Chapter 5

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The sun shine's too hot on that day as Tenma left Karasuno High. And the walk towards his car are pretty exhausting because of the unbearable summer heat. Atleast it doesn't take him forever to get himself at the parking lot. Not too long like that talk in the gym. Though he just stayed there for five minutes or so. He planned to transfer her to Brazil for the rest of his day there to keep up on what she left in Japan before permanently transferring her back to a school in Tokyo. He just want to personally approach her former team mates about her quitting and also to see those faces who dared to hurt her beloved sister.

Tenma knew that they're already confused on his words. 'That's right, be guilty of everything' he thought. He arrived on his apartment. The warm ambiance of the room is quite lonely for him without his sister's presence. It's been a while but her sister never loses its contact with him. She even told him everything that happened there, the weather, the school, the trainings and the people. He wanted to let the crows know that Hinata will be transferring after a few days later without given further details. Only the dean knew about it but soon the whole school will know about Hinata moving to another school. Smiling, he finally signs his name and signature on a paper inside a red folder with a school name written on its front on top of the school's logo.


Yui smiled after their homeroom teacher announced that Hinata Shoyo already transferred schools. 'That gay is no longer here huh?' she silently asked to herself. She had no clue, that Hinata is a girl in the first place and that Hinata is already transferred a week before they last saw him(her).

Meanwhile, Keishin Ukai the current coach of Karasuno's Mens Volleyball Club is worried about the boys. It's all because of Tenma's last words before he leave. Clearly, they are not on their right minds to play. Keishin may not know the whole details of what happened between Hinata and the team. But, he knows already about Hinata Shoyo and Tenma Udai's relationship.

It was all an accident, he can clearly remembered everything like it was yesterday. He knew Tenma because of his grandfather and he already saw him at Karasuno for a few times already. That day was a cloudy afternoon, he was at his ojiisan's place goofing around while his grandfather is picking vegetables at the back of their home when Tenma came with a girl beside her. She had a bright orange hair and heterochromia iridis eyes that look like it's not really one. She was smiling and her eyes are glowing in excitement which made him wonder how beautiful her shining eyes were.

Keishin called his grandfather who came rushing to meet the two. "Jiji!" she shouted the moment she saw his grandfather (ojiisan/jiji for short). That was the day Hinata first and last saw his brother Tenma play at the small court at the back of the house. Because Tenma is four years older and he, that time will soon move to Tokyo for college. Leaving her sister the only memory of him flying while he play. And his grandfather threw him after telling him that he had to keep his mouth shut about the two.

Keishin knows that she shouldn't be the one to speak about the two. Time will come and the truth about those siblings will unveil. He sigh and tried to forget about Hinata and Tenma for a while, the team is his current problem. They are all lacking focus. Tsukishima is the only one whose trying his best because Yui is watching and cheering at him while he play. Suga and Daichi are trying to focus and shrugging off their questions in mind, Kageyama is always pissed and hot headed, Noya and Tanaka are surprisingly quiet, Asahi is trembling because of Kageyama's aura, Yamaguchi is somehow worried and the three second years, Narita, Kinoshita and Ennoshita are watching silently at the practice match that Daichi planned.

Takeda and Keishin noticed that it's not only the team who seems to be spacing out, the two female managers are also not in the mood. Keishin knew that he needs to think of a plan fast to revive the crows. Because they need to focus for the upcoming volleyball summer training camp at Tokyo that will start at exactly two weeks before the summer vacation ended. And high school volleyball preliminaries are being held on the second day of September.

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