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Virgil was very tense the next few days after that. He hardly left his room too terrified of Roman or Patton coming after him to even be able to get up out of bed. Logan would always check in on him. Neither would say much but Logan did inform him that Patton was worried. Something about the first few days being a rough start... Virgil always laughed. 

He was a constant state of panic and fear. His dreams were nonstop nightmares and he was actually very worried about how it was affecting Thomas. That and... if he was affecting Thomas then surely Roman was not happy.

Roman... Virgil sighed as he hugged himself tighter. Roman was the one his fears kept reminding him about. Half the time it kept bringing up the attack the prince had, either saying Roman had been hurt by him and what if it was so bad that Roman was hurt REALLY bad and that he wouldn't know how bad until he saw him and how could he have done that and...

Virgil groaned as he tried to stop himself from spiraling. The other side of the coin just kept saying Roman was pissed and that he would do something to get back at Virgil for it. That or he was angry about Thomas, or maybe about Patton being worried, or even about Logan caring enough to check in on him. Virgil didn't exactly know why but there was always something that Roman could have been pissed about and it brought him back to his fear of Roman. The thing was he wasn't afraid of Roman. Not really anyway. He was just afraid of what Roman might do.

Roman, however... He wasn't doing much better either.

"Seriously, Roman, relax." Roman muttered to himself as he sat there on the couch and hugged himself. Since that whole thing, his own anxiety had been getting the better of him and no matter how much his mind tried to distract him or reassure him his anxiety refused to let up. Not even his pride could block out the fear he just kept feeling. He had a feeling he knew what was going on. It was Virgil... or well, not him exactly. 

Roman knew Virgil wasn't deliberately trying to hurt him, even if his pride wouldn't stop saying that. No... Roman and Virgil were partners. They were two sides of the same coin. The mind space saw them not as separate but the same side... so to speak. That's why Virgil wasn't supposed to be able to affect him. Virgil and Roman were two sides of the same coin. They both equally cared for the mind space as a whole supporting each other as partners. The problem was Virgil did affect him. It wasn't his fault. Roman knew that. Just as he knew exactly WHY Virgil had and was affecting him. Right now, however, Roman was getting just a small taste of the fearful backlash Virgil was over the whole 'establishing him as fear' shithole that Virgil did. So even as anxious as Roman was at that moment in time, he still knew Virgil had it worse. 

Patton had assured him it was only temporary. Well, no. It wasn't. Virgil was always going to be affected by it but it would get to the point where Virgil would get used to it or grew strong enough to not even be so aware of it. The reason Roman was feeling it as much as he was, which in all honesty wasn't even that much, was because right now all of the fear was unchecked and uncontrolled. Virgil will get a handle on it... he just needs the time to be able to do so.

Roman sighed as he rubbed his arms slightly trying to calm his nerves. It wasn't bad. He was hardly feeling anything from Virgil. The problem was... what he WAS feeling was irritating what he already had affect him.

"Seriously, Roman, this needs to stop." Roman growled as he gripped his arms tightly. "You're a prince god damn, start acting like it." Roman sighed as he shook his head forcing himself out of his prideful thoughts as he looked away. "Easier said than done." Roman deflated as he leaned further into himself. "One thing I do need to do though is to stop. Sitting here with all this shit isn't doing me any good. I should do something..." Roman frowned as his anxiety spiked a bit. "I... Should I check on him... or... No. No. I don't want to make things wor-..." Roman froze up, stopping his external self conversation, the moment his eyes met with Virgil. "Virgil!" 

"Sorry." Roman jumped up the moment the younger started to turn away. "I just... wanted some water."

"Hey, i-its ok." Virgil visibly tensed making Roman frown in concern. "I can get it for you if..."

"It's fine. I don't need it." Virgil started to go back to his room only to stop as he spotted Roman's reflection in the glass of a picture. Virgil's eyes narrowed as he looked back to see Roman's hands shaking and his face fell. "Are... Are you... o-ok?"

"Me? I'm perf-..." Roman sighed as he shook his head. "No, I'm not, but... I will be. I'm worried about you though." Virgil's eyes narrowed as Roman smiled anxiously. "You haven't left your room since it happened."

"Yeah well... being so afraid you can't even breathe at some points does make it hard to get up. The only reason I got up was because I wanted some water and my fear over upsetting someone or dying from dehydration won over everything else so..." Roman just stood there unable to put his thoughts to words as Virgil waved himself off. "I'm going back to bed."

"No." Virgil flinched as Roman shook his head and walked over to him. The prince only smiled at him, but he could see the growing fear in the younger's eyes. "Let's go get that water."

"I'd rather not be alone with the man who could snap and..." Virgil clammed up at the pained look in Roman's eyes before just nodding and letting Roman lead him to the kitchen. "Thanks... Princey."

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