Chapter 6

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The summer vacation is drawing near. Days are passing by, faster than I could ever imagine. I still remember the day I drive Reo and Sho to the airport and bid them goodbye for awhile. Reo sends me email everyday so I can cope up with my sister's improvements.

The four corners of my bedroom is still lonely without my sister. Last night, I dreamed about my family. They wanted to take her away from me because I'm not good enough to protect her from any harm. I don't want to loose her, I just can't.  She's all I have and loosing here will be the end of me. I missed them so much. My family is everything to me and that's the same for Sho cause she's my sister, my only sister. 

For sure she missed them too. Sho is super close with them much more than I am with my mother. Speaking of family,I missed Sho. I heard that she's pretty busy lately. Reo told me that she's just preparing herself before they came back. Speaking of going back, I already transfer her to a school here in Tokyo. She just needs to finish her tasks in Brazil and everything won't be a problem. I'm sure that she already made some friends before in....Nekoma.

Either way, the sun was already up. And my study table is a mess. Papers are all scattered everywhere along with some crumpled ones, pens and pencils are all over the floor and also on my empty cup while my spoon was on the floor. No sleep and deadlines are going to eat me alive. This project is very important because this is one of the highlights in today's summer manga marathon and one of my manga is on hit. I know it's my fault, I should've been worrying so much about my sister, I'm sure that Carlos and Reo-senpai are taking good care of her.

My panic soon came to a halt as I heard my phone ring. It was one of my co workers, I quickly pressed the green button and answered his call.

"Hello, Good morning" I greeted him. His words made me froze looks like I can't make it to that day.


Dark clouds are slowly covering the sky, it will be the first summer rain in Tokyo, Japan. Kuroo and Kenma walked a bit faster to reach Kenma's place. Soon, they reached his place before the rain finally poured out. Making a lot noise, banging on the rooftops and making a soft splashing noises on pools of water in the streets. Suddenly, Kuroo's phone started ringing synchronizing with the noise of the heavy rain.

It was an unknown caller, but Kenma insist to answer it.

"Hello" kenma greeted. At first, he can only hear the sound of the waves merrily splashing through the shore and the whispering wind. It took a few seconds before somebody laughed on the line. It was a girl's voice, a high pitched laugh but not irritating in fact it was familiar. Then it suddenly stop.

"I call Kuroo but Kenma is the one who answered" the person on the line said. 'Her voice is high just like Hinata' kenma thought. Kuroo was just patiently waiting for his phone while looking at Kenma. "Shouyou?" he finally asked. Kuroo was surprised on what Kenma said, that shorty is the one who called him?

"Yes it's me, I'm coming back soon but niichan can't come to fetch us up at the airport so can I ask the both of you a favor? Don't worry I'll explain to you everything" hinata answered. Kenma can clearly hear her voice it became softer and gentle but still the usual excitement is still there though not like before.

"Uhhm. Sure" Kenma agreed. And the two of them talked about everything to avoid the shocking expression and questions. That didn't help somehow cause the two already were surprised about Hinata and was blushing while listening to her on the phone.


"Please, take good care of me!" Yui said to everyone.

Yui Fujioka a first year student and Tsukishima Kei's girlfriend. She's the one who blackmailed Hinata. Thinking that he(she) was a gay this whole time. What an idiot.

She decided to join the team as a manager. So she can be with Tsukishima all the time. Since, summer vacation is coming and the whole team is going to Tokyo. Kiyoko and Yachi can't help themselves but to sigh in disbelief while the whole team was glad that Yachi will have someone who can help her when Kiyoko and the other third years go to college. The last three days, Keishin let them have a break. The team was really in a bad condition but now they came back, Yui joined the club. The team welcomed her and thanked her for joining.

While the boys were practicing their serves and recieving the ball, the three girls are off to the sink to clean the water bottles and prepare a fresh ice water drink when they came back. Yachi is the one who's washing them after that Kiyoko filled them one by one with ice water and Yui's part was to stack them inside the clean ice box so it stays cold. The two were quiet doing there jobs. Except for Yui who has this sour look on her face as she complains about her simple duty.

"Managers should be staying on the bench the whole entire time. Like who are they? They are athletes yet they can't make themselves their own water and get their own towels rather than depending too much on us." Yui mumbles to herself though it wasn't a whisper at all. Yachi and Kiyoko can barely hear all of her words. Now, they both knew who is Yui Fujioka.

'Poor Yachi' Kiyoko said to herself. She'll be left here soon with Yui's presence and stupid complaints. Kiyoko knew that when she starts to tell them about her saying such rude words of complaints, the same fate with Hinata might happen to her. Once was enough to make her guilty of not helping her underclassman. She knew her(shouyou) real identity but she's sure that the girl beside her doesn't have any clue to that thing. Which makes Kiyoko think of a plan to stop her madness somehow, even for just a little. 


Anyway, thanks again for reading!!


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