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"Wait so... I'm confused." Logan chuckled softly as he passed a can of cola over to the younger. "What is the meaning of this?"

"In all honesty... I wanted to get to know you." Virgil frowned as he sat down on the small couch watching as the logical side loosened his tie a bit. "And... for you to get to know me. I'm not as... stuffy as I portray myself to be. I'm not as robotic. In fact the only person out of the three of us who is like we portray ourselves would be Roman... again, it's only because of his pride though. If you were to see him as himself and not as pride you wouldn't even recognize him."

"You seem to be very adamant that Roman isn't as... bitchy as he's been with me." Logan's eyes darkened as he sighed and leaned against the end table.

"That's because he isn't. Virgil... Roman is a prince character, but he is in charge of all of Thomas's pride and confidence. Most of it should have gone to Remus but... Their split wasn't even and... Roman got saddled with more than he can handle." Virgil's frown only grew as he sipped his cola in silence. "Roman, himself, is very... childish in nature. He's much like Patton in a way. He's supposed to be Thomas's hopes, dreams, passion, and creativity. Remus was supposed to be his spontaneity, randomness, and pride."

"That doesn't give him the right to be a dick."

"No, it doesn't... but if you were to ask pride if he felt himself disrespectful, he would say no." Virgil's eyes narrowed as Logan just smiled. "If you were to ask Roman if he felt that your 'punishment' was justified, he would say no."

"Wait... what?"

"When pride is in the way, Roman cannot see what it is he is doing wrong." Virgil nodded in understanding, seeing how serious Logan's expression was. "Roman honestly feels that he's doing the best he can and that if something happens it was not because of him. He still tries to do what he feels is best for his people, however his pride will blind him to the reality and make him see these choices as right when... they may not be. It's not Roman's fault. In all honesty, it's ours." Virgil's eyes snapped up as Logan shrugged. "By ignoring the emotional issues that we all face I am thus turning the other cheek. I could have helped Roman many times over yet I haven't... and I probably won't. I've grown with this mentality that I must hide my emotions and keep myself away from them. And even though I know that isn't good, I can't seem to change it. Patton... he tries to help Roman. He does his best but he's struggling to and he just doesn't know what to do. We've isolated ourselves emotionally, mentally... None of us know how to help the other."

"Yet you want to 'help' me." Logan just laughed as he shook his head.

"I truthfully believe Roman's intentions in persuading Patton into teaching you was not in fact to teach you anything. I do not believe there is anything that we can teach you." Virgil tensed slightly as Logan smirked, his gaze off at nothing. "Pride is very narcissistic and ignorant... brainless but... Roman himself is exceedingly intelligent in his own right. I will... NEVER... tell him that to his face for obvious reasons lest I boost his pride but... Roman is smart. He would never willingly let a darksider, to whom pride sees as evil, into the castle for even a second if he hadn't thought things through enough to believe it beneficial. Roman's reasoning just could not be to teach you a thing. I'm sure of it. I know him well enough to know how his brain works."

"I insulted him. I pissed him off... hurt his pride. He didn't want to teach me. He wanted to punish me." 

"Perhaps." Logan muttered as he sipped his own drink before smiling. "Oh, I can guarantee your punishment in the cells was over his pride that's for sure but... his deal with Patton was solely Roman. I feel as though maybe... instead of Patton teaching you... you should attempt to teach us." Virgil's eyes went wide as Logan nodded softly. "You've already given me quite the earful and I won't say that I'll be as open to hearing it as I was these past two times, but I will acknowledge that we need help... help that you can provide us. You just have to work with us."

"And how exactly am I supposed to do that?" Virgil groaned with an attitude as he placed his now empty can on the table. 

"By getting to know us and our quirks. Roman especially... You'll never get through to him if you can't differentiate what is him and what is Pride. It won't be easy but there are tells. There are tells with all of us. I really do hope you'll get to see the real Roman. You two are supposed to be partners. It will make it all easier if you did see him. I do not like how much Pride has been around. Anyway..." Logan groaned as he pushed himself up and fixed his tie. "We should start heading back. I'm certain Patton already knows you are gone so... I'd prepare for a very angry Roman... or well pride mainly. Are you ready?"

"Uh... wait..." Virgil frowned as he tried to sift through his thoughts. "We never really got to talk much just... about Roman mostly."

"That is true but I don't expect this to be our last meeting. You are welcome to come here at any time. You don't even need a guide. That rule is honestly ridiculous if you ask me." Virgil chuckled as he slowly got to his feet and Logan smiled seeing the man relax a bit in his presence. "We really should get going though. Shall we?"

"Whatever you say, Lo-train." Logan quirked a brow slightly as Virgil laughed. "Sorry. I, uh... I have a habit of giving out nicknames. Don't really know why, I just do."

"Roman has the same habit." Virgil's eyes narrowed as Logan shrugged. "That's usually another sign with him. Pride's nicknames tend to be very hurtful. Let's get back before Roman has a fit."

"I have one last question." Virgil mumbled as they started back for the castle. "Why do you keep referring to Roman's pride as a separate person?" Logan frowned as he looked away and just sighed.

"Because it might as well be. Roman isn't himself when his pride takes over. Even he, himself, doesn't like who he becomes in certain situations. It's just easier for us to remember the prince underneath it when we call it that. Roman doesn't like his pride." Logan shook his head as he let the silence form around them. "It helps us all to imagine it as something separate from him."

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