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"Virgil, I know you're in pain, but... I just want you to know I'm here for you if you need me to be." Virgil's eyes narrowed as Patton rubbed his back supportively. "I know it might not mean much considering how all this stuff with us started out but... I do care for you."

"I know, Dad." Patton smiled as Virgil finally looked over at him. "I'm trying. I'm trying to go on with my day. I'm trying to have hope but being the literal figment of fear tends to make things appear their worst. I have all these thoughts thrumming through my head of everything that could happen and all it is all shades of wrong. I want him to come back."

"I know. I do too. He's my son. I love him but... Roman left for a reason. I'm just holding on to the hope that it was to breathe and that he'll be back."

"I don't think he will be." Patton faltered over just how serious Virgil's tone was about it all. "I think he left for good. I just wish I knew to where."

"Kiddo, even with all the things and quirks we deal with... I don't Roman would ever be able to leave those he cares about. We're his family."

"I'm not..."

"Now, hang on a second." Patton quickly shot back in cutting Virgil off before anything else could be said. "Roman cares for you so very much. I know for a fact that he does. Don't you dare think that you don't matter to him."


"No, you listen to me when I say this... I know I can be tough. I'm not good when it comes to pulling back the reigns. I'm not smart, not to the level of Logan. I'm not good under pressure or know how to handle fear. I'm certainly not cut out to be in ANY leadership position, which was why I passed it to Roman so soon. I'm not good at many things... but there is one thing I will ALWAYS understand... and this is emotions. Roman cares for you. He cares for all of us. I know it might not seem like it right now but he left for a reason." Patton sighed as he gently played with Virgil's hair hoping it helped to calm them both down. "Roman would never abandon those he loves. It's just not in his nature."

"I never said he would, Pat. I said he left because of me and he wasn't coming back." Patton frowned as Virgil started to cry again. "I wasn't afraid of him abandoning us... abandoning me. HE was the one afraid of being abandoned. HE was the one terrified of me leaving. I know he cared about me. We were friends... I... I hope we had gotten to best friends at least. I fell in love with him. But none of that matters when I told him to his face I was done." Virgil shook his head as he withdrew into himself again. "None of that matters if Roman believes he was abandoned again... and that will always be my fault. If Roman never comes back... that's on me."


"You should go, Dad. I'm still not well and I just want to sleep some more." Patton nodded as he forced himself to get up and leave noting just how dark the energy of the room was as he left. The whole house radiated sadness but Virgil's room specifically felt as if death greeted you at the door and it broke his heart. He slowly made his way to Roman's room as the twins said they were never leaving it until their brother came back. Unfortunately, he didn't see them. It took everything in him not to panic when he couldn't find them. He didn't want his panic adding to Virgil's problems. By the time he noticed their coats were gone he was stressed and repetitively doing breathing exercises. He had an idea why the twins would have left but that in no way meant he was ok with it. He knew they would be safe as they lived on their own for so long but he was still concerned. He had to find them.

"Adopted brother." Adam replied as his eyes finally met with those green ones. Mel's eyes went wide as Adam's narrowed. "We were adopted by Patton, Mel. We're here to talk to Roman." Roman stumbled back in shocking knocking over the ladder making a loud clang as he just froze up completely. Everyone glanced over at him only making his anxiety worse as Adam quickly ran over to help. "Roman?" The look of fear in Roman's dazed eyes as he stepped away from the small boy actually surprised Adam a bit. Mel and Alex shared a look before running over to the two just as worried. "Rom-..."

"W-W-Wha-at... What a-a-ar-re you... Ah!" Roman choked a bit as he shook his head not wanting to talk but knowing the kids wouldn't know how to talk to him otherwise. "G-Go A-away."

"Roman." Adam glared at the prince as Roman flinched and looked away. The boy's eyes softened as he gently took Roman's hand leading over to the bench with a frown. "Ro? Are you ok?" When Roman didn't respond Alex whined quietly before jumping up into Roman's lap making the prince gasp.

"Alex, be careful!" Roman managed to catch the kid in time only to hesitate as Alex cried into his chest. His eyes darted around the kids only to land on Adams to see the tears growing in his too. "W-What's-s wrong?"

"You left us." Roman frowned as he looked down to see Alex clinging to him. "You left. You didn't say bye or any... an-anyth-thing." Alex's tears soaked into Roman's shirt breaking his heart even more. "Everyones so sad."

"Sad o-or not i-it's better." The kids all froze as Roman just sighed sadly. "It's better I'm not there. I only cause problems. W-What-t h-happened-d with M-M-Mel is p-proof. I-I shouldn't-t b-be there."

"Roman, we all miss you." Roman gently pushed Alex off of him who slowly went over to hide behind Adam with a very sad look. "You need to come back. Anxiety, he..."

"Doesn't want me there." Adam's eyes shot wide as Roman glared at the grass. "H-He H-Hates m-me. It's bet... bet... It's... I j-just c-can't g-go back. I-I'm sorry. I just..." Roman gasped as he curled into himself clutching his chest. The pain suddenly rockets making him cry and scare the poor kids.

"ROMAN?!" The kids all yelled out catching several adult's attention. Jake and Carol both rushed overseeing the prince in so much pain but Adam was already trying to figure it out. He had seen both Virgil and Patton rush to someone's aid many times. "Roman, what's wrong? What's happening?" Roman just whimpered as his grip on his shirt only tightened. "Can you talk or..." Adam just froze in a panic seeing how Roman shook his head. Can't talk... Adam tensed as he glanced around noticing the two adults running for them. He gently placed a hand over Roman's breaking slightly as the prince took his hand in his and cried. "Ro, it's going to be ok."

"Hurts..." Roman finally managed to choke out a word as he moved Adams hand over his heart to feel just how fast it was beating. "S-Someth-thing i-is wrong." 

"Do you know what it is?" Roman shook his head as his thoughts flurried around him. "What exactly does it feel like or do you not know that either." Roman's eyes widened suddenly just as the two other adults finally joined them. No... Three other adults. Patton had managed to arrive just as the boys yelled out. Patton sunk to his knees, hand-pressed gently to the princes back as the other two stood there supportively in case they were needed.

"Kiddo? What's going on?" Patton didn't bother to bring up his absence. He could feel Roman was in immense emotional pain and being who he was... Roman's pain tended to become physical if it was strong enough. It's how they all were as figments. It's how they tended to get sick. That's why he was so worried about Virgil and his heartbreak. 

"Heartbreak." Patton sat there stunned as Roman glanced over at him with a confused frown. "I-I don't... I-I don't u-under..." He whined again as he just curled up into himself. 'I need to go home.' Adam went to say something but Patton quickly shook his head as Carol jumped over to help Roman stand up. 

"Roman, lean on me. I'll help you walk. Jake, you call Remus and let him know something happened. Then call Deceit about us taking him home." Carol was quick to give out orders as Patton just stood in the background letting it happen. He knew. When Roman had signed that Patton could feel it in his heart he wasn't talking about the mind palace.

"On it." Jake was already walking off to talk with the two over the phone as Patton gently tapped Carol on the shoulder.

"Do you need me to stay and help with the fundraiser?"

"Please, D-Dad?" Roman spoke so softly as Patton smiled and nodded. "I-I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You just go rest. I know for a fact that if anything happened to you Virgil's heart would shatter." Roman's eyes darkened as he laughed and shook his head. "Roman, you know he..."

"D-Don't-t l-lie t-to me, Patton." Roman grimaced as he refused to look the father figment in the eyes. "V-Virgil hates m-me."

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