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Roman sat there just staring at the other, watching as Virgil played with all these dogs that just couldn't get enough of his affection. His eyes shined with a look no one had ever actually seen from him before. A look he would not have recognized on himself. A look of fondness... The smaller giggled as he laid back getting absolutely destroyed with puppy kisses and all Roman could do was watch.

"Roman!" Virgil squealed as he tried to push the pups away to breathe, his eyes catching the creative ones for just a second to see him quite dazed. "Roman, help..." Roman's eyes snapped up instantly at the sudden sound only to smile and roll his eyes over just what he needed 'help' from. 

"Nah, I think I think I'll just let the hands of karma finish you off." Roman melted into the sight as he lost all sense of time. The only thing that seemed to pass his mind was the sound of Virgil's voice and the joyous smile the smaller had.

"Oh, thanks!" Virgil teased before laughing out and trying to curl up. Roman was completely lost. 

He had been noticing it for some time. The way he would just daze out as he watched Virgil. The heat of his cheeks as Virgil smiled at him... God the way he would just lit up the second Virgil so much as walked in the room. Roman was quite aware of what that anxious emo was doing to him. The thing is... he didn't want it to stop.

"ROMAN! PLEASE! help..." Roman's chest twinged as he quickly got up and carefully nudged the puppies away so Virgil could sit up. Virgil just pouted as he stood up and brushed himself off. "Oh, so NOW you help me."

"A prince must always save the damsel in distress." Virgil shot him a dirty look before laughing as he walked away leaving Roman there just... stunned. God that man was going to be the end of him. In the few months he's been with him, Virgil had become the most important person in his life.

He thought it was just a simple crush at first. He noticed whenever Virgil would take him to the darkside for some sort of community service, Roman's eyes had always seemed to catch Virgil just at the right time to see him so light and happy. Roman thought he was having bad luck always managing to see Virgil when he at his best... then he relized the fault of his logic. One... He was not unlucky in the slightest. He was the luckiest person ever to get to see that. And two... It wasn't that he just so happened to catch Virgil at his best... it was that he WAS the best and it made the prince fall that much harder.

"Well, are you coming? We have work to do Princey." Roman shook himself out of his thoughts as he laughed and nodded. He gave one of the small puppies a pet before racing to chase after the other. 

This time they weren't in the darkside. Virgil had caught wind of Animal rescue and adoption fundraiser and thought it best to join and help. Roman didn't care. He was starting to live for these moments. The moments in which it was just them, well not just them but you can probably get the idea of it. Virgil had offered his and Roman's assistance as volentiers, with Roman's permision of course, and so now they were both there helping to care for the animals and booths.

People were suprised at first. For starters, Roman had never volenteered places before. It was always Patton if any side ever did. But more so, they were surprised about Virgil. They didn't really know who he was just that he and the twins had moved into the castle. They were also suprise anytime anyone managed to catch the way Roman would look at the other. The soft expression and light smile that was always there when ever Roman would catch sight of the other.

"Here you go, little one." Roman smiled as he handed a small girl a dog stuffie that she had practically begged him to sign. He didn't know why he did... but his eyes darted over it was like his breath caught in his chest. He froze up instantly as he spotted Virgil knelt down talking with a small boy. The way Virgil smiled softly and reasurringly at the boy who was clearly anxious. Roman didn't know if anyone was trying to get his attention. He couldn't tear his eyes from the other. Virgils smile widdened as he nodded to the boy who just lit up. 

Virgil held his hand out letting the boy take it as he carefully led him into the puppy pin. Roman literally melted. He leaned back against the table completely lost in a daze as he watched Virgil, who was alite with this bright beaming smile. The boy was practically squeeling as he played with all the pups. It was adorable... Virgil was adorable. God, he was so in love.

That of course made all his thoughts shut down instantly. Roman's smile fell as he forced himself to look away and sigh. He returned back to work trying hard not to let himself fall back into his thoughts. Yes, he loved Virgil. Yes, he didn't want it to end. Yes, Virgil became the most important person to him. But no... it will never happen. 

Who would ever fall for the 'monster prince' after all?

Virgil's eyes narrowed as he looked back over to see Roman walk off with a sad look in his eyes. The way the prince refused to turn around... it was clear something had happened. Virgil wanted to run and go ask. He wanted to make Roman happy again. He loved seeing the prince, the actually prince and not his pride... smiling and laughing and just being himself. He had to admit that durring his time there the two of them had gotten closer. It's not exactly hard when your partners like they were. They were literally meant to be together, even if both thought it was only a matter of work. Virgil sighed as he help the boy out of the pen who was just so happy he got to play with them like he wanted. He ran off to find his mom as Virgil took to finding Roman. It took only a beat. A beat of a second and Virgil found Roman helping these older women by carring these large bags to their car. Virgil smiled softly as he just stood there and waited. He couldn't help but think of the first times he ever really got to see the 'true' Roman Sanders. He had said that that Roman was someone he'd like to see more of... that he was someone Virgil might have learned to like. Thinking about it now, Virgil hadn't ment to fall so hard...

He was very glad that he did.

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