Chapter 24

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White flowers are all over the venue. People wearing black clothing are paying respect to the dead. Three photos are in front of them. On the right was a picture of a woman who had dark blue pixie cut hair and same dark colored eyes. Her face features are like Hinata. On the left side was another picture of a man with flame orange messy hair and hazel eyes. And in the middle was photo of a young miniature Hinata Shouyou. This is her family's funeral. Nekoma, Haru and Tenma was there. Tenma haven't seen his sister, he don't know what the right words to say. He was broken, all he did was to pay attention with his sister and work hard for the both of them. How he missed his family. Now it's too late to pay a visit to his family. Too late to even spent time with them alive.

He doesn't know that Mr. Akiyama already told Hinata everything. That Mr. Akiyama are on his way to the funeral alone. Back at the hospital, she was crying all day the moment she found out about it. They just let her cry all the pain away for now. She just lost her family. The Akimaya's knew how it felt to lost one member of a family. But to lost three was harder than they could expect. She doesn't deserve this. She doesn't need to lost someone she loves. She should have everything the world could give. Not this.

Tenma was appalled seeing Mr. Akiyama at the door. Mr. Akiyama sure will know about it this fast. Tenma doesn't even noticed that he forgot to tell Mr. Akiyama about the news. Mr. Akiyama told Tenma and the others about Hinata and that his son Haru was the one who told him about the death of their parents. He suddenly remembered they've promise to stay at Tokyo for a week to spend time with the both of them but he can't believe that it will never ever happen again. Tenma's face was a mess, tears are falling off his face. He stand there in front of their parents alone. Thinking of what Mr. Akiyama had told him, Haru went running off to the hospital. Haru told him that he'd be the one to take care of my sister and all he needed to do for now is to stay here. While, Mr. Akiyama leaved with Haru for he had a scheduled flight in the mext 2 hours. And he needed to be early for the meeting that awaits him back at Brazil.

As for what happened to Hinata, she cried so hard that she panicked and had another one of her episodes. She was totally lost that time. Mr. Akiyama leave her with a heavy heart as the man's eyes filled with tears. He can't let Hinata see him cry like a child. He knew that he needs to work for the siblings and his son to have a better future ahead of them. So, he can help Hinata and Tenma more easily by having connections in business. That was his only way to show his affection for the two. Back to Hinata, her body began to exhaust her more than ever. That she began to hyperventilate badly. And soon enough, she passed out without them having a damn clue on when she's going to wake up.



Sho was so happy after mom and dad called us saying that they'll be staying here for a week in Tokyo. They want to spend time with us for a while. I was so happy seeing Sho smiling like the sunshine she used to be. Comorbid Disorder can't take her smile away. I can't grew tired just to see her warm smile directly at me.

After a few days, sho was starting to smile more usual and that makes me so happy. I can feel her excitement, she can't wait to finally see them again tomorrow. I kissed her forehead before I left for my pending job. I was already walking towards the train station when my phone rang. It was from the hospital. Not here in Tokyo but in Yamagata.

I run and run out of the train station in Yamagata. My vision were blurry and I can't breath properly as my throat seems so close to choking. I came at the hospital, late. Three hospital beds were inside an empty room, it was covered with a white cloth. My hands were shaking as I took off the covers on each one. Revealing the pale faces of my family. I cried like I've never cried before. Sho is my only family left now. Sho is all I've got. I can't bear to lost her too. For gods sake, Natsu is just three years old. Yet she got to leave in this world without even looking too hard on its beauty. I was looking at them when a police officer approached me. He was sorry for my loss but I just shrugged him off.

"What happened to my family?" I asked him not minding if he's older than me or not. He pat my shoulder, I just let him seeing how devastating it is for me and I am too tired to even shrugged him off again. He exhale all the air in his lungs before he spoke,"The owner of the Fruit Land Yamagata Orchard died along with the workers and their families after being ambushed by the owner's rival in business. Though there isn't any evidence, he was the only suspect in this crime. Sorry, but we need to keep their names private. And that is all you need to know. I'll just update you if you want to know the results in our further investigations." what? Ambushed? Rival? I can't believe this. The officer just left after that leaving me inside the room where I continued to cry. I can't explain this to my sister. She had enough of the pain. We had enough of it. I covered them once more, they will be buried soon enough. I can't see them lifeless. I want to hear them call my name, speak to me and hug me. I want them alive. Breathing beside me and my sister. As soon as possible, I left the hospital. It's so hard for me to breath inside like all the air leaved my lungs and left me there to die crying in their cold arms.

The sky is blue and the place is quiet. All of them already leaved this silent mournful place. My sister wasn't here also at the funeral, Haru told me that when he came Sho was unconscious. And no one knew when she's going to wake up. It's been five days since the funeral started and she's still unconscious. I decided to have a short funeral for them because seeing them lifeless is too hard for me to endure much longer. I'm not staying here for too long. I just say my last goodbye and left while the others had left already right after the burial rites. I close my eyes as I feel my tears fall off my face. I'm sure that this will make my sister suffer more than she is right now. Good bye mom, dad and Natsu. We will miss you. We will miss you so much. I'm sure the day will come that all of us will be together again. I'll be strong for Shouyou. I'll be strong for myself too. Yesterday, the police officer who talk to me at the hospital in Yamagata called me. The suspect (they never gave me the name) was positive for his actions. He was immediately put to jail. I was so happy hearing that. Thanks to the investigators who found the living proof. The person who overheard the suspect's plan. They can rest assured that the person who killed them already paid the consequences of his actions. From this day onwards, I'm going to do everything I can to protect and take care of Sho. Quietly I leave the cemetery. We will start to live again this third time. This is the last time.


A few months later......

"Good evening, everyone. I am Ichihiro Akiyama, Chairman of  Akiyama Enterprise. This Press Conference is to present my children in public." cameras flashing and reporters desperately asking for questions on the man standing in front of a stage. He is standing tall and proud in front of everyone. He is Akiyama Chihiro and beside him who just walk in front of everyone stood two person.

The first one on the right beside Mr. Akiyama is a man with an atlethic body built, has black hair, dark grey eyes and intimidating looks. He has the same aura like the chairman releases. It was dark and cold. His name is now Akiyama Udai, the manga artist who is now a new business man like his new father. He's now the new chairman of their father's company in Tokyo, Japan branch and also at the main branch in Rio, Brazil. His former company where he works before as a manga artist was now one of the most popular manga entertainment company because of his shares. Next to Udai is Akiyama Haru who was well known as Haru Silva. The famous prodigy in Brazil. Now, dyed his wavy mahogany hair to black like his brother, Udai. And supposedly the last one was Akiyama Shouyou. The one with curly black and orange locks and different colored eyes. Sad to say, she's not with them and all Mr. Akiyama could show was her picture. All of the people was mesmerised by her appearance and her eyes' uniqueness based on the photo. Since her family's death, she never woke up. And now all that's left of them was to hope and pray that one day she'll woke up with a smile on her face.


Another chapter finished!!

Fruit land Yamagata Orchard is a real ochard located in Yamagata, Japan. I just made up a rival thingy on an anonymous also made up owner and his rival. Akiyama Enterprise isn't a real thing by the way.


Thanks again for reading!!


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