Chapter 10

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Our first match again Nekoma yesterday was terrifying. At least we won atleast one set from the game. Hinata was the one who mostly got all the points. They've won against us. Actually, Nekoma wins the whole match with the rest of the teams because Hinata was there. This is why I don't underestimate others. You don't know what they're hiding under their sleeves.

But last night was different, I don't know what that feeling is. And I don't want to find out. All I want is volleyball nothing else. If my partner left me, then let her go. We will win this time. After all, it's her fault right? Even if she's a girl it won't change the fact that she hurt Yui. I should believe Yui because she's the one whose here. Not Hinata, because she left me. She left us. And she never even told the truth to her partner. I thought she trust me 100%? But why didn't she tell me that she's a freaking girl?

Focus Kageyama. I slapped my face hard to wake up my senses. I need to remain calm and collected. Hinata isn't my partner anymore. I need to focus on my team now. On my team mates. Only focus on Karasuno. Focus on how to beat everyone. "Kageyama, come on we need to go and eat breakfast" Sugawara shouted. Stoping all of my thoughts from eating my soul. I quickly put on my shirt and ran outside.

We all sat down and started eating. The dining hall is noisy from all the clanking noise of the utensils, people talking and laughing and those who are grinding that are supposedly chewing the food. Nekoma is on our right side of the table. Their group is noisy just like the others. While the only noisy people in our table was Tanaka and Nishinoya. Sometimes Saltyshima would butt in. I am sitting on the right side near Nekoma. This isn't good. Luckily, Hinata isn't with them.

Tsukishima            ¦        
Yamaguchi             T           Daichi
Tanaka                    A           Sugawara
Nishinoya               B           Asahi
Ennoshita               L           Narita
Kinoshita                E           Kageyama

Kuroo                       T          Space
Taketora                  A         Kenma
Inouka                     B          Lev
Yuki                          L          Yaku
Kai                            E           Shohei

( their sitting arrangement)

I just disregard my thoughts and continue eating. When the stupid door stood open, she's here. The dining hall soon were filled with silence. Silence that if someone made a noise he'd be killed instantly. She ignored the silence and everyone looking on her. She took her food on the counter then she sat on... Next to me? I mean next to Kenma. Kageyama snapped out of it.

I just shook my head and continue eating. They also started eating too. The eerie silence were taken over by the noise before she came. Nekoma whose noisy awhile ago start to settle down. The brush head that Tanaka's friend suddenly turn to Hinata. I'm not looking at them but at the corner of my eye, I can still see there movements.

"Shouyou your like the night not that it's dark but because somehow it's mesmerising. We're a team now, and as a teammate, can I call you Yoru(dark)?"he unexpectedly asked a question like that? Such a brush head. Nekoma's table suddenly felt quiet. Wait, it really is quiet at their table. And everyone seems too busy to notice. Suddenly, I heard a soft giggle at their table. It was Hinata. Everyone in our table starts listening carefully. I can feel it, cause I too was listening. Her laugh was so light that the heavy atmosphere of the Nekoma cats were taken away in a split second.

Everyone on our side and theirs are waiting for her answer. "Sure, that would be great Taki(Taketora)" she smiled brighter than the smiles she always does back when she's still in Karasuno. "But please don't be tense when I'm around. I already told each one of you about me well, partially. And we're a team now right, Roo~(Ku/roo)?" she added. Kuroo just nod and smile at her. Wait, when did Kuroo and Hinata became that close?

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