviously he couldn't just ignore it. He was glad he didn't. "Adam? What happened?"

"Alex was just trying to help me." Adam was tense, his eyes kept darting to the door as if scared someone would come through. "We didn't mean to. Honest."

"Hey, it's ok. Im not mad. I'm just concerned." Virgil carefully pressed some gauze to Alex's hand as he wrapped up so nothing nelse could happen. "Don't move your hand to much, ok, bud?" Alex nodded as he let Virgil turn his attention back to Adam. "Please? What happened?"

"The vase broke." Adam shifted awkwardly as sighed. "We didn't want to bother anyone, especially with how busy Logan been and how stress Roman's gotten. We didn't mean to. Alex had gotten on the counter and the vase fell and broke. When I was trying to figure out what to do... he tried to pick it up and hurt himself." Virgil nodded as he pulled the small boys into a hug.

"Ok. Thanks for telling me. I'll clean the mess up. But next time, please find someone. Trust me when I tell you Roman would be MORE upset over the fact that you got hurt then of you 'bothering' him when he's stressed. You can always come to me. And Patton too..." Adam tensed in his arms as Virgil quickly pulled away sensing his fears. "Why don't you want to go to Patton?"

"I didn't want to make him mad. Virgil... He's so mean to you." Virgil deflated as he shook his head hoping to calm the boy down. "He is. Hes mean to you."

"He's just doing what he thinks he has to to help. He isn't trying to be mean. He doesn't mean it."

"D-Doesn't... Does... Doesn't make it... it r-right." Virgil's eyes darkened as Alex wrapped his little arms around the older. 

"No it doesn't. But it does make his different. His intention isn't to hurt me. He's just trying to parent me is all. He's just... a bit... much about it. It's ok, guys. Why don't we go see Ro?" The boys jumped back with a sad look making Virgil tense up. "What? Did something happen with Roman again?"

"N-No. No, nothing hap... hap-ppened." Alex whispered as Adam just sighed. 

"He's just been really stressed, Anx. We didn't want to make it worse." Adam cut in noticing his brothers anxiety.

"All the more reason for him to take a break. You know how much he dotes on you two." Virgil smiled as he jumped up as gestured for them to follow. "Although, Roman WILL have a comment about your hand Alex."

"I-I-I... kn... know. It's o-ok." Virgil knocked lightly on Roman's door feeling that constant fear fluctuate slightly. It took a lot to keep that smile on his face. He was very worried about his... the prince. He just also knew he couldn't push. Pushing only made the problem worse.

"Wh... Oh, Virgil." Roman opened the door and this light seemed to fill his eyes, even though the rest of him looked tired. "What are you..." His eyes met with the boys, spotting Alex's hand, and his smile fell fast. "What happened?"

"Broken glass." Roman frowned as Virgil nodded softly seeing the concern in his friend. "It's ok. I'm going to go take care of it. I was just wondering if you wanted to hang with this. You know... Operation distraction."

"Yeah. Yeah no... uh... n-no problem." Roman opened his door a little more as he smiled down at the boys. "I-I've got some time t-to... to um... to kill." Virgil's eyes narrowed as Roman hugged himself a bit. "What?"

"Nothing, I just... nevermind forget it. You've got the boys?" Roman nodded as he stepped aside to let the twin in, his eyes following Alex as his fear spiked. "It's ok Roman. I've taken care of it."

"I can... can see that. I just... I was um... wondering how... h-how it... fuck, my stutter." Roman laughed as he ran his hand through his hair. "At this point it's just going to end up coming back. I thought I worked through it when I was younger. What I was trying to say is... I was wondering how it happened."

"I don't know all the details but from what I was told... They didn't want to bother us and accidently broke a vase. After that they were just to scared of getting in trouble." Roman's eyes darkened as he looked back at the boys, allready sitting in the pillow fort. "Ro..."

"Why didn't they come to me? Not that... N-Not that going to you i-is a bad thing. I just... I... Forget it." Virgil chuckled a bit as Roman shook his head. Virgil wouldn't outwardly admit it but hearing Roman studder was actually kind of cute. It made him feel... like he was understood as well. He didn't know when it started or why but it was still kind of adorible to hear. "I'm just glad they're ok. Are we still going to the dark side later?"

"If you want to?"

"I do." Roman smiled as Virgil nodded in response.

"Ok, then. Yeah. After lunch then, we can go."

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