Chapter 26

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Today is a cold winter morning. This day is the day Yui regretted her decision by coming with Karasuno to Shouyou's house. This day wasn't getting any better for her, such a big disaster. Shouyou's room was filled with tension coming from both parties. Tsukishima asked, "Tell us Udai, what happened to Shouyou?." Kageyama were surprised, 'is he that curious about her?' he asked himself. Because Tsukishima made an effort to get there just by pure curiosity of what really happened to Shouyou. Mr. Akiyama faked a cough causing the whole team to focus on him."Let's just say that she got sick and that no one knew what happened why is she like this today. My daughter's not even in a coma. That even the doctors don't know what to say and do to wake her up." he answered. Kageyama shivered at the man's deep voice. He know what their father (Ichihiro) is capable of and also the two brothers (Udai and Haru) is dangerous either. But the team are surely is persistent. Daichi was the next one to ask,"I also wanted to ask what really happened did she really do those kinds of things to our manager" such a bold thing to ask of him. While Yui was getting antsy at the moment. She badly wants to get out of there but she can't cause if she do then she'll be proven guilty.

"Of course not. I'm the one who's with her ever since we're little kids. I am the one who guide her and teach her. Meaning to say that I'm the one who let her do horrible things you've all been pointing at her. For what particular reason will she did that?" Udai defended. He can't just sit in front of them while they can just open their mouths that are full of lies. The whole room went silent after that. Haru can't bear to sit in front of them so he stood up and sat on a chair beside Shouyou's bed. That was the most simplest thing to do to avoid those people. Of course, he can't just leave the room, that will turn out to be rude. Seeing her peaceful face was enough for Haru to smile. 'As long as she's breathing I won't loose hope' he thought. Haru's head was full of Shouyou lately. He badly wanted to hang out with her again not just a bestfriend anymore but as her sister. He can't get tired gazing at her beauty all day. Her hair color is now different, since she never had the chance to dye her hair black again. The color black just flow off through the middle part of her hair. Because flame orange is her original hair color, her hair roots turned orange again. Leaving her hair orange on the roots then turning black then turning orange again on the tips. Her hair is already reached almost on a mid back length. Her pale face was still as pretty as ever. She's like the sun still shining brightly amidst the heavy storm.

He was silent for a few seconds when he suddenly grabs a brush and starts combing her hair. Haru missed her so much. Meanwhile, the guys at the back were watching Haru combed her sister's hair. Surprisingly enough, Kiyoko kneel down on the floor as she hold her phone tightly. Everyone was shocked while Yachi soon followed. The two managers were crying. Hurt and guilt was painted on their faces. They can't keep it inside of them anymore. The more they struggle the more those feelings starts to break free from its chains.

he said. He's doing that face again. The face I can't describe maybe the reason is he doesn't really make a face like that whenever he's with me way back at Karasuno. He's cheeks are blushing, his dark blue eyes are dazzling like the sea whose given warmth and glow from the sun and her lips are not smiling nor grinning. Seems he's trying to hide his smile? Well, his smiles are scary, though. I just disregarded that thought out of my head.

"We're so sorry, Mr. Akiyama. We can't keep it a secret anymore" the two of them said in unison. Yui started to realize that this will be the end of her. But, she can't move because of Kageyama's dark blue eyes gazing at her along with Udai who knew it all thanks to Haru's noisy big mouth. The room became uncomfortable because of the pressure and the heavy feeling of the people inside. Except for the two(Shoyou and Haru) who doesn't seem to be part of the room itself. "Explain" Mr. Akiyama said. His voice boomed ths whole room causing yhe whole Karasuno to flinch woth fear. "We recorded some evidencss and I am a witness of one of Yui Fujioka's doings. I just saw her accidentally when I heard a noise coming from the back of the first year's building. Then and there, I saw Yui and a couple of guys beating Shouyou. She was close to bleeding but none of them care. After beating her up Yui gave the guys an envelope and leave like nothing happened" she said bravely. The heavy feeling inside of her were all gone. Like someone just lifted it up for her. While Yachi was shivering, she also wanted to talk. She wanted to speak up like what she did to her mom back then at the train station. That was when Shouyou helped her to tell her mom that she wanted to be a manager of the men's volleyball club.

