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"Roman, are you sure about this?" Remus's voice gave away just how anxious he was about this entire plan but Roman just nodded as he opened the daycare door letting his brother walk through first. "But why?! What are we even doing here?"

'Volunteering.' It was the only thing Roman signed as he practically skipped up to the desk only to hesitate as he remembered he wasn't in disguise this time. 

"Hello. Is there any-..." Roman smiled sheepishly as the secretary froze upon seeing him, the horror in her eyes. Remus growled behind his brother only making Roman sigh sadly. "P-Prince..."

'Hello, Ash.' Roman smiled a little brighter as he waved anxiously. 'How are you this morning?' Ashley frowned just watching as Roman signed, her eyes narrowing in confusion. 'Ash?'

"Roman, I don't think she...."

"Ro?" Roman beamed as Ash suddenly perked up making Remus falter. Her eyes went wide as Roman nodded. "I don't... I don't understand."

'I didn't have Virgil to do my make up today so...' He gestured to himself with a sad shrug. 'Still... You guys are understaffed so much... I figured I would volunteer again. I brought Remus...' Roman frowned as he looked back at his brother only to chuckled a bit. 'Though he would be better with the older kids. Sorry I couldn't drag Virgil here with me again. Or well, he dragged me here.'

"I'm... I'm sorry. I'm still reeling over you being..." Roman's eyes darkened as he stepped back suddenly trying to fix himself up only for Remus to stop him by placing a hand on his shoulder. The two brothers just shared a look as Remus shook his head and Roman smiled sadly with a short nod.

"Roman's going to be staying with Deceit and I for the time being. I hope him being here won't be a problem."

"Of course not!" Remus froze up as Roman's eyes shot wide in shock. Ash was literally glowing with joy. "You don't understand. I just didn't realize it was him. Ro's amazing with the kids. He and Virgil helped so much. The little ones absolutely love him!"

'Wait, what?' Ash chuckled softly as she rolled her eyes.

"You'll have to forgive my earlier reaction. With all the rumors it's hard to not get a little worried. However... I know the kind of man Ro is. I know how he is with the kids. Knowing Prince Roman IS Ro... It makes those rumors seem HIGHLY far fetched if I'm being honest. All the time Ro's spent here caring for the little ones with Anx..." Remus just stared over at his brother as Roman giggled lightly. "I just wasn't expecting this."

'I'm just glad I can help.' Roman smiled as he nodded to accentuate what he was signing. 'The kids deserve it, you know?'

"How often have you been over here, Roman?" 

'Virgil had us volunteering... every month at the least with new things. We came here at least once a week. Sometimes more if we had the time. Why?' Remus was honestly stunned. He just quickly shook his head seeing the anxiety building in his brother's eyes.

"I just didn't know. I'm surprised I didn't even sense you here." Roman's eyes widened as he laughed.

'Oh. Right. Sorry, I guess I should have told you. I just... I was with Virgil so I wasn't really thinking about letting Deceit know. Plus...' Roman hesitated slightly before scuffing his foot lightly as he laughed. 'I liked volunteering. I asked Virgil to show me ways I could help. I didn't want people knowing it was me and something bad happening because of it.'

"Well, uh..." Ash smiled as she drew the brother's attention in with a small chuckled. "Are you here to volunteer today? We could use the help, Ro. Lauren called in so we only have Madison today and some of the older kids haven't been coming lately, choosing to help at home more..."

'OF COURSE!'  Roman just with a bright beaming grin. 'I'd love to help out with the little ones. You know just how much I love hanging out with them. They're little bundles of hyper joy!'

"Well alright then." Ash led the two back through the halls into one of the larger rooms that held the younger group of kids. The second the door opened up the eldest of the group, Eric and Noel, instantly jumped up and squealed. They were both about 4 years old.

"RO!" They both yelled out as they took off running scaring the crap out of Madison who paled in horror the second she spotted the prince. Roman dropped to his knees letting the two toddlers slam into him with happy giggles, before easily picking them up. "Ro! Ros here!"

"Y-Yep. H-How's m-my favorite r-royals?" The two just giggled as Eric poked his cheek lightly.

"Ro look dipperant." Roman laughed as he nodded as walked further inside letting Ash and Remus follow him in. "Why?"

"R-Ro did-dn't-t have A-Anx. M-Mag-gic M-Makeup-p M-man went poof so..." Roman shrugged making the little ones laugh some more. He gently set them down letting the run back over to the crafts table before meeting with Madison's slight glare. "H-Hello M-Mad-ddi."

"I'm confused." It was all the brunette said as Roman smiled sadly in understanding. She looked over at the blonde, making Ash sigh and cross her arms.

"Maddi it's Ro." Maddi's glare only got worse making Roman whine anxiously. Roman glanced back at the door before tensing up at all the giggles around him. He really did love being here. He just didn't realize just how hard it would be without Virgil. "Maddi..."

"Last time I checked the Prince of Pride doesn't slum it with a bunch of darker children."

"HEY!" Roman was fast to hold out his arm stopping Remus who just growled under his breath. Roman only nodded as he took a deep breath. After all, Madison didn't know sign, that meant Roman had to actually speak with her.

"I-It's o-ok, Maddi." Madison tensed badly as Roman stepped forward a bit. "Y-You'r-re just-t pro... pro... caring f-for the k-kids."

"Your damn right I'm protecting the-... Wait." Madison frowned as Roman stuffed his hands into his pants pockets avoiding her eyes. "Prince Roman doesn't stutter. I've never heard about the Prince stuttering."

"I used to st-t-tut-t-ter a-all the t-t-time." Roman cringed at how hard that one line was to get out. "I j-just g-got-t bet-t-ter." God he really wished Maddi knew sign. He hated talking so much. "It's really m-me, M-maddi. I-I promise."

"You mean to tell me... the man that's volunteered he more times than ANYONE else beside Anxiety is LITERALLY the very prince everyone thought wouldn't step foot over the border? The very prince everyone thought hated us... The rumors don't exactly paint you as the most... warming of people that's for damn sure." Roman flinched quite violently making Remus catch him to try and calm him down. Roman panted silently as tried to ignore how bad his anxiety was. Maddi's eyes widened seeing the pain in the man and everything just crashed. "Oh, shoot Ro! I didn't mean to..."

"I-I-It's-s f-fine. I-I-I kn-now the r-rumor-rs. I d-don't mean-n to b-be... t-to b-be... to..." Roman's voice trailed to a whine as he closed off unable to talk as his anxiety burned too much. He looked away as he focused on his breathing and Remus sighed. 'I just want to help.'

"What did he say?" Madison asked, eyes wide with worry, as Ash smiled sadly placing a soft supportive hand to the princes back.

"We can always use the help. You know this." Ash spoke softly as she shifted enough to catch Roman's attention. "You don't have to worry. You're welcome whenever you want, Ro."

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