Chapter 4

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Third week of May came, a cloudy morning of spring. Cherry blossoms are slowly diminishing getting replaced by evergreen leaves. The sweet scented air are fading away letting a much more warmer air. Summer is on its way. The sun soon will be showing off again its powerful light that irratates impatient people. Where warm air is somehow a bit cooler and fresh like spring doesn't have a due date.

The air inside the airplane engines are blending with the fresh morning air. Their plane already took off ten minutes ago. Still, he kept his eyes above the clouds that shaped like cotton candy and smoke being lifted by the air, up into the atmosphere. Her sister just left with his senpai. To help her refresh her life once more. To bring back the real Shouyou Hinata, her sister.

A gust of wind suddenly threw his cap off. A plane just took off beside the very establishment. He slowly picked up his cap and put it on immediately. As he silently leave the rooftop of the airline building. After two and a half months, the third week of July she'll be back. His sjster will come back, smiling while shouting, "oniichan" where usually will grab a couple of people's attention.

"Reo-senpai, Carlos, please take care of her and treat her like your own sibling," he said. As he walk through the busy streets of Tokyo.


He's mischievous, one of the 'bad kids', radiating an intense aura of confidence and pride. He used to be that way in high school; pouring all of the nightmares of the past into his hands as he ravished the ball into the ground over the net. He wants to keep up with height as well as his feelings. But as time goes by he bacame softer, easy going and approachable. Though he is really a softy whenever he's with her sister. He wants everyone to see that he's strong, he can fly and he can fight. The same perspective as her sister Shoyou. Now it's her time to become a fighter, who can fly high and mighty unto the sky. It's her time to help him have a partner; he wants her to catch up to him. So both of them could fly and go places. He prays for her to regained feathers again. He wants her to see the summit once more. The light, the beaming light that shows a road upwards to the top. He wanted her to fulfill what she wants to. And staying here in Tokyo with invisible fresh wounds won't help her recover. He knew that Karasuno and his sister stays at a small piece of land called Japan and opportunities of bumping into each other is on high rate. This will only put more pressure or let's just say they'll just put more salt on to her fresh wounds. The only hope is that somehow he can manage through new challenges at her new found haven, in Brazil.

Those people never realized that he hurted him too. They never realized how it hurts him more of what they did. Showing his soft side to to everyone rather than Hinata and his family was a mistake. 'If strangers kept on hurting her without even trying to listen to her explanations then it's better to show them the darkness I am before' he thought. Clenching his fist into a ball, not even caring about his knuckles turning white. Ignoring his blood flow being held back on his hands. He walked into the noisy pavement where grumpy people rushing back and fort trying to talk to somebody on their phone, quarrelling with their companions, buying food and stuff on one of the stores, introvert just meddling around and children crying on their mothers' arms. Cars and buses aren't holding back either on making its own noise fading into the busy city. All of this wasn't loud enough to bring his whole body to stop midway.


Students are cleaning up their desks and started to walk off one by one or simply by groups out of their classrooms. The school canteen are already full of students and teachers buying food for their lunch break while others are already eating their bento. Today was a sunny day and the wind is cool and refreshing. A perfect day to have a lunch practice. Kageyama ate his bento silently. The wind at the rooftop are brushing off his hair fringes on his forehead. For him, it's been forever since he heard his high pitched voice. Shouting to toss for him. He remembered those days where he would be pissed off by his annoying whines and clumsiness. How he missed those sunny smiles and overflowing stamina. He shooked his head in frustration. There's no way he missed that idiot. Sugawara mentioned earlier came through his mind. He said that he's been slacking off these pass few weeks. Which he noticed just now. 'How lame' he thought that Hinata would say that if he's here. Then for sure he would  sheepishly laughed at him till he's pissed off again and will grab his head out of patience. Finally, he knows why he's always spacing out. It isn't the same without his partner. But, he doubt that he can do those horrible things. Hinata is always with him and he knows him too well. Is he? But there's always an evidence against him. And kageyama never heard Hinata speak up for himself. Kageyama then made up his mind to believe that maybe he'll go stick with Yui even though her presence kinda turning him off for no reason.

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