Chapter 21

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Sorry? Pssh. Can his sorry fix everything? Bakageyama is such an idiot. All of them are idiot. Does Kageyama think that his sorry is enough to fix the past, the pain, the bruises and those nightmares. No, he can't easily mend everything. Yet, he wants more from me. He's not a god, neither do I. I know I'm not perfect, so does he and everyone. I know someday I'll learn to accept them again but for now it's clearly a no. I'm back at my room again. And bored all over. Nekoma won against Karasuno at the practice match. My team (nekoma) were worried about me after they heard Haru's noisy mouth. They were about to attack Karasuno that day but I just stop them from doing so.

Kageyama that day never said a word after Haru and I left. I still remember that I felt a sudden exhaustion in my eyelids that put me to sleep on the baka's lap, because Haru laid me on the wrong lap. That episode wasn't bad like before since I surpressed everything with no clue how. I suppose the reason behind it was I don't want him to see me in that kind of situation. Still I was shock when he hugged me the moment my body and brain started to panic. Knowing Haru I know he talked to him cause Haru can be seriously talkative only when it comes to this kinds of situations. I don't know what happened next, I just woke up when the two were casually talking about Haru accidentally called him blueberry boy despite that he knows Kageyama. Sometimes, Haru does mixed up his own thoughts and speech.

Haru was busy these days, since he had his night classes today. I understand him, he had a life too. I already told him many times that he had a life and had to do something for his college. Though it is already late for him, I blackmailed him to go to classes and to never depend on his father too much. Haru Silva is really a pain in the ass. And Akiyama Haru is a headache. He's uncle Hiro's son and he isn't introduced yet in public until he's 21. For now, he's a Silva. I giggled as I remember him. He said that he's an introvert on the first day I met him. Nahh, he's actually an introvert at first like the people around him just thinks so. But when I actually got the chance to know him more, I found out that he's not that bad. I'm thankful for the opportunity to met someone like him. I know every inch of him, his life, his habits and the way he thinks. He's my only male best friend and a family to me. I remember that day he suddenly thought I was her twin sister. And I always laugh at his thoughts. He is my second family and his dad and him felt the same way. Uhmm, well maybe too much of being a family. Back then, uncle Hiro first invited me to a private meet up. He wants to know who was the girl that his son wants to be his new sister. I was shocked that day when he kidnapped me just to bring me to his father. He should just asked me. After I heared his father, I was left frozen on my seat. He already had his papers for adoption and wanted to meet my real parents soon. I just told them not to because I accept them already as my second family. Haru's father wants me to call him dad. I was hesitant but he's too determined so I just agreed. But he's just not here so uncle is fine. He also told me that whenever I am with them I am not Hinata Shouyou but Akiyama Shouyou, I just nod because they would definitely win if I just delined. Hayyyy. Memories as an Akiyama is fun. But, I still want to be with my real family. They barely visit me because they're busy but they call me sometimes to say hello and catch up.

Family sure is fun to be with. Ohh, I also recalled that time when I was stuck at my room after that horrible episode, uncle Hiro was all worried. He and Haru was the one who suggested about me changing rooms. They even started to have a large share in a hospital just incase so if something happens and I'll be sent there for a few days because of my scheduled therapies, tests and check ups with the help of the other doctors and nurses in that facility. Haru told me everything, including that hospital was owned by his father's best friend. We, especially I had no power to stop them from doing this kind of thing for me too much but they just shush me; we owe them a lot. They just shush me again whenever I just said thanks regarding about the topic.

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