Chapter 8

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The whole gym stood silent after hearing the door opens. The first match was about to begin, when we came. Still wearing my large red Nekoma Jacket and haven't change my clothes underneath it. I kept myself quiet. Lev run happily and greeted Yaku and the others while I just follow.

I can see the confusion or more like mixed up emotions inside the gym. I knew that some of them who doesn’t know me will think that I'm a manager but nah-uh. I'm sure they're talking about me, which is true. Ugh, I can clearly hear everyone's whispers and gossips about me. They should just focus on volleyball just like I do if they really want to play. I just look down at my shoes as I sat at the bench with Coach Nekomata. Not minding their glances at me. Soon all were organized, for the first practice match of Karasuno and Nekoma. The starting line up postions for Karasuno was Kageyama, Daichi, Nishinoya, Asahi, Tanaka and lastly Tsukishima. While our starting position was Kuroo, Lev, Kenma, Taketora, Inouka and Yaku. I remained at my seat still looking down but I can clearly see their feet moving to where they can catch the ball.

Setting things aside, I let them play throughout the first set. Karasuno is catching up with us. They're trying to prove that they don't really need me in their team. I thought the pain is much more easy to endure after all those two months of continuous theraphies and training to avoid them on visiting my mind and dreams again but then again maybe it's not that easy. Now I know why Reo told me that time and patience is important for my condition. I can do this all of my feelings are going through the ball. I stand up and excuse myself, Kai accompany me outside. He handed me my meds as he can see I'm starting to panic again because of this overwhelming feelings of mine and also from a very particular person I saw with them. Good thing Kuroo handed them a few of my meds for emergency. How sweetly convenient and dependable of them.

"Hey, it's going to be okay" kai said with a reassuring voice that somehow calmed me a bit. Then he reach for my hair inside my hood while laughing, I just glared at him. Kenma just braided my hair before we came here. I ignored him and start stretching my body as I appreciate the wind hugging me and sending chills inside my jacket.

After a few stretching we decided to go back inside. I'm all fired up for the game. Karasuno, I'm back.


All of the remaining schools watch them intently hoping to find a new strategy for their game later. A chance ball is coming to Karasuno, Noya successfully receive it letting Tanaka to cover who quickly pass the ball to Kageyama, he then toss it to Asahi who fiercely spike the ball. Blockers failed to stop it. Their libero just one handedly tried to keep the ball but it's too late. For the first time Karasuno wins the first set against Nekoma.

The three female managers of Karasuno handed them water and towels the moment they gathered around. In the middle of Takeda sensei's talk the mysterious player of Nekoma who left a while ago came and joined the Nekoma group. Kiyoko noticed Kageyama looking at the mysterious yet familiar player.


All of the team look at Kageyama who is staring at Nekoma. They all look to where he is looking. All of them are shocked and tongue-tied seeing the mysterious player of Nekoma. She just took off her jacket and yes like the setter said earlier, she really is Hinata. She looks like the dusk. She had this perfectly tanned skin, a small body with a good figure tracing in her shirt, braided black hair with orange streaks, long and thick black eyelashes. She looks like she's trying to calm herself down or meditating because her eyes are tightly shut. And again Lev is all clingy on her.

Kageyama saw Lev's arms encircled around Hinata's neck while hus chin rested on top of her head. Suddenly, he felt an overwhelming urge to punch Lev at the face. And as an idiot he just shrugged it off and think of it as something else. 'Her face is somehow familiar, no doubt it's really Hinata', Kageyama thought so. Karasuno now knows that Tenma Udai is telling the truth about her identity. They don't doubt about it anymore like the doubting part really didn't happen at all. Her new look shows the spitting image of his brother. Hinata Shoyo is not the sunshine anymore, well somehow that may look like it.

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