Chapter 11

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Karasuno felt guilty after they heared her story. Gulty for letting her got beaten up physically and mentally. Still, they doubted her even for a bit. Either way, seeing Hinata that day, feeling much more happier than it is than with them made them a little bit jealous. Further more, remembering her shaking hands and those pills made them worried after all she's a part of Karasuno before. They began to think of questions in their brains. How did Hinata hide her identity too well? What happened to her when she decided to disappear? What are those pills for? Is she really okay?

But thinking about Hinata being okay without them feels different inside. They were all watching her play against Fukurodani today. Again, just like their first match. Hinata was most likely to score just by her serving the ball. Everyone were scared watching her play. It was more sacrier seeing her true eye colors. 'It was just like the eyes of a cat' most of the Karasuno members thought about it.

Hinata recieve Bokuto's spike after messing up thrice. 'He catch up that fast' Kageyama thought. That happened so fast, the rotations made her place at the back. Blockers had their eyes on Bokuto who took his third spike. Blockers failed to stop it, Nekoma froze knowing that no one was on that part to stop the ball. Just then, Hinata was in front of the ball and it hit her arms perfectly on the spot but it tumpled her to the ground. Everyone was amazed by her skills. Yaku took the ball and pass it to Kenma. He then, toss it to Kuroo. Another winning point for Nekoma. All thanks to Hinata. Bokuto's eyes are sparkling with excitement thinking that a female rival had finally arrived just for him.

After that match was lunch break, they were all thinking about how to stop Nekoma's number 14(thinking about it 13 is an unlucky number). She was the last but she doesn't seem to care. It's okay for her to stay on the bench as long as she's still a regular player and her perspectives changed caused by everything that happened to her. Nevertheless, she's trying her very best for her revival. She wants to be a sunshine again. This time, she wants to be brighter than the sun and blind them all to see that she's better.

Meanwhile, Bokuto was staring at her. He can't believe that a girl stopped his powerful spike. Though she's scary, that made him shiver as he imagined her eyes once more. But, he's more eager to go and talk to her. Afterall, he wanted to know why she's doing greatly. Is she training too much? He just wanted to know. With a smile she went to Nekoma's table. Karasuno are in their usual spot again. And Hinata easily adapt to her decision to never put colored contact lenses again just like when she was in   Brazil. Bokuto look at her and that made him think that she looks like a cat because of her eyes and hair. Anyway, Bokuto greeted the whole Nekoma team and looked at Hinata. He wanna ask why she's doing great lately. His loud voice made the whole dining area quiet. All of them wanted to know why. Silently all of the people inside that room patiently wait for the girl to answer.

She looked up to see Bokuto's eagered owl like eyes. She ate her last spoon of rice, chew it and drink her water. After that, she smiled at Bokuto. And Bokuto smiled back hoping to hear her answer. "Brazil" Huh? Bokuto tilted his head to his left in wonder. Everyone was wondering why she answered Brazil.

"Huhh?!" they all shouted. Their brains can't process her out of this world answer. Brazil? What does she meant by Brazil? Did she go to Brazil? Or what?

Her sudden laughter took them by surprise. 'Her laughter was somehow different? But it wasn't annoying or anything. In fact, it was cute?' All of the male players thinks so. After a few seconds she stop and look at Bokuto. She offered him to take a seat with them. Gladly he sat beside Kuroo in front of Hinata. Before saying anything, Hinata thanked Lev for taking her finished plate. She looked at Bokuto, "I said my answer was Brazil" she said. Trying to gave him a much more formal answer. "But, why Brazil?" Bokuto asked and tilt his head to his left side again. As a question mark seems to pop out of his hair in wonder.

"Rio, Brazil. I just studied and live there for two months."she simply answered as she gulped down the same pills that the Nekoma and almost the whole Karasuno team saw yesterday."For volleyball?" Bokuto asked her again, ignoring the pills she just took. Thinking that it was only vitamins of some sort. He's trying to figure out more about her secret in skills. Again she simply answered. "Of course not, I simply continued my academics there while studying hoplology, mixed martial arts, mastered weaponry and also for my health issues." Everyone froze at their seats. Whaaa~t?! They screamed mentally in unison. She stand up stood beside Bokuto and messed his hair as she giggle. "Don't worry, I'm fine and healthy and I'm not going to hurt everyone, except those whose trying to hurt me or my team" after that she smiled at Bokuto and pat him on his head then leaved the hall with Lev who is acting clingy as ever . Everyone finally breath in relief as though Hinata was a mafia lord ready to gobble up their souls with a slash of her sword.

She walked out of there half sleepy and Lev was holding her shoulders gently. The hot sun and the refreshing wind made her more sleepy. Too lazy to walk further, she just sat at a nearby tree with Lev following her by the side. Since the place were surrounded by trees and plants. The shade it gives off was too comfortable. She took off her contacts and put it inside her bag, lean on the tree's thick body and soon was asleep. Ignoring Lev who just sat beside him and held her head towards his lap as he starts to run his fingers on her soft locks of black hair with flame orange streaks.

At the dining hall, everyone started to leave as they finished their dinner. Karasuno finished faster especially Kageyama. He wanted to find Hinata and Lev just to find out what were they doing and where they are right at this moment. Nekoma was waiting for Kenma to finish his food that Kuroo gave him demanding to eat more or he won't let him go near Hinata. Kageyama took the chance and run off. Suddenly he's eyes turned to a tree. He went there and saw Hinata with Lev. Kageyama didn't know what he was doing and what he was feeling on inside him just now. His body wants to strangle Lev to death. The past night was still fresh in his mind, after seeing Hinata and Kenma. And now, it happened again this time with Lev. Hinata was sleeping on Lev's lap. He can hear the faint humming voice of the half Russian Nekoma member while combing Hinata's hair using his fingers. Kageyama clenched his fist tightly and soon blood starts to drip off to the floor. He thought that this time was much easier for him to just ignore it. Thinking that it was just about the two of them bonds as great volleybal partners before. Now he knows, he feels how hard it is to ignore the burning anger and jealousy he had inside him. But, he's still an idiot after all, he still doesn't know why he feels that way towards her and that word surely he thought was not gonna be the perfect word to actually describe it. Kageyama can't bear to see that anymore so his heavy feet brought him to a vending machine and out of nowhere he punched it causing the small lights inside the machine to flicker. 'What is this feeling?' he thought to him self. As time passes by, it was suffocating him harder than ever.

The day quickly went ahead. Tsukishima was listening to his favorite list of songs while reading when Yui barged into their room and quickly went to him. He set his book aside and put down his headphones as he look at his girlfriend crying. They noticed how pale and shaking her body is. Everyone suddenly became worried. They handed her a tissue and she quickly wipe off her tears. What happened? They all asked her. The team was shocked after she told them what happened.


I know that I never mentioned about Hinata studying Hoplology (study of weapons) and the weaponry thing. I intentionally did that. Of course for some reasons. You will understand what my reasons are soon.

Anyways, you know what I'll say again so.....

Have a good day today and don't forget to smile and stay safe... ❤️❤️❤️


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