Chapter 17

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(A week before Hinata had an episode)

Its been I don't know days since I started my own research about that Haru guy. I'm tired, barely hungry and sleepy but all of this is because of that Haru guy that Hinata jumped on. My table was a mess, my laptop in front of me, scribbled papers with Haru's possible names, address and other backgrounds written all over it, leftover food and printed pictures. I think that Haru is rich. There's this Japanese tycoon I saw just now and he's living in Brazil where Hinata had gone to. Well, he used to live in Tokyo, Japan before but decided to find his luck in business at Brazil specifically in Rio de Janeiro. He is currently 43 years old. He had his only son as his only living family after his wife died in an accident regarding to her family issues. Her death weren't released in public. While, he's only son was still unknown. Some said that he had no son at all while others said that he had a son and he is in highschool or college by now. I didn't read the rest of the article just enough to know the basics.

The japanese business tycoon's name was Akiyama Chihiro. What if he's the one connected to that Haru. He's the one Japanese rich guy existing in Brazil. Well, I know Haru is Japanese just his looks. It's just a guess, but why not? I typed my keyboard as letters popped up from the search bar.

'Akiyama Haru'

So many Akiyama Haru and other possible Haru was on the screen but the Haru Silva was surely is the one I'm looking for because of the familiar photo pasted at the top right corner. So, he is Haru Silva. An 18 year old Brazilian - Japanese known for having an insane knowledge and talent in Hoplology, mixed martial arts and weaponry. He is also known as the youngest student in a prestigious school in Rio de Janeiro. His family background is still unknown. His co students says that he's a total introvert except for the Japanese unknown girl. Who someone said that he's currently teaching advanced Hoplology and weaponry. I read all of his articles on the internet. I'm pretty sure that the Japanese unknown girl is Hinata. Tch. This is all your fault dumbass! Dumbass, Hinata! I wrote down everything that can be useful on his background and put it in a folder along with the other scribbled and half crumbled papers and photographs of strangers. I think I've been busy for five days in a row and a half I think. I cleaned up my mess and plumped my heavy body on my soft bed unconsciously drifting off to sleep.


Hinata dropped to her knees, she's still weak. Haru quickly laid Hinata on her bed. Her body is shaking again, her eyes are wide and are looking around the room in panic, she began to cry, her teeth are clattering as her lips twitch and she began to took off the gauze in her head rummaging her wounds in her scalp. Haru quickly called their doctor while he took hold of her hands while he's trying to stop it from hurting her head again. 'It's happening again' he thought. Calming her down is not easy. He knew that this could possibly happened again after she finds out her permanent condition. The doctor with Reo followed after a minute came to us, he had an injection on his hand and swiftly took Hinata's arm and gave her a shot. Soon enough, Hinata finally dozed off, panting really deep and hard on Haru's shoulder while her whole body is still shaking.

"Thank you doctor Sato" he just nod at him leaving Haru a warm smile behind. Doctor Sato is Haru's family doctor.

Comorbid ADHD(Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), MDD(Major Depressive Disorder) and SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder). Comorbid Disorder is the presence of having more than one disorder on the same person. That explains why. Her condition was severe enough to kill herself when she had the chance to do so. The good thing before was he and the others never let Hinata hold a sharp object even at Haru's weapon lessons. He only showed her pictures and toys that looks exactly like a real weapon. They were extremely happy that Hinata never had a chance to cut herself secretly or not. They were hands-on on her.

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