Noya and Tanaka were the ones who were so surprised at how their managers stood brave like a man. All were silent, waiting for one of the two managers to explain further. They know that it's hard to be in their shoes. So, they patiently waited for the two girls to gather up more courage they can. Then Yachi all of a sudden began to talk. "Kiyoko-senpai just told me what she saw that day. It was the day when Kiyoko-senpai was looking for Shouyou. She was about to ask her for the parent consent form. Then that was she saw. She saw those bruises and cuts and that day kiyoko senpai found out that Shouyou was a girl. We can't tell the team because we're scared of what Yui's gonna do to the both of us if we tell the team. Kiyoko senpai and I were so sorry for keeping it a secret till now." Yachi explained. The whole Karasuno team was utterly surprised at how brave the two can be especially Yachi who they knew was always stuttering and always on panic whenever she see guys so tall and huge.

After the both of them explained, Kiyoko played the recordings of Yui with them. All of those days she just talk behind the team's back. The team were shocked and disappointed at Yui. They treated her special and like one of them. Then all she ever repay them was this. Yui immediately stood up, she knew that she needed to defend herself. Her own stubbornness brought her to this situation. Yui immediately regret what she said to her father. She should've gone with him back to States before non of this could've happened.

"Ohh~, she's been caught" Haru mocked her out of nowhere. Now everyone wants to know her reasons why she did all of that. Karasuno finally understood that they made a huge mistake. Especially Tsukishima knowing that his girlfriend was capable of doing such things. Yui remained silent, she doesn't want to admit everything. And Mr. Akiyama knew that a brat is always a brat. So, he did what he needs to do. "You won't explain yourself young miss? Then you might be glad if I can make your father's company go bankrupt?" Mr. Akiyama told her. Yui flinched in horror. No, all of their wealth will be gone. She can't let that happen. 'What will happen to me? I can't go out poor' she thought. But still she won't explain, she wants to stay stubborn till the very end.

Tsukishima's questions were all answered. Same with the whole team. It was all Yui's fault. Tsukishima was devastated at what she said on the recordings. She doesn't really like Tsukishima. Well, it's better for him to know now than later.

"I'm sorry but I won't explain myself any further, sir. I promise that I won't come back here and ruin your lives anymore. So please don't touch my father's company" Mr. Akiyama smirked. He's right, she can't just let her father's wealth go to waste. Because she doesn't want the news about her going from riches to rags went to her friends' ears. A brat indeed.

Yui can't stand alone there anymore so she began to ran away while crying. This is the most embarrassing thing that can happen to her that definitely will humiliate her family if her father found out about it.



She just left. After all she did to Shouyou, she just left. What a dumbass. A coward, I regret believing in that girl. Now that she's gone, that means Saltyshima's single again. I can't let him get Shouyou away from me. After all the efforts I've made just to finally let me have the permission to come here and visit. I'll be the one whose gonna win her. Not even Tsukishima or anyone can stop me.

After she left all of us decided to talk about Shouyou. All those questions I wanted to asked were all answered to my heart's content. She's safe now and there should be nothing to worry about. If anything bad happens again, they'll have a taste of my wrath.

"Daaad!! Her index finger moved" Haru surprisingly shouted. We all suddenly stood up from our seats. We can't go crowding her so the team let her family go near her. And they have the authority to do so. But I can't just stand here. I went towards her bed ignoring the team calling me. Once again, her index finger slightly tapped the blanket. She really did move. Tears soon began to betray me, I can't cry. I need to be strong. Haru laughingly punch my shoulder. "What a baby, Kageyama" Haru teased. I just clicked my tongue and wiped this stupid tears. I'm happy to see that she's fighting.


Another one finished.

Thanks for reading!!


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