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Roman stood there staring at the border and he frowned. He could feel his anxiety already picking up. It took everything he had to remain standing there. He wasn't even in his usual outfit. Obviously, he mouthed to himself, he needed to be disguised. The problem was all this anxiety, unsurity, and now not even wearing the prince uniform, his thoughts were starting to get to him a bit.

"Hey, Princey." Roman jumped a bit as he looked over to see Virgil there with this messenger bag around his shoulder. Roman's eyes narrowed in confusion as Virgil just smiled anxiously up at him. "You actually came. I'm not gonna lie... I'm a bit surprised."

"I was the one that wanted this." Virgil frowned slightly as he shrugged and rubbed his arm.

"I thought you would change your mind." Roman faltered a bit as Virgil quickly dug through his bag. "You look way to... you." Roman tensed up bad as Virgil grabbed a brush and started to brush out his hair making some of it fall in his face.

"You said I didn't have to do anything but just show up in something that wasn't... Princey." Virgil smirked as he shoved the brush back into the bag pulling out some wipes instead.

"Yeah, well I wasn't expecting you to still be so dolled up." Virgil giggled as Roman cringed slightly.

"I... I couldn't... I couldn't help it." Virgil rolled his eyes playfully as he went to wipe Roman's face only to jump as Roman grabbed his wrist suddenly. "Uh..." Roman frowned as he looked between the wipe and Virgil with this anxious look before letting out a shaky breath and taking the wipe himself. Virgil just frowned in concern as Roman literally glared at the flimsy piece of wet cloth before wiping the small amount of makeup he did have on off. "If I end up looking like a train wreck like you I swear..." Roman froze up hand over his mouth as Virgil shot him this look. "I'm sorry."

"If you can't even do this then what's the point in any of this?" Roman flinched seeing the anger in the other's eyes and he just deflated. 

"I didn't mean it." Virgil just crossed his arms as Roman groaned. "Seriously, Virgil. I'm sorry. Sometimes... Sometimes, I slip. I don't mean to but I do. I'm already having a bit of a hard time. Just... I'm trying, Virgil."

"Then stand still and let me do what I need to." Roman nodded as he tensed up with anxiety the moment the younger pulled out a small makeup bag. Roman didn't even want to open his eyes. He knew by now that Virgil was done. He had redone foundation and contour and all that. How he had Roman's tone, the prince really didn't want to ask. To be honest he just assumed Virgil 'borrowed' Roman's make up for this reason. Roman frowned slightly as he opened his eyes to find a small handheld mirror and his eyes went wide. He grabbed the mirror and laughed at himself. It actually looked good. It wasn't anything he would normally do what with the dark colors and stuff but it did look good on him. "So... Do you look like a train wreck?" And the good feeling was gone.

"No." Roman smiled awkwardly as he handed the mirror back. "I also don't look like me... which is a good thing... despite what... my head keeps telling me." Roman muttered the last part but Virgil still heard it and he narrowed his eyes. Roman bit his lip trying really hard to ignore his thoughts as he just stared into the darkside. He had to do this. He had to. He wasn't caring for his people like he was supposed to. He was letting them down. He's only proving to everyone that he isn't meant for this job if he can't even... "Actually, why don't we just forget about this?" Virgil's frown only grew as this intense fear burned through him. He knew it was Roman's, he could tell. He just didn't know where it came from. "I don't see a point in sullying myself with all that filth and taint. I'm just going to go back. I'm a prince. I don't need to..." Roman's eyes met with Virgil's and he crashed completely. "I did it again, didn't I?"

"So we're filth now?" Roman cringed as Virgil just rolled his eyes as he shook his head. "Filth that would only taint your porcelain Disney perfection."

"Shit... Virgil, I..."

"Look, Roman... I don't want to hear how you're 'sorry'." Roman's heart broke as Virgil just shrugged. "If you don't want to do this then don't. These people... this filth as you called it... They're mine to protect. I'm not just some figurehead as you always try to shove in my face." It seemed with every word Roman flinched clenching his fists tightly to help keep him stable. "The Darksiders are MY people. I'm not going to just let you go in there and fuck everything up more. I thought you wanted to help."

"I do!"

"Yet you just..." 

"Virgil, please." Virgil froze at the crack in Roman's voice only now noticing just how strong Roman's fear was. "I... I don't just want to, Virgil. I have to. I have to learn just what my pride has caused." Virgil's face softened seeing the tears building in the prince. "I don't mean this shit. I... I really don't mean to. I told you. I can slip. This is the longest I've been where my pride hasn't been at the forefront since Remus le-..." Roman cut himself of as he sighed and shook his head. "The point is... I slipped. I was afraid and tried to back out. I'm sorry. Don't... Don't let me back out."

"Why are you so adamant about this?" Roman smiled sadly as he hugged himself a bit.

"I'm a prince, Virgil. We're partners but... That doesn't mean that you're the only one who's supposed to care about them. I AM A PRINCE. I am THE prince. You were right." Virgil just stood there in shock as Roman stared back into the dark side. "They're my people too and I've been letting them down."

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