Chapter 16

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I need to get out of here now or else Yui's gonna be here again in my class. I look at the clock on top of the chalkboard. The ticking of the clock is pissing me off. I have my reasons why I am ignoring them and cold when they needed to talk to me about something, though I know that I'm always like that. I need to figure out some things. It's been bothering me since that Tenma Udai went to our practice. Up to this day, it all went down to three conclusions. First, Hinata is a girl not a boy. How does she hide her identity so well? That even my idiot girlfriend knew and believed that he's a guy and definitely a gay. Which, turns out to be wrong in the first place. Why does she let herself get beaten up and bullied by us for she a girl and female's body are more softer than us males,sort of. And it looks like Hinata doesn't have any romantic feelings for Yui in the beginning. Second, I didn't know that she can be this good at volleyball just by studying and learning physical combat in Brazil(I was eavesdropping at that breakfast time that day in summer camp). It's possible that she's also playing volleyball back then. Seeing her in this state, she looks different. I mean, she looks smart(just a hunch maybe she's still an idiot though that would be possible),independent and strong. Who wouldn't be strong when you took two months in another side of the world just to learn physical combat. Lastly, this weird feelings I had towards Hinata after he turned out to be a she. It feels weird at the same time. I love my idiotic rich girlfriend, well why would I be his boyfriend if I don't. I love Yui even though she's a spoiled brat and noisy. But, we still haven't known each other fully. I still need to know something about her and something regarding Hinata and Yui's relationship. I know by the looks of it that Yui doesn't like Hinata. I don't know why but I will find out the reason behind it. Also the reason behind these stupid feelings of mine.

It feels like forever, when at last the bell rang. I got up fix my things quickly and head out of the classroom. I can hear Yamaguchi's voice telling me to wait for him. No, I need to go befo—"KEIIIIIIIII!!!!!"

Speaking of that person, here she comes. She quickly clings into my arms as she starts to talk and talk again about her. How can I contact my brother now. I can't contact my brother when I got home because he's on his early night classes and in the morning he is sleeping. This is the perfect time to call him since he's studying at Tokyo, maybe he can get some information about her. At this point, there's no other choice but to avoid Yui and the others while looking for a place to have a phone call with my brother. No one should know about my plans on finding about those reasons while I'm still ignoring them. Think fast Kei, think fast before class starts again. "Kei~" Right I think that her information is the first to know while I'm going to figure out "Kei?!!" what to do next.


Gosh, I'm not deaf. I can totally hear her calling me but I just ignored her. I look at her pouting at me. Really? This is not the right time for her childish actions. And doesn't she remember that I'm not pleased to see her at this moment because of her conceited attitude. I took off her hands on my right arm and left her stomping on the ground. Not today Yui I'm not in the mood. I'll just go at the male's washroom, the one near the gymnasium were a few students went by. I went inside on one of the cubicles inside I dialled my brother and called him. Still not letting my guard down if there's a possibility that someone is out there listening.


It was a tiring day for Tenma when he suddenly received a text message from Haru saying that Hinata had her mental episode and that she's fine. Adrenaline rushed through his tired and heavy body. He quickly leave the office and ran to Haru's place, he badly wants to see his sister and to see her condition.

He saw her lying on her bed. Haru called Reo about Hinata and Tenma bumped into him on the way. Tenma rushed to her sister's side hugging her while crying. She had seen before like the third or maybe the fourth time already. Too much for a deja vu. He can't see her sister like this anymore. He left immediately to freshen up a bit after all he had enough of everything they've been through. Reo hold Hinata's hand, he became close to her like she's his own sister. It hurts seeing her like this. Like Tenma, he leaved her room but not to freshen up but to talk to Haru's family doctor who is staying at the mini library office. Haru escorted Reo on the way there.

The next few hours, Nekoma came to Haru's place to visit Hinata. They got a call from Tenma and heard what happened. Haru finally got the chance to meet the team since they've gone before they arrive at the last day of summer camp. Hinata was still unconscious. They saw her pale skin, heavily breathing and wearing a gauze around her head. You can see her face was giving off an extreme fatigue. They never saw her in that way before. Kenma who was the closest one to Hinata was fuming mad at Karasuno. Because of them she's in this state. His eyes are like an angry cat's eyes. Kuroo can sense Kenma's dark aura surrounding the whole room. He too was angry at Karasuno. Chibi girl became special to them even though they only spent with her for a while. She is their team mate now and they're willing to do the best they can to help her. They leave after an hour, devastated and disappointed at Karasuno. But before they left, Nekoma got the chance to have a talk with Haru and promised him that they'd never do the same thing the crows did to her.

The next day, Haru met Shouyou's family. They were thankful for him taking care of their daughter. They left her a small basket full of berries and left the next morning. Since her father was busy who's now fully incharge of the land farm that once he had as a project.

Lia, Carlos and the other players who partnered with shouyou on games in Brazil called after they heard what happened on Hinata. They were all worried about her especially Lia who is so close with the sunshine girl. Day by day, Haru never left his bestfriend behind, he is the one nursing her, feeding her and helping her with all he can. All he did was to watch over her waiting for the day that she'd be able to stand up and gained all the energy she needs to. Until a week had past, he finds Hinata sitting on her bed. He was so happy. But, his sadness took over him as he remembered what Reo and their family doctor said about her condition. Suddenly for the first time in his life he felt fear and worry for her. He knows that Hinata knew him too well. And that he can't keep her finalized condition from her. She doesn't deserve this, this is too much to handle. If he can, he just wants to be the one whose suffering rather than her of all people. Because she's just too precious to suffer. 


Another one finished..

Thanks for reading my story!!


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