Chapter 19

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The whole team are trying their very best to remain their own composure like what Kuroo's chant says before the game 'We're like the blood in our veins. We must flow without stopping. Keep the oxygen moving and your mind working'. I hate to admit it cause it's cheesy but these days it's important to grasp on that words. As I remember, Hinata's smiling face back then when she first heard it before a practice match. That smiling face that doesn't exist anymore as I kept on visiting her in the weekends with Kuro. I clenched hard on my game console. This is all Karasuno's fault. Because of them, Shoyo can't play anymore. Because of that biatch. (Just let it pass hehehe..)

Gladly, Karasuno is on the way here. What a nice way to have a revenge against Shoyo. I smirk as I win against the monster in my console. Finally, for 3 days I finished the final level. I'll play another one while my smirk never fades. Kuro stood by my side smirking back at me. I glance at him seriously "don't smirk like that Kuro you look like an idiot" as I focus my eyes back on the screen. Kuro just laugh at me, "coming from a smirking idiot like you" before I could answer back he already gathered the team and talk about her. Of course what else would it be? They missed her play in this court for once. That was before the start of the summer camp. She just came from the airport with full of energy, she said she missed indoor volleyball. So we let her play as the others starting with Taketora and Lev schemes of having a 3 on 3 match.

I thought that everything's fine. I grasped on the screen of my game console thinking about sho. Her pale face, thinner body, tired eyes and her heavy breathing made my knees all wobbly and my heart hurts seeing her in pain. She's too weak due to so much fatigue. Her head is still wrapped in gauze with a beanie and we made sure that her free edge nails are always cut short to prevent more cuts on her scalp. I look at the screen of my console, maybe I grasped on it too tightly. A crack can be seen on the both sides of the console. It was a small crack with a scratch and it's irritating me so much not like before. Maybe I'm just mad. I can see Kuro looking at me. I just ignored him.


She can clearly remember the day her brother last visited her. Bringing with him Nekoma's gifts because they can't visit her this week. She was fine, bored and clearly in pain after all the special physical and mental theraphies they had for scheduled for her the whole day. While, Haru was making sure she's comfortable. She's not in pain and not bored by bringing her a set of games on her bed and foods on her side table. He was also the one making sure she gets her meds and vitamins on time and if there's an emergency at hand. Her cuts at her scalp were getting better everyday since they decided to put a hat or a cap for her.

But, what she can remember was what her brother told her....

'We aren't perfect but we all still tried to look on other ways to make it look like one. Jiji (coach ukai)told us once,' humans can't fly but we just look for  ways to fly'. So, I flew remember? You were so happy back then the moment I flew and the ball went KABAAM! Now, it's my turn. Make niichan happy and fly. I'll be waiting for you up in the sky so we can go to different places. I know you can do it. We can do it. We surpassed the accident before, the bullying and their insults so what's the difference in doing the same thing right now? Right, sho? It's just a few disorders. It can't leave but can be controlled like this, right here.'

He points to her left chest where her heart is. She smiled, her brother just mark and left him with a permanent hints of hope inside her heart. She missed him so much because he's so busy. While, she was there thinking all of it over and over again giving her all the goosebumps and nightmares. For once, she wants to forget the bad things that happened to her. Since, Tenma said those words to her she began to eats a bit more, she used to smile even a little and endure the theraphies she had. It was hard, so hard that it made her scream in so much agony. The side effects of the medicines aren't even helping her enough. She feared that one day she'll break and she don't want that to happen.

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