Watchful Eyes Of Blue Violets (Damien Wayne x Reader)

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This was requested by MahashreeGD.

After a mission goes slightly wrong, it's up to Damien to take care of you.

Blue Violets – Watchfulness, faithfulness, I'll always be true

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Blue Violets – Watchfulness, faithfulness, I'll always be true.


"How is everything going on your side, Batman?", Oracle asked over the comm.

"Just fine," Damien replied, "How is Sparrow?"

"I'm fine, Batman," You replied over the comm with a slight chuckle, "There's no need to worry. All I have to do is–"

"Sparrow, look out!", Oracle suddenly shouted over the comm system.

Damien immediately set for the side that you had been assigned to.

He tried to contact you via the comm system, but he couldn't reach you.

"I'm going after Sparrow," Damien said.

"Roger that," Oracle said, "I'll send Red Robin to assist you. It looks like it's Bane."

"Bane?", Tim asked, "He's supposed to be in Santa Prisca. I'm on my way."

Please be alright, Damien thought.

Pain. There was so much pain.

You stood up, side-stepped Ban and aimed to kick at his head, but he simply took a hold your leg.

He twisted your leg and threw you to the steel wall.

You let out a gasp as you felt something break.

You coughed and spat out blood.

That's not good.

You looked up at Bane as he approached, but the pain in your back and legs almost made you pass out.

"What are you even doing here?", You croaked, "Aren't you supposed to be in Santa Prisca?"

Bane chuckled deeply and took a hold of your neck, "Someone told me a little Sparrow was interrupting me shipment of Venom to Gotham City. So, I came to investigate. Now, I get to kill said sparrow."

You gasped, trying to get air as Bane squeezed the life out of you.

Then you remembered your electric glove.

After fumbling for a second, you turned it one and pressed your the glove to Bane arm.

He screamed and let you go.

You dropped onto your already aching back, and screamed in pain.

Black spots danced in your eyes, and you were very close to passing out.

"That was a dirty trick," Bane gasped, "But you won't get out of here alive."

Just as you were about to pass out, a dark figure descended and punched Bane in the face.

It was followed by red figure, but you were already falling unconscious.

"Habibti," A deep and alluring voice whispered in your ear, "Wake up."

You turned to the voice, and winced when you felt the pain in your back.

The pain jarred you and you opened your eyes.

You were in your shared bed and were laying on your stomach.

Next to you, your husband looked at you with a worried expression.

Damien put a hand on your back and rubbed it gently.

"I am glad you are alright," Damien murmured, "You gave me quite a fright, Beloved."

You smiled at how gentle he was.

"Hi," You whispered in a croaky voice.

Damien chuckled, "Hi."

Damien leaned in a kissed you softly, which was then followed by an Eskimo kiss.

Damien kept his face close and you were entranced by his eyes.

They were a deep jade-green with lighter flecks which could vary in shade depending on his mood.

His eyes reminded you of the sea-green waters if the Atlantic.

They reminded you of the jade gemstone ring he had given you as your wedding ring.

They also reminded you of Blue Violets.

Strange, since Damien's eyes were not blue or in any way violet.

It was more the fact that his eyes were so watchful, and that blue violets represented watchfulness.

Damien was always observing and he could notice the smallest things.

Like how you never liked massages, because they felt weird.

Or how much you preferred a playful (yet meaningful) Eskimo kiss over a deep passionate one.

He was so watchful, and it was because of this watchfulness that he knew exactly how to take care of you.

"Habibti," Damien murmured, "Do you wish for me to bring Pennyworth the cat for you to cuddle?"

You smiled, "Yes, please. But I also need you to cuddle, though."

Damien chuckled softly and pressed his nose to yours, "I love you."

You hummed, "I love you too."

Damien stood to go and get Alfred the cat for you.

As he stood, you noticed a small vase if flowers on his dresser.

They were blue violets.

They were favorite flowers, because they reminded you of Damien.

So watchful, so faithful, and always true.


I'm not sure if this was what you wanted, but I tried.

What are your favorite flowers?

Mine are lotus flowers.

Hope you enjoyed.

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