Chapter 20

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Her armpit length black with orange streaks hair, unique eyes, rosy cheeks, cute button nose, white skin(not tanned anymore) and a small figure. The way she move and smiled at someone or something makes his heart melt. She was near yet seems so far. Karasuno can see her happy while Haru just watched her having fun with Nekoma. They all thought that without Hinata maybe all their problems regarding with Yui will stop. They haven't got a clue why can't they focus just like before, why can't they give 100% of their skills in game. They are all wondering why since Hinata had gone. They know it's Hinata. Hinata is the answer but they can't accept that. Kageyama and Tsukishima was the only ones who are trying to accept the fact that the team can't go on without her. While, the others were too shy or too guilty to even think about it. They still believe Yui somehow, that Hinata might have really hurt her. Knowing that a small part of them called conscience are already speaking the truth, the harsh reality.

On the other hand, Yui was devastated and was totally pissed off of her boyfriend and Hinata. She believe that this is all Hinata's fault. She may have moved to Tokyo, to a different school but she's still remembered in Karasuno. Because of Yui's accusations and rumors spread like wildfire that made a little snap on the poor orange girl out of Karasuno. Yui can't accept the fact that Hinata is continuing to steal everything away from her. And Tsukishima is still cold towards her. That she barely sees her in his classes and sometimes on club activities, cause Kei wants her to say sorry to Hinata and Nekoma. And she ain't like that, no way she's gonna apologize to Nekoma especially to Hinata. She wanted to know what was her boyfriend doing since he saw how busy he is on lunch breaks and after school. She wants to know his reasons and whereabouts. But, Tsukishima always stops her from invading his 'privacy'. His ways of talking and approaching Yui made her skip club meetings and activities. She always stays at her classroom which made her boyfriend sigh in relief knowing that he can move more without her delaying him. Yui decided that she can't watch Kei on his plays while they're something wrong between them.

Meanwhile, Kageyama was spacing out in the middle of the game. He can't wait to even approach or talk to Hinata again. He wants to talk to her that bad that he doesn't know what to do anymore. The ball came towards him hitting his forehead as he fell off the floor. Silence overtook the gym. He can't believe that that happened, spacing out and hitting on the forehead with a ball. Just like Hinata before. He heard the screaching footsteps of his team as they surround him asking him if he's okay. He said he was but remembered he wants to talk to her and this was a good opportunity so he asked to be benched for a while. Keishin agreed and he sat on the bench for the meantime. Suga replaced him in the game, all worried like the others. Kageyama's eyes wander to his left. His eyes can't help itself but to look at her in a short distance they had in between.

He had little time, so he quickly reached for his phone hoping that she had her phone and that she didn't change her phone number yet. He texted her, to please talk to him for one last time. Wishing that that wouldn't be the last to have a chance to talk to her. He watched her as she reached for her phone that Haru gave. She opened it and look back at him. He saw her eyes once more looking at his dark blue ones. She suddenly look at Haru and said something that Kageyama can't hear nor understand. She stand up and reach for the gym door, she opened it and eventually goes outside leaving Nekoma behind who was wondering where is she going.

He went after her. He saw her in a vending machine, drinking from a milk carton. It was his first time seeing her drink milk. He had no idea that Hinata drink milk everyday at home after Haru stopped her from drinking too much coffee. She noticed him immediately standing a few feet beside her hesitant to walk through  and have a talk. He watched her drink, sipping through a straw. How her lips formed and how she stands there perfectly while the sun rays are warming her back.

Tsukishima watched Haru followed the two after. He wants to see what the setter is planning but he can't since he's playing at the moment. He just clicked his tongue in annoyance. Oh how badly he wants to go there too even for a bit.

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