Chapter 27

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They were all happy to see her but it will be more fun to hang out with her. They want her to wake up already. All was glad that she moved even if it's just her index finger. Nekoma was so happy after they've found out about it. Going back to that day, they never saw Yui since then. Karasuno team promised the Akiyama family to do everything they can for Shouyou. They want to do something good after all the bad things they've done to her. They were all sorry and guilty about it. And since they were sorry, the family permitted the team to come near to Shouyou.

Haru was happy, finally all were fixed. All that's left for them is to be forgiven by his sister. Hoping that she'll wake up soon enough. Standing beside him was his brother, Udai. Having siblings wasn't bad after all. It was indeed a great feeling, a foreign feeling that made his heart warm. It feels like his mom was just here with him.

While Udai can feel that Haru is happy. Subconsciously, he ruffled his brother's hair. It's nice to have another male sibling. Having a family again felt like a dream. Seeing his family contented and happy was enough for him. He doesn't want anything more than seeing his family like this. The only problem left is Shouyou. When will she wake up?



After they left that day, I can clearly see their happy faces despite the guilt that's just hovering over us. I'm happy seeing her finger moved that means she's still fighting to see us again. 'My Shouyou we'll be waiting', 'I'll be waiting'. I want to say that but I can't. I don't even know if she's listening to my stories. I want to believe that she really is.

I also told them about what happened why do I always look weird and busy these past few days. It was all because of her. My beloved Shouyou. Also before they left, Tsukishima confessed to all of us that he thinks that he fell for Shouyou. I was furious but he make sure that things are clear. That was a big relief for me. I can't just let him have her. That's not gonna happen. In fact, he just wants to be friends with my dumbass Shouyou. It kinda shocked us like really? Tsukishima making friends except from Yamaguchi? Quite unbelievable but Daichi said that ir was fine. I just can't oppose the captain. Shouyou and I feared him whenever he's strictly angry. It was like we saw a monster. Urggh, I missed her already.

I stayed after lunch which then came Nekoma. As usual, they would always bring stuff like gifts and foods for Shouyou and the whole Akiyama. Since they're our rivals we're not getting along at the beginning but for now we're kinda have a ceasefire battle just for Shouyou. Actually, they're not bad at all. They were great. Except for the noisy brush head and the Russian idiot. Those two are all over the place.

I poured my glass of milk and went back to her room. It's been four days since that happened. Mr. Akiyama told us that he heard Yui and his father migrated to Australia. That was a fast move. And for me, well it's been a while eversince my first visit here. That I also have my own room in this house. Also, I've been staying here for a few days already. I can't just leave Shouyou. I just can't, I want to be the first person she will see when she wakes up. Udai and Mr. Akiyama would always smack me on my head whenever I answered them that, "I'm not studying till Shouyou wakes up" that is why they always made me bring up all my homeworks and tests here for the days I'll be off from school. Mom and dad said that it was fine since both of them are always busy and that as long as my grades aren't going to be that bad. Pssh. I'm trying hard anyway so it ain't bad at all. I pick up my text book and started answering all the questions for my English subject. Damn it, I'm not very confident in English. I'm a Japanese so what's the point of having an English subject. This is nuts.


"Oww!!" Damn it! That hurts!! What's wrong with him?!

"Hey! What was that for?! Ehhh?!—Udai-chan" that really hurts so bad. What's his problem anyway going here only smacking my head. Is he crazy?!

"Don't be so noisy, Kageyama! Sho is here!! And why not, I'm just smacking you cause all your answers in English were wrong! Are you an air head?" Damn it, he's really is Shouyou's brother. It's just like her. But, is my answers all that wrong?! Maybe it is but I don't know the answers.

"I'm not an air head!! I just don't know the answer, okay?!" I shouted back. I can't help but to blush because of this embarrassment. He just snatch my textbook and erased all of my answers. He teach me everything from what's the amswer and why is it the answer. He also tell me some examples that helped me understand English a bit. Cause it's still difficult.

Whenever I study nor eat, I'm always here spending it at Shouyou's room that everyone in this house knows where I am when they needed me. For now, I drank my milk and continue on listening on Udai's lectures. We're a bit noisy so I'm sorry Shouyou for the noise. Udai is a good teacher, he can be my tutor. He even helped me on playing volleyball by explaining what I lack and what should I need to improve. This family is the best. I love them.


A short one....

Thanks for reading!!!


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