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"Great. Just great." Roman growled as he slammed his folder down onto the table. As if it wasn't hard enough dealing with everything going on. He just didn't have the time to be able to situate the twins. They were kids, surely Thomas wouldn't get to affected by them being here. Roman rolled his eyes as he shoved himself back and stormed out of the kitchen. He was not in a good mood today. He firmly rubbed his forehead trying to soothe his headache as he made his way through the house.

He was a bit lost in thought. The main thing on his mind was the twins. Adam and Alex... Empathy and Sensitivity. You wouldn't think they would be from the dark side but then again... remus was from the light side so... It doesn't really matter in the end. All Roman knew was he had to work things over with Deceit. Since the twins were now living with them at the castle things need to be addressed. He didn't have to do all this with Virgil. Why did he have to with them?

It was infuriating. He was already getting swamped with work for Thomas and then with everything Virgil was having him do when on break... He never actually got a damn break. He was two seconds away from...

"Oh, sorry." Roman just stood there ridged and unmoving as Adam slowly stepped back. "Roman?" Roman's eyes narrowed as Alex quickly ran over, hiding behind his brother who had a worried look in his eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."

"Didn't mean to what?" Adam's eyes went wide as Roman litereally growled his words out. "Didn't mean to run into me? Well if you weren't running there wouldn't have been a problem. If you were looking where you were going you would have seen me. I don't know how things were over with the darkers but here you can't be oblivious to those around you. You may be kids but use your head." Roman went to walk on when Adam yelled back making Roman freeze up again.

"I said I was sorry. Why are you yelling at me? I didn't do anything wrong." Roman's eyes flashed as he glared over at the kid making him pale and shift back, pulling his brother behind him more.

"Didn't do anything... You ran into me. Like some kind of hooligan. This isn't the darkside. You don't get to do whatever you want here. Either learn your place or you go back."

"What?" Adam squeaked lightly as Roman rolled his eyes.

"But... But Patton said no take backsies." Alex whimpered from behind his brother only serving to upset Roman more.

"Patton isn't the one in charge of everything!" The twins both jumped as Roman yelled out. "I am. And frankly I'm not in the mood to deal with anything. Get in my way again and I'll send you back without a second thought. I'm very busy and very important. Too important to deal with the likes of you." Roman walked off ignoring how he could hear Adam yelling after him. It wasn't until he had gotten to his room that everything crashed in on him. Adam's words spun about his mind sending a crack down his heart.

"The rumors are true... YOU DON'T CARE AT ALL!" Tears fell from Roman's eyes as he shook and slid down the door. "You really are just a heartless monster."

"Shit!" Roman laughed at himself as he threw his head back. "I fucked up. Why would you say that to them... they're kids! Damn it!" Roman's heart literally shattered as he pushed himself up and just crawled into bed crying. "They're gonna hate me now. They should hate me. I am a monster. Fuck..."

"Boys?" Virgil stood there stunned as Adam and Alex slammed into him crying. They were frantically trying to explain what had happened through their tears and sobs but Virgil got the gist of it. Roman had snapped at them. Damn it. "Boys."

"I didn't even do anything. He just... He... He's so mean."

"BOYS!" The twins jumped as Virgil sighed softly and took their hands. He gently led them down to Roman's room instantly feeling the fear radiating through it. 

"A-Anxiety?" Virgil knocked on the door and frowned hearing no response. 

"Roman, I know you're in there. Please, let me in." The boys both shared a terrified look as Virgil just rolled his eyes and opened the door. "Oh, Ro." The boys stayed frozen in front of the door as Virgil walked in seeing the prince completely broken down dazed out and crying on his bed. "Roman?" 

"I did it again." Roman choked as Virgil nodded setting the pillow fort up again. He never really took it down but he wanted to spruce it up a bit before Roman went in it again. It was his safe space to talk. The boys just stood there completely confused and highly anxious. They expected Roman to yell at them instantly. Roman didn't even know they were there. "What's wrong with me?"

"Nothing, Ro."

"I thought Dee was the liar." Virgil frowned as he finally turned back to Roman, who was moving to sit up with a very broken expression. "Virgil? I don't understand why... I am so... mean."

"You are not mean, Ro. You're just not yourself when your pride takes over." Virgil glanced over at the boys, noticing right away how Adam's eyes went wide as he latched on to what was being said. "We all have our quirks."

"I'm a monster."

"Roman!" Virgil stopped as he shook his head and held his hand out to the side. Roman's eyes narrowed only for him to jump in shock as Adam walked over and took Virgil's hand. Adam smiled sadly seeing how terrified and teary Roman's eyes were. "You should tell them."

"But... I... I... Virgil..." Virgil only smiled softly as Roman deflated and nodded. "It doesn't change anything. I'm sure they told you what I said."

"Are you actually going to do it?" Roman glared up through his hair making Virgil chuckle as he shook his head. "Then it doesn't matter... but only if you explain what happened. Roman, come on. Please? Alex?" Romans eyes glanced over to the door to see the other twin shifting his weight about anxiously. "Can you please let Roman explain?"

"He... He's not going to send us away... right?"

"Never." Roman whispered as he smiled softly making Adam nod over at his brother. Virgil smiled as Alex came over and he turned back to Roman with this look making the prince crash a bit in understanding. 

"You three can talk in the fort ok? I'm going to make us some lunch. Ro?" Roman frowned as Virgil just smiled at him. "You're taking a break after this ok?"

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