Chapter 2

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Finally, Hinata Shoyo is now a first year in High School...

May is the last month of spring. Everyone is excited for the summer for it's only a month away. Last buds of cherry blossoms are showing off its final beauty. The sweet air are playing her pinned up orange locks trying to ruin its place. It's been a month since school started at Karasuno. A month before she decided to keep her identity a secret. It wasn't her first time keeping a secret because her older brother is a secret, her past is also a secret, everything for her is a secret. Despite of her bitter memories a smile can still be seen from her face. A warm sunny smile that enlightens the ones who she chooses to smile into.

And it was two weeks since she came. Eversince, bandages are starting to accompany her more and more. Bruises staining her soft light skin and her broken bones are burning her insides. Nevertheless, she's happy. She's happy that she still had the chance to play with the team. A chance to prove that she had the talent that will bring them to the top.

Gently, she walk towards her first class. Ignoring those bruises and battered body; making her way to her seat. The classroom windows were open and the sweet air soon filled the room as petals slither through the mint green curtains. Her mind was drifting off away from school. Taking no notice of their teacher making its way through the front. Extremely exhausted, she decided to just look outside of the window. Just to quickly regret her decisions; she caught a glimpse of a two familiar person standing in the middle of the soccer field. Those two person were hugging each other. One was a boy who has a pale skin, short blond hair and a pair of golden brown eyes with glasses and the other was a girl with caramel colored hair that flows through his shoulders and a pair of amber shaded eyes. It was Tsukishima and Yui. Hinata can see clearly their faces from the distance they both were smiling and seems to have an overflowing happiness through their brightly lit faces. She can tell by their eyes that the two loved each other and that she has no chance but to stop her own pathetic dreams and expectations that maybe, maybe she'll be acknowledged.

Broken body, shattered heart, vanquished soul and a frail mind. She can endure it. Afterall the pain already made her body and soul, completely numb. What she saw crushed her to pieces. Softly, she leaved her last class for today. Walking towards the washroom, she then wash her face and wiped it with her handkerchief.

Carefully, she made her way out of the washroom without moving a lot. Since her body is aching too much. She can clearly remember the first time his hell happened, it was another of their normal practice at the gym when Yui screamed, shouting for help to find her wallet. She was busy looking for it at her bag that rests on the bench. All of them was starting to clean up when it happen and Hinata was picking up all the scattered balls nearby. Daichi and the team decided to find the missing wallet and tried to look it up on some of the teams' bags. And sadly, Hinata found a pink wallet that is clearly not his(her). It had gold initials stitched on the front. That happened quickly for Hinata to process through his brain, since then the team gotten to pay much more attention on the orange head. Soon, rumors spread about him(her) like wildfire. Everybody starts to ignored him because of that and bullies starts to pick a fight on the poor orangenade.

Hinata was limping and trying to keep his(her) body straight. But to no avail, she was suddenly pinned to the wall. Yui's bodyguards are punching his(her) body and soon after kicking her to the ground. Yui was behind them standing with Tsukishima and the others (team). She can't feel anything anymore. Her body had enough of this mistreated actions. She stood up, not knowing where the strength come from. If it's adrenaline or pure luck, all she needed to do right now is to go home already. Far away from their looks that could kill.

"That's right leave. Get the hell out of here. We don't need an ill mannered brat like you here in Karasuno" tsukishima shouted. It was the first time he ever heard Tsukishima say those words. And it definitely crushed her heart all over again. Hinata can't believe that Tsukishima was able to shout at him and hit him with such painful words. She never said anything. While all of them are glaring at her for doing such bratty acts. It's obvious, it's all Yui's plan. She blackmailed her. 'If only they knew that I'm a girl' she thought.

She never fought back. It's all over, Fujioka Yui won. It was never even a battle in the first place. Silently, she turned her back to them. She can feel Yachi and Kiyoko's pity for her. Her body was numb from all the physical pain she received but the emotional pain suffocates her more. Somehow she made it pass through the gates. Limping, shaking her way out to the harsh reality slamming him on a hard wall. She can't take it anymore, all the walls she'd put through not to break down were smashed. Smashed like her heart and brightness that shattered like thin glass. She scream in agony while her tears are overflowing. She had enough of it. She will never come back here. She never knew that this were the signs that something inside her will just snap. Just like that she can't remember the feeling of anxiousness that was growing inside him(her) like vines filled with poisonous thorns.

Clearly she remembered those temporary happiness. The team were so supportive back then. They were too nice and protective. Especially, Tsukishima. Even though he teased her and Kageyama and looked like he doesn't care but she knew he did. That's why she liked him so much. His smirks while looking at her facing downward. And his snickering voice that Yamaguchi always interrupts. And the team who was so caring and very helpful whenever she needs help or company. Hinata knew that she didn't need to put so much effort just to let them noticed cause they're the one who will be the ones to approach first before you noticed it to yourself. That's why she loved the team so much. It was her second family. Or so she thought.

The walk was silent. The warm fading sunlight on the horizon made her small body cringe. Hinata can't feel the warmth, all she could feel was the cold air scratching her skin like nails. She cried and cried as he(she) continued to walk for home.

Hinata was already half way home when out of nowhere, her phone started ringing. It was her brother, her brother who doesn't know anything. Whom she kept secrets from to protect her team which led her to a miserable mistake. Her already calmed dried face started to cry again. She thought, this is my brother and hiding from him any longer will just cause more pain. There's no use on hiding it anymore. She answered it while trying to hold back the tears, visibly staining her face with so much pity for herself. Little did she know, her brother was, supposedly are going to surprise her and pick her up from school. It turns out that he's the one who was surprised seeing her sister walk out of the school in pain. He quickly parked his friend's car and ran up to where his little sister going. He came all the way from Tokyo and was hoping to see her sister's warm, beautiful and absolutely adorable smile, and yet the scene he's witnessing were so heartbreaking.

Hinata decided to pick up the call. She gently placed her phone on her right ear. "Hello, Sho", he greeted her. The familiarity of the voice brings back nostalgic memories, it was averagely deep and crisp but kind and caring. She can clearly hear his brother's warm voice on the phone and on the same time on his back, though audibly enough to be fully eaten by the wind in just a mere second. She turned around only to see her brother standing a few feet away smiling with open arms. He can see her brother's shoulders shaking ; immediately she knew that he was crying. Hinata blamed herself all of a sudden. 'I just made my brother worried and made him cry for me, this is all my fault' he(she) kept on muttering to herself. 'For once I'll be true to myself, I need niichan' . So, she stopped herself from holding back her tears that are slightly drying down on her cheeks making it all sticky. Either way hot tears fell down her cheeks again as she painfully ran more like limping fast to his brother's arms. She squeezed him hard as she cried herself out. All the pain she kept inside, all of it starting to form into tears. It was painful to see your little sister crying all alone until her gripped lightened, she passed out due to her currently bad state. Her uniform is stained with small pecks of blood, her clear skin is covered with bruises and her body was shaking as well as her breathing changed. She's unconsciously hyperventilating. It was torturing him, he remembered what happened in the past. Her little sister's first tears of mental and physical torture. It happened again, his fear happened again. And he's not going to just sit around and watch her sister perished.


Again I'm sorry for my mistakes. I'm not perfect. Don't worry I'm continuing the story. Though the flow of the story change.

Thank you for your understanding.
Again, I'm sorry and thank you for reading!!! I'm a bit busy nowadays but I cleared some parts of this chapter. If I misplaced or left something wrong then feel free to tell me. Thanks.


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