Chapter 22

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I hate this. I hate her. I groaned and plumped myself into my bed. I've decided to skip the club meetings. Kei won't acknowledge me anyway so what's the point. I can't believe that he's so immature. He's so damn cold to his girlfriend just because of what had happened at the summer camp. I still won't apologize to her. I despise her, anyways I don't even love or like Kei, I just used him against Hinata and Kei is famous. I thought that he's smart and observant enough to actually get my actions. I tried to be clingy and nice to him but he's just so hard to approach. Now, I don't know what to do with him. These days are boring, I can't even bring Hinata to Karasuno because she's clearly out of sight. I missed my home at States why did daddy even wants to go back here anyway?

What am I going to do now? The others don't want to let themselves get involved. This is all Hinata's fault. If that girl didn't hide her real identity this would've never happened! Arrgh. My friends at class also started to back up away from me because Kei won't talk to me. Her fan girls at school thinks that I did something wrong, I thought were friends and gonna belive me but no they won't listen. I really hate them. Everyone of them. One of my friends at States called me last week, and she gave me a plan. Find something about her like her personal background or something. I did call someone who can help me but to no avail, every person connected to that biatch including everything about them were deleted in the system and our computers went haywire. The heck?! This is really nerve wrecking!

I'll get you this time Hinata promise I will get you. I'll beat you into a pulp like what I did to you before. Because of you my friends are afraid of me, Kei avoids me and Karasuno won't even help me because they can't interfere anymore. Stupid reasons. Stupid people. Dad should've never transfer me here at a school in Japan especially in Karasuno.



Hinata was peacefully again at my lap just like before. I was shock at what happened. I don't know what's really going on on her. I was so horrified at Haru putting all the medicines inside her mouth. I sighed in relief. Looking at her, she looks fine now. I totally panicked at the sight of her crying and shaking just then seeing her like that made my guilt and conscience to almost take away my sanity. Gently, I played her orange hairtips. Her hair looks like darkness had found it's light at the end.

A fake cough at my side interrupted me. Right,Haru is here. How embarrassing. I remembered he called me 'blueberry boy' asking me to hold his bag for a while. He was smirking at me just now. What is he thinking? He's oddly looking at me like he knew something about me.

"Did you like her?" he asked making me froze to my seat. Is it too obvious. Damn. "uhh... Of course no..she.. me.. never..." shame on me. Why did I stutter. He laughed. Why? Did he like her? "you stutter, it means you do"he said. Yeah.. I do.. He look up at the bright sky. Before he look at me seriously, his calm and easy going behavior soon faded away." You like her or not, I'm still mad at you and at  Karasuno for doing those things to her. You see, she's my only bestfriend and my family. Don't worry I have no plans of having any romantic relationships with her cause I see her as my sister. Before, I tend to always act as an introvert but eversince she came all her actions and smiles changed me. It was a very short time but it was all worth it. The first time I saw her cute happy face, I thought that she's close to being perfect. But after knowing everything about her, I felt bad for thinking that. I'm going to do everything for her. I'm not her so I don't know how it hurts at her side but I know she misses you guys. I understand her and you too. Being blinded by a girl is quite frustrating you know? Haha. Yui Fujioka is really a thing. I am not Hinata but I can still forgive you if you promised one thing... I nod. I promise.

Then he gave me the permission and gave me my card access to enter her room actually to have an access to this whole hospital floor. That's why I'm here. I am so happy. I'm sitting beside her. She just finished her sliced apples. She's so cute. Just like before, she still had the habit to fill his mouth with food that's why she looks like a hamster or more like a squirrel. I mentally laugh before I sigh. You can do this, she is waiting. Waiting for me to speak, to answer her question."Haru did, please don't be mad at him. I just wanted to see you" I said as I looked down watching my cold hands slightly shivering. She moved her overbed table away. Looking straight ahead towards the walls like something was in there. "I'm not mad at Haru, I will never be mad at him. You want to see me, right? To see me like this. Saying sorry a few days ago to make up from the guilt inside that's starting to pile up like its trying killing you" yeah she's right. The guilt is painful. Pulling me down through the darkness. But, I don't want her to be like this. I want her to play and play. I can't gave up yet. I can't gave up at her anymore, I'll be here whenever he needs me or not. I will do anything to forgave me.

"Maybe you're right. I'm guilty for everything I've caused you before. But, I never wanted to see you here at this damn room, in this hospital bearing all the pain. I'm here to stay and do anything to make up from all those mistakes I've done. I'm not doing this because of the guilt, I'm doing this because you're my partner, my only friend. I'm sorry for the way I mistreated you, for forgetting everything you've done for me in a very short time. It was all worth it, those memories of you smiling, begging for my tosses and staying beside me. I'm sorry Hinata. I'm so sorry for not being able to stay by your side before, sorry for not believing you and sorry for not being able to protect you from them. I know sorry is not enough. But, please let me stay and made my mistakes right. Please... " I can feel my eyes burning as tears starts to flow. As I clenched my hands on my thighs, waiting for his time to speak. Or if she will ever speak. I waited for half an hour. She never moved at her position nor flinched. Is her body not numb for staying still on one position and not even move? Nevermind. I can see her face, she's crying as she held on her blanket tightly. I remembered Haru and my promise.

"I am not Hinata but I can still forgive you if you promised me one thing...*sighhh* even if she ignored or say mean things to you, stay and listen further to her screaming eyes and pleading whispers telling you to lend her your ears. She doesn't need pity and someone whose willing to stay behind for her. She just needed one person who listens. If you listen,then the real promise here you need to do for me is to always... Always believe her." I believe her. I will believe in everything she says.

She wiped her tears using the dorsal side of her hands. Sniffing she turned her head to me and stare at me. I love the way her eyes met mine. But, I also fear it cause she can easily see right through me. "I can read you, you know? And as I see you want to say something more than sorry, the thing you want to also say to me last time" she said trying to read more using my eyes. So, I simply avoided his gaze. She's right, I want to say something else than sorry. I need to tell her or else. I took a deep breath and look back at her. She's now off her bed and on a corner picking some stuff. Then, he gently went back to her bed. She got herself some painting materials. Maybe to lessen her boredom inside here. Wait, Kageyama baka! Focus. You need to tell her now before it's too late for me. I gulped hard, "You're right. I also want to tell you something. You see I.. I..— I like you" what? She-she what? She cut me out to utter the same exact words in my mind. Is this a joke or is this reality. "You—I said I like you, that's what you're going to say earlier right? But you don't have the courage to continue" she reasoned out. I thought he liked me too. I lowered my head to hide my embarrassment. Did I just think he liked me too. But, saying those words even if it's not true made me happy. It made my heart leap for joy. I felt complete and an idiot for not admitting and realizing my real feelings towards her even if it's actually too obvious. But still, I won't loose hope. Someday, I hope she's going to like me back. The same way as I felt towards her. Although, I really did expect there.


Another one finished.

Thanks for reading!!!!!!


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