Chapter 25

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A few months have past, it's already the month of December. The wind is already cold as the snow fell from the sky. Mr. Akiyama already adopted the two, Hinata and Tenma. Since then, there last name became Akiyama like Haru. The three became siblings and a press conference was held at the end of October. Tenma asked if they can turn there former last names into their middle name. Soon, it was settled. They kept Hinata and Tenma as adopted Akiyama. They told the press that the two are his real children. That they were being seperated for their own safety. He needs to keep it a secret to avoid unnecessary issues that may cause some problems against the two. Mr. Akiyama can't let someone else hurt his children anymore. He already treated the two as his own. Since then, Mr. Akiyama became happy and hardworking. Knowing that he had his children depending on him. That cause his company to flourish more in Brazil and got the chance to have another company branch in Singapore. Since, Udai will be the one to took his place all he needs to do for npw was to train him until he's ready. Haru finally came home to his father's house in Tokyo, Japan. He began to take his college studies seriously while he continued to train his physical abilities. Udai(Tenma) began to spend more time with Haru. Haru started to teach Udai about mixed martial arts to be able to protect Shouyou and himself. Udai also focus more on working as a chairman in his father's company. And work is much more easier to do with the help of his teacher(father) who trains him with everything he needs to know. The two boys began to breath lighter than before. They helped each other to became a better version of themselves. Udai had his own therapies for a while just to make sure his okay. After what happened to his parents and her little sister.

Nekoma continued to practice, believing that Shouyou will always support them. They want her to wake uo already. They believe her, that someday she'll come back and play again with them. They're queen and their only ray of sunshine. They're still hoping that she'll be okay and that she's going to hang out with all of them soon. They still haven't forgotten to spare a time to visit her to Akiyama's recidences.

Kageyama started to visit her more often ever since he had his first visit. Haru gave her another permission with the help of his new ani ( another term for brother). Though Shouyou was still unconscious, he stayed persistent and filled her room with light and hope like Shouyou wasn't unconscious in the first place. He knew that this isn't going to be easy but he's not giving up until she woke up and acknowledged him. The first time he had visit, he was welcomed with a carefree Haru, a mad father (Akiyama Ichihiro) and a darker version Udai. They have a very serious talk, he thanked Haru for helping him. He wouldn't waste it for some news coming out of Yui's mouth. Ever since that talk happened, the three (Haru, Udai, Mr. Akiyama) make sure to keep an eye on him. And let him visit her. The talk happened because Haru forgot to tell about the talk between the two of them to his Ani and to his father. Kageyama would usually bring sunflowers for her and telling her stories about what happened outside. How he play volleyball with the team, how the school was for him and even how the trees swayed as he walked over to her house. He doesn't care if Shouyou was  listening at him or not but he simply hoped she's listening. Kageyma just wants to talk to her even if it's one sided conversation. After all, she was his inspiration in volleyball and in life. Before, he thought that volleyball was all he need in life. But, now he's more than happy that he met Shouyou.

Tsukishima was more focused on the press conference that happened. He can't believe his eyes, well the same with the whole Karasuno. Shouyou is a heiress, a rich lady. And her current condition totally left them in shock and was deeply devastated and guilty about what they did in the past. Like the team, Tsukishima still has a few more questions he needed to know about it. He hadn't been able to find the answer about Shouyou and Yui. And Kageyama was also a bit weird in his point of view. Then a plan just clicked in his mind, he search his contacts and called the person. Thinking that he should've done this in the first place.

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