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December 22, 20XX

Kageyama's birthday was all over the news and fans all over the world brought gifts and send greetings to the famous volleyball player. But, not like any other birthdays this one was the most happiest moment for him. Former Karasuno and Nekoma players had a surprise party for him. No media running around, just friends, former volleyball coaches and family members. All of them greeted Kageyama a happy birthday. Kageyama was so much happy because even the Akiyama was there to greet him. They all have gifts for him. Usually for Haru, he always gave Kageyama boxes and boxes of his favorite milk. Now his gift isn't a box anymore. But, a lifetime supply of his favorite milk. All of them laughed knowing Kageyama was obsessed with milk. All was good, but someone's missing.. Shouyou isn't here at the party.

"Uncle Hiro, where is Shouyou?" he asked reluctantly. Ichihiro frowned, "she's at her meeting this moment, I'm sorry but I don't think she can make it." Kageyama turned pale. He was about to go to the stage to thank everyone for coming when all the lights turned off. All the visitors are surprised wondering what was going on. Then one light turned on and it was pointing to a lady on stage. She had this fully flame orage hair that flows through to her hips, unique eyes, natural pinkinsh cheeks, natural and soft kissable rose red lips, a cute small button nose and a curvy small body. She's wearing a yellow satin dress partnered with a pair of white sandals. She's holding a guitar and was tapping the microphone.

Everyone was looking at her, especially Kageyama. He can't take her eyes of the sun shining in front of everybody. Slowly, she strummed her guitar and startes singing. Her soft, tuneful and melodic voice brought tears of joy to everyone who heard it. It was a happy song, too happy that it opens all those closed hearts. Some starts to film her and took photos of her on stage singing. After that, she thanked everyone and greeted Kageyama a happy birthday.

"Happy Birthday Tobiii!!! . You, calimero head is now an old baldy. I want to say that thank you for everything and I wanted you to know that I love you and I'm looking forward to spend the rest of my days with you. And to my Karasuno Team, it's okay I already forgave everyone. Thank you." she bowed down on everyone before she got of the stage. She picked up a squared thing wrapped in blue paper. She walked towards Kageyama.

Kageyama thought that her song was already his gift from his girlfriend (yes, she is now his girlfriend) but Shouyou was already in front of her handing her the blue wrapped thing she picked earlier. She's smiling like the sun herself. He gladly accept the gift just in time to get the gift away from disaster. Cause the whole Karasuno team just hugged Shouyou and him while lauging and crying at the same time. While Tanaka and Noya pulled the whole Nekoma to join. Soon all of us were laughing at their own childishness.

After that hug, all of them were curious at Shoyo's gift. It seems like a perfect squared wood was wrapped inside. But, Kageyama already knew that it was a painting. He ripped off the wrapper and saw a painting of himself. The painting was dark, only black and green are used. And he's definitely not smiling. The usual Kageyama they all know. He smiled. 'She clearly knows every inch of my face' he thought. That made his cheeks blush.

(photo from Pinterest)

Tanaka and Noya laugh when they see the painting

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Tanaka and Noya laugh when they see the painting. Soon, Shouyou joined in. All of the team soon joined the laughter though they are clueless to why are the three laughing at the first place.

"Shouyou, still can't believe that you still memorized his face that time" said a laughing Noya to Shouyou. All of them are listening, especially the birthday boy.

"Of course, I know every inch of his face Noya senpai especially that one. That was the day You, Tanaka and I was spying on Bakageyama while he was using that face because he can't choose which flavor of milk should he pick from the vending machine" Shouyou answered while pointing on the painting. All of them started laughing again. Seeing how cool and serious was Kageyama at the painting was and is really funny after knowing the real reason why he was making a face like that. Kageyama didn't bother to get angry nor get pissed like he used to before at Hinata. In fact, he blushed even more. Causing the team and his family to tease him.


"Shori, Sen don't forget what your father told you, call him after practice okay?" the woman said to her twin children. The twin just gave their mother a kiss on the cheek before they run off to school. Just like her to her parents before.

(photo from Pinterest)

The moment the twins left, she quickly get herself ready and drove her car to work

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The moment the twins left, she quickly get herself ready and drove her car to work.


That was written on her front desk. It's been years ever since Kageyama proposed and got married to her lovely Shouyou. Now, they have twin boys who goes to Karasuno and a lovely little daughter. A duo, team mates and best partners like their parents.

Kageyama is still a famous volleyball player but he goes to play for a quite some time. He wants to focus more on his family. He goes to help his wife at the house chores and at their five year old daughter, Akira Kageyama. Sometimes they all go watch Kageyama play. It's hard but he's happy, so much happy. While, Shouyou is finally stable. Theraphies are still ongoing every month. Ennoshita is the one who helps her with the physical theraphies  still with Reo and Doctor Sato. Medications aren't heavy anymore for her small body. She was happy. Finally, happy.

She learned things throughout her life. She may be left behind or no one wants to listen, she know that she's not weak. No one is weak, we all have our own ways to fly. Pain may torture your heart, fear may tear your eyes apart, mind can make you go crazy but with family and friends you can still go on. You can still hope with them like they are hoping for you too.

Betrayals, Guilt, Sadness, Regain. Positive or negative can always affect them. Life is never easy. Shouyou knows that Kageyama is prepared to toss all of her negativities away and she'll help it off by spiking it out. She knows that if he's beside him.....

They're invincible.



I finally finished editing the story. I'm going to edit it again when I have another spare time to fix it all up. Thanks for reading!!!!


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