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Roman never left his room after that. Patton went to talk with him but the door was locked. After that, he was just so focused on the boys he wasn't able to do much for the Prince. Logan was off at his hideout so he wasn't even aware of the situation. Roman stayed locked up in his room for a little less than a week. Virgil was... not doing so well. 

Virgil was currently in his room just staring at the wall as he tried to sift through what he was feeling. There was this haze about the mind palace... so thick it was hard to wade through. It fogged your vision with like a blizzard. A full-blown white-out but... black as tar instead.

He could feel this... pull. It was dark and deep... painful really. As if the very thought of looking in a mirror would break him to pieces. It made his skin crawl... and he knew exactly where it was coming from.

"Roman?" Virgil gently knocked on the door feeling the intense fear and pain just radiating from the room. "Roman, I know you're in there. You haven't left it since..."

"Go away, Virgil." Virgil's eyes went wide hearing how shaky and uneven the prince's voice was. He didn't even think about it when he tried to open the door. "Virgil, It's locked... Just go aw..." Roman jumped as the door finally opened, shocking him completely as Virgil just stood there with this serious look in his eyes. "How did you..."

"Remus taught me a few tricks." Virgil said as he stuffed this small kit back into his wallet before putting it in his inner hoodie pocket. 

"Go away... please?" Virgil frowned as he looked over to see the prince just huddled up in bed, a large midnight ruby comforter wrapped around him as he just sat there with tears in his emerald eyes. "Please, Virgil?"

"No can do, Princey. You're scared and I can feel it." Roman flinched as he hugged the blanket around him more and just looked away. "Come on, Roman. You can't just lock yourself away."

"You cannot tell me what to do, Virgil. You're nothing. So just get the fuck out of my room!" Virgil faltered as Roman glared over at him with this burning gaze. Virgil didn't move. He just latched on to what he knew the prince was feeling and sighed sadly. "Whatever you think you can do to 'help' me is meaningless. You're nothing but a dark side. Weak... pathetic. I'm a damn prince so just leave. You're stinking up the place."

"And you're lashing out." Roman groaned as he rolled his eyes but made no physical attempt to make the other leave. Instead, he just watched as Virgil closed the door behind him and made his way over to the bed. The second Virgil touched the mattress he had to pause for a second hearing the growl from the other.

"I don't need you tainting my things with your... dark emo aura. Fuck off." Virgil simply ignored him as he jumped up onto the bed and smirked as he crossed his legs. Roman's eyes narrowed instantly glancing up at the other who didn't say a word. Virgil could see how Roman went from frightened to aggressive just like that. He also noticed the moment he was on the bed Roman seemed to just crash and curl into himself, once again far more frightened than anything else. "You didn't leave."

"That wouldn't have helped you."

"Why do you even want to help?" Virgil's eyes darkened as Roman deflated, his comforter falling slightly off his shoulders as he just stared at the bed. 

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Do I even need to answer that?" Virgil nodded highly concerned for the prince as Roman tensed slightly. "Fine then... Let's start with the fact that I locked you up, treated you like shit, gave you all these rules to pretty much dull you out, and that's not even mentioning the fact that I completely and totally abandoned the ENTIRE dark side to the hell they are now forced to call life because I... I'm not..." Virgil could see the panic in the prince as he shivered and just laughed at himself. "I'm no prince."


"I am no prince. And not even my pride can try to cover that up. I'm not and that's just fact. I'm not meant for this job. I'm not good enough for it. I don't..."

"ROMAN!" Roman snapped up eyes wide as Virgil took his hands in his. Virgil took a deep breath as he glanced over at the door before quickly getting up and walking over to it. Virgil hesitated only slightly feeling the sudden panic in the prince who tensed up thinking that Virgil was about to just leave him after all. Virgil frowned as he locked the door and looked back to see how broken the prince seemed. 

"You... You aren't leaving?" Virgil just shook his head as he got back onto the bed, this time sitting beside the prince who just stared at the door. "I... I thought you would."

"Leaving you like this wouldn't do anyone any good. Especially not you." Roman crashed as he looked over to see Virgil smiling sadly. "I'm not leaving you like this. Ignoring it when something is clearly hurting you... is no different than being the cause of the pain."


"We're partners, Roman." Roman's eyes widened a slight bit as Virgil nodded reassuringly. "We don't just work together in supporting Thomas... we also support each other so... Talk to me."

"I can't." Virgil smiled sadly as Roman teared up and shuddered. "I can't. I just... I don't want... I'm supposed to be the prince, Virgil. I'm supposed to be and I'm not. I'm afraid."

"I know. It's ok."

"No, it's not!" Roman tensed as he curled up into himself and choked back a sob. "It's not ok. I'm supposed to be the perfect prince. I'm supposed to be THE prince. I can't... not be. I'm scared... Virgil... I'm scared that people are finally going to see just how much I'm not."

"Roman..." Virgil stopped himself for a second deciding it better to not say anything to 'comforting' right off the bat without truly knowing what was wrong. "Roman, talk to me."

"No. I... I can't... I..." Roman met Virgil's eyes and he froze up under the supportive look the other was giving him. "Why didn't you leave?" Virgil frowned as Roman's tears fell even harder. "I'm a mess. A complete mess. I even snapped at you. Why... Why are you still here?"

"I want to help. I want you to talk to me."

"But why, Virgil?" Virgil only smiled as Roman struggled just to breathe. "Why are you so adamant?"

"Because I care."

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