Chapter 1

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The trees are magically evergreen, the leaves are dancing. Swaying with the wind while the branches are screeching lightly. Sunshine are peeking through the trees creating little spotlights on the soft green moss. The flowers scattered around are in sync with the dancing trees and a few leaves falling planting soft kisses on the moss and into the very ground.

The sky are bright blue like the sea whose gotten quiet after a heavy storm. Clouds are like patches of stain making imperfections perfect in every one's eyes. And the sun shone brightly above giving light and warmth through everything the light can reach. It's a warm summer day and it's scorching hot. But the good thing is the wind. It's carefree, comfortable and cool. It gives off a fresh, faint and floral smell along with the flowers that gaves a feminine, soft and subtly sweet scent. Overall, the weather is breathtaking and exquisitely beautiful (I know the three last words are the same but it gives off an unexplainable feeling).

The sky is singing while everything below are dancing. It was amazing, for once the weather itself is playing. Playing to the beat of its very own aesthetics. Surely, the storms and the bad weather are going to be ashamed to even show up to this moment. If those bad weathers have eyes and can see the beauty of light then they would surely say that it is pulchritudinous. And they would just show up to cover those art whenever it is on edge. If the beauty itself is put up on a test it would surely gave a sparkling hope of lightbeam that will pull up everyone through their very own grave.

Lying on the soft green moss along with some flowers was a little girl with spiky orange hair, big bright hazel eyes with a big bright smile. Her light skin color are reflecting on the sunlight. If the sun becomes a human one day it sure will be her and if the whole cynefin paradise - like place she is in turns into a person's attitude or either a mentality then it is truly found inside her. She's an angel and everyone agrees to the person who said that. Beside the little girl, is a boy a bit older than her. He is her big brother. He is four years older than the angel beside her. And it didn't bother him as long as he's with her and its the same for the little girl.

He is already 6 years old while the little sunshine is just two and half years old. He was born under the sun but had a life before under the dark. While her sister is born on midnight, and lived under the sun. He was still grateful for the opportunity to be a big brother. To know how and why he needs to protect an angel. Now, he can finally say that he's happy as long as the light is beside him.

When the sun turns too hot for him even if they're under the shade of a tree, he decides to ask her sister to go home. To take a shower and change clothes because they are sweaty. He slightly tap her shoulder, "sho, we need to go" he said. But, she didn't answer. Only to find out that she fell asleep and snoring like a baby. Smile is still planted on her face making her cheeks all puffy and red. He chuckled and gently carried her sister home.

Suddenly a chirping sound was heard all over a dark room. A man stand up from his bed and turned off the alarm. Before he got his body entirely out of bed he laugh silently, he remembered his dreams. It was beautiful like his sister. His dreams that were a part of his memory. A very beautiful memory; a temporary beautiful memory.

Remembering her makes her whole spirit warm like the sun shine on a hot summer day. A pretty sunflower looking up at the sun, and a masterpiece being protected and well kept. Instincts are the one pushing him to protect her from every threat that might come what ever happens. She's his sunshine and he love him so much and he knew it's mutual. There's no need to say for he's going to do everything for the sake of her sisters. He's going to sacrifice if he needs to, just to let her stay under the light. He doesn't want her to suffer and experience pain he had when he was a toddler; one accident is enough for her sister, sho. And it won't happen again.

Setting the past aside, he quickly got up after a long sigh and opened up the curtains lighting the whole dark room. His room was like any manga artists have. A bed on the right corner, a big cabinet on a far left corner, a door leading to the bathroom, a bookshelf and his magnificent art table that are the only mess that infuriates the cleanliness of his bedroom. The walls are painted white and it gives him the warmth just like his sisters. And a shelf hanging above his study table sits a picture of his family and a picture of him with her.

Outside his room, there's a mini kitchen, a tidy living room and a small laundry room. He lives in a tiny apartment in Tokyo.  Alone and away from his sunshine. He quickly get some fresh clothes and a towel and took a shower. After drying his hair and got changed,he cooked some eggs and made coffee. After everything's ready especially himself, he picked up his bag and his phone that he just recently noticed a message. He opens it and smile. What a nice way to start a day.


Goodmorning Oniichan!! Love lots, Good luck for today!! I miss you!

He put his phone inside his pocket and ran off to the train station and soon to work. With a bright smile painted on his face.


Sorry for the wrong grammars and typographical errors. All I do was to write and write to avoid writers block with the help of my folders in my phone. Because I know how awful it is to be striken out of a writer's disease.

Like I've said(written) again on the story description, no plagiarism. I got this story because it's my own ideas. Go fetch your own. And if you don't like my story well, it's not my fault. All I did was to write my heart out. I appreciate those who'd support and understand, those who don't we have our own likes and perspectives on things we like and we don't. I don't push people to like my story since this is just for experience and fun.

If you enjoy my story well thank you in exchange I'll support you back and if you don't I'll still support you back too. People aren't perfect beings. We are rational we tend to do what we want and we choose what we like. Well, I thanked everyone whose going to support me and my story and also to those who doesn't. And if everyone needs advice I'll help as long as I can.

Going back to my story its been my 60th time re - writing my story over and over again and it sucks for me. I changed hinata to a girl, whose a bit smarter, brighter and talented. He deserves some credit. Although she's probably beaten up at the first. The characters aren't mine, especially Haikyuu. This is just a fan fiction. I'll be thinking about adding my very own set of characters with Haikyuu. Maybe someday when my courage can be as high as the tokyo tower or rapunzel's tower then maybe I'll make another one. With my own characters.

Thanks again for the support. And just enjoy my story!!

And to give you news, I'm on a major editing the story. I'm a bit better so I thought of editing it fully though sorry for its going to be painfully slow. So please do wait for it to finish for you won't be able to understand some chapters, for now. Thank you for your understanding.

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