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"ROMAN!" Roman collapsed in on himself gasping out in pain as his whole body seized up on him. Remus was over within seconds helping his twin on the floor with tears in his eyes. "Roman? Bro, what's wrong?"

"I-I d-don't-t... I don't-t..." Roman whined as everything burned in him. This overwhelming panic shot through his veins like lava. He couldn't breathe. He felt sick to his stomach. The panic only twisted in him causing this intense pain to rake through his chest. He was sobbing and that broke Remus's heart all the more.

"JANUS?!" Remus cried out as Roman fell into him clutching his chest tightly as he cried. "Jan-..."

"Remus, what... FUCK, ROMAN!" Janus jumped the second he walked into the door having not heard the original scream either brother made. "What happened?"

"I don't know." Remus whimpered as he tried to hold his brother close. The poor prince was trembling in pain as he clawed at his shirt in agony. Something was wrong. Something had to be wrong. Was it Thomas? No... No, if it was Thomas then everyone would be feeling this. 

"Roman, can you hear me?" Roman tensed, accidentally biting his tongue as his body twitched. Janus's eyes shined with worry as he gently helped Remus lead him to the couch "Roman?"

"S-Something... Som-mething-g i-is wr-rong." Roman choked as he curled up into himself the second he fell onto the couch. "Hurts. It hurt-ts."

"What's wrong, Roman? What hurts?" Roman's eyes slowly met with the others as he smiled sadly through the tears. 

"M-m-my heart-t." Janus and Remus both shot up and shared a look as Roman cried out in pain again. 

"You're heart?" Remus whispered softly as Roman just nodded. "What do you mean..."

"I-I-I d-don't-t kn-now." Janus sighed as he sat down beside the breaking man and just trailed his fingers through Roman's hair. Remus sat down on the other side and leaned against him, neither one caring about the tremors that tore through the prince. "S-S-Som-meth-thing is wr-rong-g... b-but I-I-I don't-t know w-what-t."

"It's ok, Roman. Everything is going to be ok. Just try to breathe."

"C-Can't-t." Janus frowned as Roman gasped and sputtered. "T-To much... T-To much p-pain... p-p-pan-nic." Remus's eyes shot wide as Janus grimaced in concern. "P-Panic.. Pan... Fuck!" Roman whimpered as this look filled his face. "Attack."


"I-I'm..." Roman gestured to his chest as he realized what was happening to him. He whimpered as he clutched Remus's hand in desperation. He's only had a few but they were all bad and this one was no different. "P-P-Pan-nic..." Remus's eyes dulled as he realized what Roman was saying. "... attack."

"You're having a panic attack." Janus paled as Remus whispered the question out only to freak as Roman nodded. "Shit. Janus. Go get the-..."

"I'm on it. You just get him breathing." Remus nodded as the two jumped into action. Roman was hazing out his thoughts just kept pulling him under. He didn't even realize he was being carried off into this room. 

"It's going to be ok, Ro. Just focus on me. Ok?" Roman whimpered as Remus placed him down on this giant bed, this sad look in his eyes. "I know your hurting but we've got you. We won't let anything happen."

"S-S-Scared." Roman whined as he clutched his shirt tightly. His thoughts were spiraling. He wanted Virgil. He needed Virgil. Virgil always helped when things got too much. But Virgil left him... he was alone... completely and totally... "...alone."

"You are not alone, Roman. You have me. You have Jan and I both. You aren't alone." By this point, Roman wasn't breathing at all making his own panic shoot down his spine. He quickly jumped into the bed and started rubbing circles on Roman's back hoping to focus his mind on him a little more. He hummed softly, remembering all those songs he would sing to Roman when they were little. One song, in particular, is the lullaby that their mother used to sing. As the lullaby filled the air Remus smiled, with tears streaming down his face, as Roman gave a choked and strained breath. It wasn't much but it was a breath and that was a great start. "Yes. Good... there you go, Roman. Keep going. Keep breathing." Remus whispered before continuing the lullaby. Roman gently leaned against him, practically trying to hide himself away as Janus walked in with several blankets trailing behind him. "Jan?"

"You just stay with him. Don't worry about helping. I'll take care of it this time." Remus gave the snake a very grateful smile as he hugged Roman close and once again started to sing the lullaby. Roman let out a soft breath as the song restarted making Remus smile more. "I'll be right back. We're going to need more blankets."

"I moved his to the storage room by the washer." Janus's eyes widened as Remus frowned. "I couldn't deal with seeing it all the time but... His blankets and pillows should all be there."

"We sure we want to use them. What about Ro..."

"Grab the weighted one and the pillow that smells like lilacs. Trust me... Roman's going to need them." Janus nodded as he left the room again. Remus just sighed as he held his brother close noticing how Roman smiled a bit. 

"L-L-Lil-lacs?" Remus paled as Roman hummed in thought.

"Thos-se a-are V-Virgi-il favor-rite." Remus nodded as Roman laughed a bit. "Y-You're g-getting h-his s-stuff-f a-aren't you."

"They help him with his attacks. I'm sure they'll help you too." Roman only nodded as he let his eyes close with a sigh. "Ro?"

"C-Can you s-s-sing a-again?" Roman whispered softly making Remus falter for a sec. "M-Mom's lullab-b-by. I-It helped."

"Of course, Ro. And then after Jan gets back we can all cuddle in a blanket fort." Roman smiled happily as the sound of Remus humming again filled the air.

"Thank you." Roman lulled softly as he let the sound of his brothers singing slowly bring him to sleep.

"Is he sleeping?" Remus nodded as Janus walked in again with everything they needed. "That was a bad one."

"You're telling me. I haven't even seen Virgil have on this bad in a long while." Janus tensed as the two shared a look. "You don't think..."

"Virgil gave him that attack?" Remus nodded as Janus sighed sadly. "Honestly, Remus... I wouldn't be surprised. Patton and I... We have this thing where we feed each other our emotions. I wouldn't put it past them that they'd have the same thing."

"So if Roman had this attack out of nowhere..."

"It would make sense that it was Virgil's attack." Remus groaned in annoyance as Janus confirmed his thoughts. "And with how bad Roman's been feeling... He's been really sick. Remus, I'm worried."

"There's nothing we can do about it. We just have to hope that the others will help Virgil." Remus's eyes darkened as he held his brother closer. "We need to focus on Roman. At least until he decides what he wants to do." Remus turned to look at all the blankets and smiled. "So pillow fort?"

"Pillow fort."

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