Chapter 15

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I clenched tightly on my blanket. My blanket were thick but it can't protect me enough from the cold. I close my eyes and starts to take deep breaths slowly. I can't calm down, I took a short glance at the alarm clock beside me. It's 12:08 am and I can't go back to sleep. My vision became blurry and my eyes starts to sting as hot droplets of water fell down my cheeks. It hurts, my head hurts so bad. My breathing technique is slowly turning to chaos. I can't breathe. My chest hurts like someone is squeezing my heart, my lips and teeth are trembling along with my body and the room starts to move making my stomach turn up side down. I can hear familiar voices. It's my former team mates and Yui. I can clearly hear them inside my head as their voices kept on tingling through my ears. This is too much but somehow this feeling seems to happen in the past. I move my hands and start to pull my hair in a mess. Please make them stop, someone make them stop. I can't hold it anymore, my ears would bleed if they kept on shouting.

The room is dark but all I can't think of was the voices. Their voices, that sooner or later will made me deaf. Maybe if I was deaf, I won't be able to hear them anymore. Every seconds and minutes that will pass by is making me more uncomfortable. The pain is making it unbearable for me to handle. Make it stop! Make it stop! My body began to shake even more, I can hear the clattering noise of my teeth behind those voices, I kept on pulling my hair making my head all numb by the pain, my eyes hurt that's its burning and even if my eyes are all blurry by the tears I can faintly see the pitch black silhouette amidst my dark room. I can't hold on anymore, I don't know how long am I in this state. I need to call someone for help. I need to scream, damn this dry throat of mine. My voice seems to fade into the darkness. My mouth is open but I can still feel my teeth shaking. I can't hear my voice but I can faintly see my dark room turns bright and a silhouette came near me. NO! MAYBE IT WAS THE SILHOUETTE IN MY ROOM A WHILE AGO. MAYBE IT WAS A MONSTER! I feel my body began to panic more worst than before. I'm already tired but I can't stop my body. I can't snap out of it. Please someone help me! Someone help me! I can't do this anymore.

The silhouette hugged me. No, don't touch me! Don't! I can't hear my voice but I can feel my throat, it's dry and it hurts so bad. I can feel my sweat dripping from my forehead. Making me harder to see as it flows on top of my eyes. It's fuzzy red, no it's not sweat. It is blood dripping from my head. What's going on? I can't control my own body. It won't stop from panicking. The silhouette was holding my hands in my head. I can feel it, I can feel my body but I can't take control of it. His voice is somehow familiar and he's saying to breathe. I don't know how?!! Seems like I have forgotten how to breathe.

Amidst the voices in my head, I can hear faint whisperings as my blurry eyes can't see anymore. My body became numb from all the shaking and panicking. And the next thing I knew was I woke up inside and looking straight up at the familiar peach ceilings of my room, lying on my soft Ivory colored queen size bed. My mind was fuzzy and light that made my head hurts. I wonder what happened to me. I can't remember. I am all alone beside me was my bedside table on top of it was a small basket full of berries and a small white vase with a single sunflower looking after me. My light orange curtains were open letting the sunshine inside my room all warm and cozy. I look at the sunflower beside me, I know that sunflowers were suppose to look at the sun not on my direction. I just put my thoughts away as I scan my room. I'm alone right now, where are they?. Ugggh.. My head hurts the last thing I remembered was my brother let me live with Haru cause no one's gonna look after me at his apartment. I touched my head and winced in pain, I can feel a soft thing wrapped around my head. A gauze, why? Maybe Haru will answer me later. My room is all peach, orange and ivory. It's beautiful but huge. I'm sure that this is all Haru's orders. He wants me to be comfortable and all. And sometimes it's too much. Haru is a bit of an introvert (looks and impression at first but not really an introvert) but he's nice and don't forget he is super rich. He's the one who thought me about Hoplology and let me master my skills in weaponry. And he is my only male bestfriend in Brazil and in the whole world.

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