Chapter 29

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She was sleeping again, we'll be waiting for her again. That was all Kageyama and the others can think of right now. She's unconscious again. The doctors told them that the head ache or migraine she just had was that it triggered her memory lane of her brain. There's a possibility that her migraine results to her memories to regain. It was good news but due to fatigue that her body kept on battling may have been one of the reasons of her long unconsciousness.

Either way, they still believe her. She's brave and strong. She'll regain her memories, defeat her disorders and have a great life. Summer is coming soon and the sweet scented air are fading away little by little. But Kageyama knew her scented never fades. How much he loved her smell, her smile and her laughter.

Until on the first week of summer. Shouyou wake up. Like nothing happened, like she doesn't lost her memories the first time she wake up. Fatigue was still present in her body and they can see it. Above it all, they're still happy that she's awake and had been regained her memories.

All she asked was what happened right after she passed out after the death of her family. Haru and Udai explained everything and soon they're going to pay a visit to their parents and Natsu in the cemetery. She was sad but despite of the loss, she was sincerely happy for she still have a family. They may not be connected by blood but Shouyou knew that they’re connected by heart. And that was enough for her to fight back to everything fate throws at her.

She was persistent and desperate to fought back. That was the first time they saw her determined just like when she's playing volleyball. She was passionate and intimidating. A true powerful person. Theraphies hurts like hell for her but they never saw her cry or demand the therapist to stop. Even in drinking her medicines on time, she was eager. That doctors and nurses from the hospital of Mr. Akiyama's friend praised and admired her. She's the first ever comorbid patient to last for almost a year and a half. Maybe it may not looks like it but don't judge the book by its cover.

While in Kageyama's case, he had the same level of eagerness and determination like Shouyou. Every therapy and medicine time he's there. Whenever he had paperwork from school he will bring it to Shouyou's room and study there while guarding the flame orange haired girl. Shouyou was a bit distant to him at first which he understand. But time passed by, Shouyou began to wait for Kageyama to came. Every morning Kageyama was there bringing her breakfast and they would eat together while chatting about volleyball and what happened to Kageyama at school when he's not off, after that they would watch volleyball games and movies, eat lunch together, while Kageyama needs to study Shouyou was looking at him and patiently waits for him to finish and lastly when dinner came they are still together. Though sometimes there are days they're not cause Kageyama has school and Shouyou has her theraphies and other visitors and friends to accompany into. But all of them were happy. She is happy. Still sometimes , pessimistic thoughts kept on lingering on her. she now know that she'll manage cause she's not alone. She has everyone who'll support her throughout the challenges that might come her way.

As much as she want to deny it, Kageyama was the one who had a huge impact on her self improvement. And lying wouldn't be able to hide what's obvious that she's somewhat happy about it.

"Shouyou!, Tsuki and I brought you your favorite meatbuns!" Yamaguchi tadashi was with Tsukishima today. Both of them had one bag full of meatbuns to gave her. Shouyou smiled and hug the both of them the moment they reached her bedside. Shouyou can't still walk properly due to her long unconsciousness and fatigue. Thanks to theraphies she can now move her legs a bit.

Everyone knows that Shouyou loved meatbuns. And that was the both of them decided to bought for her. Since then, Tsukishima starts to soften up when it comes to Shouyou. They become close and thanks to Tsukishima and the others, Shouyou has the opportunity to recall all of her studies that are currently on hold because of her condition.

"Thanks Tsukishima, Yamaguchi. Let's eat it while it's still hot" she said happily. They were all eating while the both of them tell her what happened to Yamaguchi on their last game. The three of them were having a good laugh together when the door banged open. There stood Tanaka and Noya, they began to run towards her but Tsukishima and Yamaguchi stopped them.

"Good to see you again, Sho!" tanaka excitedly said while he offered his gift which is a carton of milk. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi laughed while the Tanaka blushed in embarrassment. Nishinoya has ice pop as a gift.

"Thanks Tanaka, I like it. I won't share it with Kageyama" Shouyou said that made Tanaka strip his shirt as he shouted yeaahhhh. His embarrassment were long gone thanks to Shouyou's words.

"You know Tanaka senpai, Shouyou isn't Kageyama whose obsessed with milk" Tsukishima snickered. Tanaka just growled.

"Did I just heared milk?" Kageyama asked out of no where. He's with the other Karasuno members at the door of her room. Shouyou just ignored him just like the four guys around her. She opened her large carton of milk and drank from it. Kageyama saw it and went straight to Shouyou.

"Hey I want some too!" Kageyama demanded. Hoping an indirect kiss. "Then go buy yourself one, King" Tsukishima answered before Shouyou can even speak. His hopes of an indirect kiss were shattered. Poor Kageyama cause Tsukishima already read his scheme.


Another one finished.

Thanks guys for reading have a nice day!!


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