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"I am not..." Roman clammed up as he took a deep breath and sighed forcing himself to keep calm. "I am not... surprised." He forced the words through his teeth praying to god Patton never found out he just lied to a little girl. The girl just started to cry scaring the prince as he tried to calm her down. "Hey, now... what's wrong?"

"Mama said not to say anything bad about him. I just called him a monster. He's going to find out..." Roman crashed with guilt and awkward tension as the girl sobbed. "He's going to find out and he's going to take me away. He'll lock me up or..."

"I don't think Anxiety or even... Deceit or Remus, would ever let someone do that to you." The girl just shook as Roman frowned entirely unsure of what to do or say. "Uh... besides. You said Anxiety told you he isn't like that right? So... Why don't you believe him? Ok? The prince isn't going to do anything I can promise that. Plus... You didn't say anything anyway. You didn't call him a monster. You were just explaining that others, no one specifically..." mainly because it's literally everyone. "...thought of him as such. Not that you did. You'll be fine."

"You promise."

"Uh... yeah." Roman was beyond tense. "Why don't you and your friend keep on looking for Anxiety and I'll help by... looking elsewhere. If I see him... I'll let him know. Ok?"

"Ok, thank you, mister." Roman just stood there watching as the kids all took off and he... well, he really didn't know what happened. He felt off... bad. He didn't understand why people would think so horrifically about him. He was a prince. His job was to his people. Everything he did was to help his people. He thought he was doing the best at his job, but Virgil had been the first to put a stake through it with everything he had said to him. Maybe that was why he had done what he did? Patton was right, there was another reason for Roman wanting Virgil there but... he didn't really understand it much himself. It was as if he wanted to know what the other thought of him and what he was doing to make him treat him in such a way, but at the same time he truly felt as though he never did a single thing wrong to warrant such horrible thoughts about him. It didn't matter much now. He got what he wanted and he really should get home before...

"Roman?" Roman froze up as his eyes met with those familiar green. Even in the disguise he was in... He couldn't fool Deceit... Or Remus. Remus's eyes narrowed as Roman just fixed his cloak and started to leave. "Roman, what the fuck... ROMAN!" Roman almost made it back out only for a hand to stop him. He whipped around about to hit the person who had grabbed him only to stop seeing the tears in his brother's eyes. "What are you doing here? And why do you look like that?"

"I was just... getting answers. Now... Let go or else..."

"Do you know where Anxiety is?" Roman tensed up as Remus just stepped back with a laugh. "You do, don't you? You know exactly where he is! That's why you're here isn't it?"


"Where the fuck is, Virgil?!" Roman crashed as he looked behind him making Remus freeze up in realization. "Virgil's over there... ON THE LIGHT SIDE?! I swear to god if you've hurt him..."

"You'll what, Remus?" Remus frowned as Roman pulled his hood down with a glare. "You left. You chose to be over here 'because you couldn't handle my rules'. You made the decision to join Deceit."

"You made living over there IMPOSSIBLE!" Roman rolled his eyes as Remus laughed. "I couldn't talk. I couldn't do my job. My job is specifically to provide Thomas with spontaneity, randomness, fun... Damn it. I'm the one that's supposed to help him let loose. As well as help him to get through the day despite the pure shit fest around him. Sure my 'thoughts' aren't rainbows and unicorns but I do have a purpose and you NEVER let me do it."

"You made the choice to leave."

"Yes, I did. I chose to leave your overbearing, cruel, and unreasonable demands behind. You're supposed to be the good guys Roman... so why is Anxiety the one with Thomas's empathy? Why is Deceit the one with Thomas's self-interest and self-preservation? WHY AM I THE ONE DOING YOUR FUCKING JOB?!"

"Fuck you."

"Sorry. I don't do incest." Roman growled as he spun around and stormed off leaving Remus to yell after him. "If anything, ANYTHING happens to that kid, Roman... YOU BEST BELIEVE WE WILL ALL FUCKING DESTROY YOU!"

"Get up!" Roman yelled out as he kicked the cot Virgil was laying on. Virgil simply flipped him off making Roman angrier. "I said get up... Anxiety!"

"What?" Virgil jumped up in shock as Roman just glared at him. "Wait... Why is your hair..."

"It's just spray on... Don't." Roman growled as he forced Virgil to his feet and out of the cell. He had been so angry over his brother and everything he heard he didn't even let himself take his disguise off. "Move, Virgil!"

"Where am I going?" Roman just ignored him as he dragged him along by the arm through the castle and into where Patton turned it into a normal home. Virgil's eyes went wide as he spotted the sudden change in how it all looked. "Wait did we leave the castle?"

"No." Virgil frowned as Roman's voice came out harsh. "We all have our designated areas. This one... is our home."

"Then why the fuck am I..."

"Unless you want Patton to get angry at you again, I'd watch your mouth." Virgil's mouth instantly closed as Roman shoved him into this room. "Welcome to the place you'll be staying until... whenever." Virgil's eyes went wide as Roman groaned. "I don't like it. You don't like it. No one cares. Patton's going to teach you what it means to be a light side... and in turn... You're going to do your job from here, Anxiety."

"How did you..."

"What did you think I dressed up like this for a costume party?" Virgil crashed as Roman ran his hands through his hair cringing at the dye that stuck to his fingers. "You wouldn't answer my questions. So I got the answers myself."


"Just so we're clear on a few things... 1. Don't fu... Don't mess me over. I have a job to do myself. If you interfere I will snap. 2. laws and stuff... that's MY job, not yours. You maybe be my 'partner' but you don't get a say in anything. You're a figurehead. Understand."

"You really are EXACTLY what the rumors paint you as..."

"I AM NOT A FUCKING MONSTER?!" Virgil paled as Roman growled angrily. "And I did NOT banish my brother. He left me!"

"Kiddo?" Roman shifted back suddenly as Patton ran into the room with this stunned look in his eyes. "Is everything ok? I heard shout... oh." Patton spotted Virgil and his eyes darkened. "Roman?"

"He's all yours Padre." Roman's eyes glimmered with anger as he just smirked. "Make sure to treat Anxiety with the 'utmost respect', huh?" Patton's eyes went wide as Roman just laughed. "He is our... guest after all."

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