Chapter 23

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"I'm not a cold hearted person, a maniac nor the idiot you used to call me. I'm not perfect but what you did to me and the others was enough to despise all of you. I'm fragile but that doesn't mean that you can crush me to pieces a thousand times that my crushed heart will soon turn to sand. You all want me to leave and never go back to Karasuno but you came here trying to catch up to me and what? Hurt me again? Telling me your sorry and then eventually went confessing about your feelings."she stopped and sat at her bed facing me then suddenly she went closer, a few inches closer to my face. I can feel my cheeks burn. Her eyes was more beautiful when it's this close.
"Whenever I had nightmares, I always woke up still wishing to be with you guys. I still want to continue playing with you as my partner but to be honest I can't anymore. I can't look at you guys anymore without thinking of those horrible things you've done to me. I like you a lot, Tobio. But, not the same like you have. But at this moment, I hate you so so much because you're such an idiot." no sobbing just silent tears are falling in her face. Her voice fits my name perfectly that it made me feel like I'm riding on a cloud nine. I understand her feelings. Now, I know she likes me but not the same like that I felt. My dried tears are covered with new ones. Did I just got rejected? Is this the payment for those girls I rejected, for the mean things I've done or maybe the payment for grabbing his head too hard? One thing's for sure, I won't gave you up Hinata. Like volleyball, I'll do everything I can to win you. I want to twll you that I'm here. I'll listen. I won't leave you anymore. I promise. But, I don't have the courage to tell you that.

I stood up to my chair and hug her. I can feel her shaking again, as her tears kept on falling on to my arms. I rested my chin on her head. She still smell like the subtle scent of vanilla and a pinch of lavender along with a strong sweet smell of fresh oranges.  Her body is warm and soft like a pillow. Slowly, her sobs can be heared throughout her room. We cried in each others arms, Haru is right. Her crying eyes are screaming to please help her to stop the pain and her lips are whispering sobs of agony that you wish you had the power to take over it so she can no longer feel the pain. Seeing her in pain is unbearable.

All I can do is to say sorry all over again like a total idiot while she cried in my arms gripping tightly to my skin leaving red scratches all over. I hate myself. I'm such an idiot. A huge idiot.


The sunset was beautiful like Hinata's flame orange hair before. Kageyama had already left the hospital unable to keep his face from smiling.

Meanwhile, Tsukishima can hear everything from his place. He was so focus at the guy that he doesn't noticed Kageyama walk out of the hospital. Akiyama Chihiro is a tall man with pitch black hair and eyes. Screaming dominance and fortune. He's trying not to get caught up with his intimidating presence nearby. Every nurses and doctors passing by him are greeting him with extreme politeness. He secretly watched him as he stood in front of the nurse's counter. Eager to listen on whatever he wants to say. So he patiently waited for him to speak. "Good afternoon, I am here for-Chihiro!" he was suddenly interrupted by a doctor with the same level of authority within and at his back was a couple of doctors and nurses. Tsukishima thinks that the doctor had one of the highest positions in the hospital. Chihiro quickly chuckled and had a manly hug with his friend. "So, you're here about Shouyou huh? Well, she's doing just fine at her room. And don't worry about her currently new tests and upcoming theraphies this week. Her tests results were currently stable while the theraphies are still on hold since her body can't get used to it." the doctor said. Tsukishima became all worried at Hinata. He's not that cold hearted like everyone expected. Currently, he began to wonder, 'Is she sick?' he thought. Tsukishima decided to left with his brother that day with a few new questions in mind.

Mr. Akiyama walked towards the last door to the left and press his thumb on a scanner. The full bullet proof glass door with thick metal supporter quickly slide open. He saw her polishing her currently finished painting. She looked up to see him as sparkling lights illuminate in her eyes in excitement to finally see him while her hands were covered with paint and a few strokes and tiny splashes of paint went to his hospital dress. He always calls on the phone to check up on her. Hinata never knew that this day would come, Mr. Akiyama finally visited her here in Japan. Knowing Mr. Akiyama he's supposed to be in Brazil right now. Either way, Hinata is happy to see him but he looked sad and somehow upset. That gave her a worry mind. He sat down beside her and touch her hand gently like a precious gem. His bodyguards left him to wait outside.

Mr. Akiyama was hesitant to speak. He feared what may happen to her when he finally find out the truth. They promised her that they'll visit her soon and stay in Tokyo for a week to watch over her. But, Mr. Akiyama knew that they can't keep that promise anymore. He felt sorry for her, handling another pain in her chest. Knowing him, he knows that she deserved to know everything or it will be more painful if she will know about it later. He kept his dominance ignoring his knees shaking. He may look like a very dangerous man ready to gobble up his enemies but he is really a nice guy. He thanked her for gaving his son a new light.

The Haru today wasn't like the Haru before. Haru was very cheerful, smart and strong. He remembered his wife, she is beautiful coming from a history of powerful warriors in the family. She was killed when Haru was 10 years old. Haru and his mother was super close they're inseparable then that incident happen. The young Haru was broken hearted. They migrated to Brazil, hoping that the new environment will change him. But, he never change. He thinks that he was a failed father. Haru doesn't want to be a businessman like him. He want to take revenge from the one who killed his mother. Mr. Akiyama can't stop him anymore. He's son is so determined that he became stronger in mixed martial arts and weaponry. He supported his son in it but not the revenge thing. He just soon find out that his son hides himself as Silva and lived by himself while studying hoplology. Then, he met Hinata Shouyou. The introvert and silent Haru became the Haru before his wife died. Haru can't find a person to love since he's asexual but he doesn't care. He just wanted a friend, a new family to be beside him. Hinata became that kind of a friend and family for him. It was so much more that Mr. Akiyama felt that he just needed a new member of a family like her. To bring back the warm ambiance they've lost before. Now, their supposedly sunshine was losing her brightness. And he can't help but to hug her. He knew that she doesn't want pity. She's strong.

Mr. Akiyama doesn't notice a tear drop from his eye. Hinata wiped it off. Why is he crying? Did something happen? She asked to herself. Hoping that the man who became his second father is fine. He took his deepest breath he could gather from his lungs. And look at her beautiful unique cat-like colored eyes.

"Shouyou, I'm sorry but your family is..... gone" he looked down. This is it. I finally said it, he told to himself. Screams of pain and agony was soon covered the room. He hugged her tight. Squeezing her little body as if saying he is here to look after her and her brother. After the long crying, she finally managed to calm herself down. Mr. Akiyama held her cheeks and wipe off her remaining tears gently. He felt bad for her, she suffered a lot.

"I arrived here at Japan in Sedai City last week to finish off something there and to had the chance to know about your condition personally. I was about to go back to Brazil the day before yesterday but a sudden phone call stopped me and I know that I needed to get here as fast as I can to tell you about this. Yesterday, I call my attorney to took care of you and your brother's adoption papers and the good thing is that upur parents gave me the custody to took care of you if something happened like they are expecting something already. Don't worry, I'm here as your new father. We all are here to help you both." he said making the precious orange head girl smiled sadly as tears starts to flow from her cheeks again. She almost forgot about them, she still had a family to depend on. She's still not alone. The only problem is that once again all the hope, the sparkling excitement in her eyes, those regaining strength and the small recovery she'd put through all this time with the help of everyone were all gone. Like a switch being turned off. Light was so easy to be snatched away. So that's why her brother and Haru wasn't with her nor even visited her even for an hour or so. They were probably at the funeral right now. Trying to find the right words to say to their beloved Shouyou.


Another chapter finished.

Thanks for reading!!!

Take care!!!!!!!


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