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This story will be under MAJOR REVISION SOON!!!

These past few weeks, I kept on practicing and came up with new ideas. I'll be finishing all the new chapters first before changing the contents of this book.

And when I revised it, I wanted to make sure that the majority of my readers wanted will be in it. So my felliw readers, pkease comment on how do you like this story will soon formed into. I'm giving everyone to express their own thoughts and opinions, don't worry about if it's negative. I'm very understanding and I won't judge based on what any one of you prefer, though I'll be putting a few of my ideas also.

And also I am planning on writing a new book soon after. No exact day yet though I hope you guys can support me too on this one. Thank you!!!

Ps. This will really take a while since our internet connection are being cut off again for some reasons and all that's left for me is to write and continue what I've started without the help of google and some dependable websites I knew.

Pps. Revisions are all made and critically processed by my brain... So thanks for your patience. ♥

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