Batgirls Yandere Headcanons

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Just as it says.
Since I did one with the batboys, I decided to do one with the girls too.


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                 Cassandra Cain

•Cass would be the least likely to actually talk to you face-to-face.

•She would rather stalk you or meet you as Black Bat.

•Cass would do anything for you. Anything.

•If she notices that you wanted something, she'll get it for you and send it to your house.
You dislike someone? She'll get rid of them.
Have trouble in school? She'll get someone to tutor you.
Feeling unloved? She'll send you all kinds of gifts and cards proclaiming her love for you.

•She wouldn't sign her name on those gifts of course. Instead, signing off as 'C.C'

•If anyone were to become close to you (mostly romantically), Cass would make sure they disappear forever.

•Under the camouflage of being your secret admirer 'C.C', Cass would confess her love for you.

•Depending on your reaction, Cassandra would decide whether to reveal herself or not.

•Regardless, she would still protect you. No matter what.

                 Stephanie Brown

•After meeting you for the first time, Stephanie would take every opportunity to talk to you and spend time with you.

•She would make sure to know your schedule, your likes and dislikes, your friends and family, etc.

•By knowing you so well, Stephanie would make sure to show how much you both had on common.

•She would avoid killing to get close to you, instead opting to get close The old fashioned way: By being friends to lovers.

•Stephanie would randomly take you on trips or adventures to distract you from your friends and family.

•She would give you heartfelt gifts to show you how much she cared.

•In an effort to distance you from your family and friends, Stephanie would tell you their deepest secrets or tell you about the negative ways they view you.

•In the end, Stephanie sincerely hoped you would willingly love her.

•If you did, she would lead a mostly normal romantic relationship with you. Although, she would be rather possessive over you.

•If you didn't, well, she would just have to take you home and make you love her.

                  Helena Bertinelli

•Of all the girls, Helena is the most likely to kill you if you rejected her.

•At first, Helena would try to get close to you normally.

•If that tactic doesn't work, she'd try a more aggressive approach.

•She'd kill off the people you cared about one by one.

•She'd make the murders seem justified by framing them with crimes.

•Soon, Helena would be the only person in your life that you could turn to.

•If by then you haven't returned her affections... well what's the point of keeping the new bane of her existence alive?

•But, if you were to return her affections, she would take you to her home and keep you there forever.

•You either love her or forfeit your life.

                        Kate Kane

•When Kate first meets you and falls in love with you, she would deny the attraction.

•After a while though, she'd find herself stalking you and wishing for you to love her.

•Kate would kill for your affection, but she would also form a random relationship with you.

•She would meet you in random bars, see you at the mall, etc.

•Kate would make sure she was constantly on your mind by making each random interaction unforgettable.

•Kate would kill anyone she deemed as a threat to your love. Whether it be random people, your friends or your family.

•In the end, if you were to accept her love and return it, she would make sure to keep you all to herself.

•If you were to reject her, she would do anything to make you love her.

               Barbara Gordon

•Barbara would be the stalking queen.

•She would put cameras in your house, in your school, in your bags or clothing, etc.

•She would learn everything about you. To the point that she would know you better than you knew yourself.

•Barbara would also have a well thought out plan for your life  and she'd execute it in a way that it seemed normal to you.

•She would slowly get rid of people she saw as a threat to her plans for you and replace them with herself.

•Barbara would take over your life in a way that seemed completely natural to you.

•Barbara wouldn't give an opportunity to reject her. Instead, she would rearrange your life so that it seemed like you had always been in love with her.

•Eventually, Barbara would have complete control over you and your life.


Sorry if it seemed a little flat.

Anyway, what do you guys think of the new cover and name?

Hope you enjoyed.

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