Chapter 3

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A few broken ribs, dark purple bruises, small to average opened cuts, sore muscles, swelling feet and mentally unstable. Those words plagued him. He remembered the accident when they were just kids. He was ten while she's just six years old back then. It felt like nightmare going back on his head like replay torturing him on another level. But none of them knew of it, how he tried so hard for her to take a small yet hesitant step again. They don't have any clue on how hard he tried before her sister can truly smile, just like it never happened. They don't have any idea what kind of torture the two of them had before and how he fought it for himself and her sister. They don't know anything about it nor the little details that still visible in those shining orbs, yet there they are crushing her again after how long he picked up those crashed pieces of her sister.

He hated the unfamiliar, sharp, heavy, sterile air of the hospital. But for her he'll live through it. Afterall, no one's going to be able to visit her at this hour. Since their family can't come.

He still remember those pleading eyes in front of him, desperately wanting to stay and continue to play volleyball with her team. She really wants to stay at Karasuno; her home. He knew he was naive. Letting her sister to live alone, rarely visiting her and worst being such an idiot for believing her lies to cover up those ungreatful bastards. He knew her too well that if he finds out about it, he'll be dragging her to Tokyo with him. And that's the last thing Shouyou will do, he knew that her sister can't leave Karasuno easily. If only he agreed to his instincts before then this would've happen, surely he would still have the time to stop them. But it's too late now. It already happened so fast. For the second time, he felt that he failed as a brother. He failed to protect her sister. He failed to be by her side. Thinking about it makes him feel bad. His stomach starts to hurt, his eyes become stingy and his blood runs cold. It was another of those nauseous feeling that made him want to puke in disgust. He hates this feeling inside of him. He gently held his sister's left hand and kissed it. She smells different from the hospital, she has a subtle scent of vanilla and a pinch of lavender along with a strong sweet smell of fresh oranges.

Hinata finally woke up after three days. The doctors are going to let her stay for a week pr so, to rest before she can finally go home. She was greeted by her brother. He was so worried yet he hid it for its better to cheer her up rather than refreshed her thoughts of those people. But, he made sure that everything's going to be okay. He knew that it will be hard for the two of them to fix things up like before. Their parents are far away from them and surely can't pay them a visit anyhow, even if they asked. So as the eldest brother he will do anything for the both of them. He's willing to start all over again, this time with her sister, the both of them together. 'She's not alone anymore because she have me', he thought. But he knew that he himself isn't enough, Shouyou wants her team that she considered a family. A family that betrayed her. Silence. It was quiet inside the four corners of the white metal aired room and he wants to be the one whose going to break it.

"Sho, no more hiding, no more secrets and no more pretending. This time we will fight, we will make them pay and we'll make sure that they'll regret what they did to you. So, I'm taking you to Tokyo. No more second thoughts. This is for your own good. I'm going to do everything I can to help you up just like before. So please, let me,"he said while brushing her sister's soft unruly hair. Hinata just listened to her brother, all silent trying to consume all the words. Trying to absorb the current situation and how to be able to move again, freely this time. Without caring about everyone's opinions and false judgements. Then it striked her hard, harder than being hit by a volleyball on the head. He's right, she needs to stand up again. She needs to go, even if it's hard, even if it feels like she doesn't want to. She knew, she needed it and that's the same for her dear brother whose always right beside him guiding him in any means possible. She felt sorry for her brother also guilty of never telling him the truth, for letting him be an idiot not knowing that her sister need desperate help. And also for ignoring his questions, showering him with petty lies and sugar-coated words.

For a whole week, Hinata just stares out of nowhere. She was thinking about what his brother said to him also about Karasuno. No more hiding, no more secrets and no more pretending? If that's the case, everyone would know about their secrets that the two of them kept for so long. That the Hinata Shouyou they know was not a he but a she. Hinata had no idea if his plans would work, though he never knew one amonst those listed plans his beloved broher had in mind. Nevertheless, she trust him. Surely, Karasuno is in good state since all they'd ever wanted was her, gone.

His brother's new apartment were beautiful and are big enough for the two of them to live. Since his brother already graduated in college and are currently working as a manga artist in Tokyo. His place were cozy, warm and welcoming. Walls are chocolate brown, hard wooden floors are neatly polished, white and cream colored home appliances and furnitures and colorful paintings are all over the place. And their room was covered in ocean blue, white and grey colors. It was warm and the rays of the sun are always illumintating through their apartment's big windows. Hinata loves the place. Eversince she came yesterday she would end up mesmerized by the overall beauty. It was simple yet can be called as a haven.

As for him, he wouldn't let her sister out of their room. His plan of sharing a room with her sister to fully watched over her actions really do help a lot. He wanted Shouyou to stay with him in the same room for safety and it was an advantage for her sister since she clearly loved his room. Her body was recovering pretty fast making him breathe more calmly than before. As if someone had plucked a few of  those thorns inside his chest. Once she fully recovered he'll be sending her off to his best friend in Brazil whom he met in highschool. She'll be there for two and a half months prior before transferring her at a school in Tokyo. It will surely help her to have a new start by changing her surroundings and let her adapt through it herself, of course still guiding her all throughout the way.

He already made plans for the both of them. This is her sister's opportunity to be born again. He knew that she loved his haven. However, he isn't blind. He noticed her sister's pale complexion. He knows that she's still mentally unstable, after all she got herself into a really bad situation. It hurts him seeing his sister in that state. This is the last time that he'll let them hurt her. She deserves to be happy. It's been a while since he last seen those sweet and warm sunshine smile, and he badly wants to see it again.


Her mind is a labyrinth. Somewhere she's lost inside it. His brother promised her that everything's fine. That she'll be alright. But the thought of their secrets being freed from the back of her mind, scares her. So many 'what ifs' are messing up her sanity. Fear silently creeps through her, as darkness devoured her. The beautiful haven in front of her weren't warm anymore, the sunlight vanished, the room became dark, shadows forming onto the corners and the floor seems too low she can't reach it with her feet. The foreign feeling overwhelmes her. She's hallucinating, visioning hell before her eyes. Anger, hatred and pain are like dark claws grasping her. Making her scream in pain. It was cold and terrifying. This is the first time it ever happened. She can't take it anymore. This is all new to her, the feeling of too much sickens her to the core. Too much emotional pain. She scream like never before, releasing all the pain that she doesn't know that she still have. Hitting her head with her hands to stop the pain though nothing seems to happen. Little by little she can hear tiny whispers turning to screams. It was their voices, repeating how useless and ill-mannered she is. She want it to stop. Her eyes are bursting with tears that it stings. It's beginning to be unbearable for her. All the pain from the past till now poured out. Her throat hurts, and are severely dry. Yet it doesn't seem to bother her as anxiousness filling up in her chest became too hard to breathe. She thought that she already cried herself out to her brother the last time, she thought that, that was all. It turns out that it wasn't enough. She isn't enough.

Meanwhile, his brother came rushing towards the room. Panic came rushing through him. He hugged her sister, he can't bear to see her like this. He took her both hands and kissed it then wiped her tears off her face. Squeezing her hard telling her that he's here. Slowly he guide her to breathe properly again. It took her long enough before she can finally calm down and rest for a bit.

He looked at her sister with love as she peacefully rest on the pillows. Not noticing his tears escaping through his eyes. Ruffling her orange hair, he called his friend; his senpai. For he can't bare to see her like that anymore.


Sorry for the pessimistic ideas. It's just temporary(?). I'll gave Hinata some credits further on.

Thanks again for reading!!!

Hope you enjoy..


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