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"Come on, Princey." Virgil lulled softly as he let the door open wider. Roman just stood there with an anxious look not really wanting to leave the comfort of his room. At least there he knew if he slipped he wasn't around others who could judge him or hate him. "Roman, you need to eat."

"I can eat in my room." Virgil shot him a look making Roman sigh as he hesitantly followed Virgil out. "What are we doing, Virgil?"

"We're getting you some food." Roman frowned as he just fell into step behind the other. "What do you usually eat?"

"I uh..." Roman looked away as he shrugged. "To be completely honest... I don't eat much." Virgil froze up as Roman smiled sadly. "I'm always so busy. I... I forget to."

"How does one forget to eat?"

"How does one forget to breathe?" Virgil flinched making Roman slap a hand over his mouth. "I'm sorry." Virgil just shook his head as he shrugged. "I-I didn't mean... I shouldn't have... I..."

"Roman, it's fine." Roman whined as Virgil smiled softly at him. "You aren't wrong." Virgil chuckled as he stuffed his hands into his pockets as he shot the prince a silly look, noticing instantly how much guilt was in those eyes. "Roman, really... it's ok."

"I shouldn't have said anything. Your attacks aren't a joke... and they sure as shit aren't something I should jab at." Roman gripped his shirt as he tensed up. "I mean... You said... You said that one thing that happened to me was an attack right? That fucking sucked. I..."

"Roman!" The prince jumped as Virgil just smiled over at him. "Beating yourself up so much over an outburst is only going to make the outburst worse."

"How the fu..." Roman froze up, biting his tongue harshly as he clenched his fist. Virgil just sighed as he took Roman's hand and gently tugged him along.

"It's ok, Ro." Virgil led him into the kitchen softly nudging him into a chair as he beamed and rolled his sleeves up. Roman's eyes narrowed only for him to jump watching Virgil go to the fridge.

"Virgil, you don't have to..."

"Shut up, Romano." Roman's eyes went wide as Virgil shot him back a smirk. "I'm doing what I want."

"But... You... You don't have to." Roman pouted slightly as he rubbed his arm. "Besides... I'm usually the one that cooks." Virgil paused a bit noticing Roman's gaze blank out. "I cook for everyone. Well... No. Patton and I cook. Even if I forget to eat myself I always try to make something. Patton usually makes me sit with them so... he at least knows I eat. That or Logan will just order take out. He's usually so busy too..."

"What about me being busy?" Roman glanced up to see Logan walk in and he sighed. Virgil literally watched as Roman put his 'royal' mask on making him falter a bit finally noticing the difference between 'the prince' and Roman.

"Nothing, calculator watch. I was just informing Virgil, you don't cook." Logan rolled his eyes as he sat down at the table and opened his book to read.

"Yes, well... why should I when you two do it. It gives me more time to put towards Thomas and my job."

"Nerd." Roman hissed playfully as Virgil turned back towards what he was doing. He wasn't making anything big. Just a nice toasted cheese sandwich... The last thing Roman needed was something heavy right now. "What exactly are you doing, Lo? I haven't seen you in a while."

"You've been locked in your room so..."

"Not what I asked, Logan." Roman's voice dropped a bit as Logan glared over at him. "I asked what you were doing. Not what I was..."

"Well, if you weren't locked in your room throwing a temper you might have seen me." Virgil frowned as he turned back to see the anger in Roman's eyes. Logan scoffed as he shook his head. "What was it this time, Prince? Did someone cut you off? Did they look at you funny? Oh, I know... Did they laugh at..."

"DO NOT TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!" Roman roared as his voice echoed through the room. "You always hide yourself away over the smallest inkling of emotion. Do NOT assume you are better than anyone of us. You're just a damn teacher. You forget... I'm a pri..." Roman's rant cut off the second a plate was placed in front of him. His eyes darted up to see Virgil smiling at him and he frowned. "Virgil?"

"Eat, Ro... and breathe." Roman's eyes went wide as he quickly nodded and turned back to his plate, taking a deep breath. "Logan, would you like a sandwich or are you just going to continue taking your frustrations out on Roman." Roman choked a bit on his sandwich as he looked up to see Logan in shock. Virgil smirked as he rolled his eyes a bit and turned back to the stove. "I take it whatever experiment you were working on didn't pan out."

"I don't know what you're referring to." Virgil laughed as he started on the second sandwich. 

"Whatever you say, Logan... Just remember. Taking your emotions out on a person doesn't fix the problem." Virgil's eyes darkened as he looked over to see Roman lost in thought. "It only creates more."

"I'm logic, Virgil. I do not possess emotions." 

"We ALL know that is not true." Virgil spun around with another plate making Logan look away. He passed the plate over to Logan who just nodded in thanks as Virgil smiled. "When was the last time you slept, Logan. You have bags that rival my makeup."

"I..." Logan paused and blinked several times having only now started to think about that. "I don't think I have. Not for a while anyway. I tend to forget."

"Looks like we all need a reminder about things." Virgil chuckled as Roman just stared up at Logan with a worried expression. "Guess I'm going to have to remind you all. I wonder if Patton's good."

"He..." Roman frowned as he just shook his head making Virgil frown. "Honestly, Virgil... I don't know how to answer that."

"Ok then." Virgil smiled as he turned to clean everything up. "You two eat up then. And Logan..." Logan paled as Virgil shot him this look. "Get some rest after. You're taking a break from whatever you're working one."

"Virgil, no. I have too much to..." Virgil's eyes flashed making Logan falter at the parental expression he thought only Patton had. "I... uh...

"That's not a request, Logan." Virgil smirked deviously as he laughed. "You're taking a break and that's final."

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