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"So what p-perchance are we to b-be doing, Virgil?" Roman lulled softly as he wrapped his arm around his friend happily. Virgil couldn't help but hesitate at the touch, not that it startled him, just that he wasn't expecting it. "Y-You always have a p-plan before going in."

"We're going to be volunteering at the daycare." Roman's eyes lit up making Virgil laugh a bit. "They have an array of ages most being toddlers but they do offer babysitting services so..."

"I don't m-mind." Virgil shot the prince a curious look as they walked through the light side pathways. "What?"

"I was just noticing..." Roman smiled as Virgil sighed and shook his head. "It's nothing bad. I was just... uh..."

"My st-tutter?" Virgil cringed slightly before giving a chuckled nod. Roman rolled his eyes playfully as his smiled grew a tad bit more. "It's ok. I understand. I don't think I e-ever told you about it. Have I?"

"No, you hadn't. I'm not judging. Obviously, I mean... I uh... I have one to when I get to anxious and stuff. So I-I understand... I..." Virgil stopped talking the instant Roman's hand met his and he sighed quietly. "It just took me a bit by suprise when you started to stutter too and you haven't exactly... stopped?"

"I don't think it's going to at this point." Roman whispered softly despite the other clearly being able to hear it. Virgil quirked a brow at the prince in confusion as Roman shrugged. "I used to stutter all the time. Much... much worse that this. I-It was so bad I-I was s-selectively mute." Virgil's shot wide as Roman nodded. "I-I know. Suprising huh? I was the quiet shy kid that never spoke or left my brothers side. To b-be honest I didn't speak much before that either. When ever I did it just... I-It s-sounded so... so... j-jumbled and sk-kippy... it wasn't good. No one but Remus could really u-understand me."

"How did you work through it?" 

"Oh P-Pat helped." Roman beamed as he skipped out and spun around till he was walking back. "P-Patton gave speech therap-py with Logan helping with certian lesson plans. Despite not actually being a couple or anything, the two of them had basically b-been Ray and I's parents."

"Logan?" Roman laughed as he nodded not really noticing the anxiousness Virgil had over him not watching where he was going. 

"Yeah, even Logan. He doesn't show it much a-an-nymore but he's actually pret-tty caring towards kids. I bet you if he s-stopped for a second to notice the twins he would i-instantly g-go t-teacher mode." Roman spun around again smiling even more as he once again wrapped his arm around Virgil who tensed only slightly before relaxing into it. "It's a-actually a bit concerning n-now that I think a-about it. Logan hasn't been around much at all."

"He's been at his cabin doing experiments and research. I've checked in on him but... he had really been any telling about what it is he's trying to do." Roman's eyes darkened as he rubbed Virgil's shoulder a bit. 

"A-At least you tried. That's more than either Pat or I h-have d-done sadly. I've been getting swamped again. I need to figure out how to lessen the workload bec-cause this ridiculous." 

"You've got me, Ro." Roman faltered bringing them both to a stop as the two just stared in the others eyes. "I'm your partner. I'm supposed to help you with it all."

"I..." Roman frowned as he forced himself to look away and sigh. "I-I just... I... I've o-onl-ly ever... I-It's j-just me." Virgil's eyes narrowed as Roman shrugged. "It's only ever just been me. I'm n-n-not-t used to a-asking for help anym-more. Sometimes it's hard to even admit that-t I even need it."

"I can understand. But... I'll be here to remind you. Should you need it..." Virgil smiled making Roman's heart race at the soften the younger portrayed. "...I'm here to help. You just have to tell me how to."

"You've already been helping, Virgil." Roman blinked letting that familiar confidence fill him as he took a deep breath. "You've helped more than you know. You're effect of me... It's startling sometimes."

"Oh? And how is that?" Roman laughed as he took a step closer with this look in his eyes that caught Virgil off gaurd.

"You've gotten me to open up more than I have since Remus. You've made me feel safe when I hadn't for a long while. And quite frankly..." Roman's eyes traced Virgil's face taking in every feature he could, because no... they don't all look like thomas. He was completely enthralled. "You have me so completely wrapped around your finger." Virgil's eyes filled with shock as Roman brushed his fingers through Virgil's hair. "You need only say the word... and I'd fall." 

"R-Ro?" Roman smiled even more as he latched onto the confident feeling he had. He just... He needed to get the words out. Virgil watched seeing how Roman's eyes dispite so soft and filled with emotion, held that familiar look that made him sigh. "Pride."

"W-What?" Roman tensed as he let his hand fall to his side. Virgil couldn't even meet his gaze anymore. "What do you mean?"

"Your pride... It uh... It must have... I don't know." Virgil stepped back with his sad look that broke Roman's heart. 

"Virgil, I just..."

"Your pride took over a bit, Ro. It's ok. I should have known. I mean... You were being kind of flirty." Roman sighed as he shook his head and just gave up. What was the point anyway? It wasn't like Virgil would have every believed him. And even if he did... why would Virgil ever feel the same? Roman understood what he was given and he took it. It's better to just take the escape and go on as if nothing happened than to risk fucking everything over. Roman tensed feeling his heart twinge as his thoughts yelled at him to man up a bit but... He wasn't going to mess his one chance at a good friend simply because his heart fucked him over. Virgil was the only one who's ever looked past his pride and tried to get close to him. The only one that cared enough to see him behind it all. Besides Patton and Logan but Virgil actually tries to help him... He can't lose that.

"Uh... I did... I mean... I-I was. I-I'm sorry. I d-didn't even really n-notice." Virgil nodded as he just walked off leaving Roman to follow behind, both men equal parts sad and annoyed at their own feelings. It wasn't easy being in love when your fear takes everything over.

"Let's just forget it all, ok Roman? I understand you having a hard time with your pride."

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