Love Language: Tim Drake

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Tim Drake's love language(s)

Tim Drake's love language(s)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Timothy Drake


Acts of Service


You offer him coffee first thing in the morning.

You leave the door open for him when he's finally ready to go to bed.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner is practically forced down his gullet when he's too busy working to eat properly.

You guide him to bed in the late hours of the night.

He finds that you have set up a schedule for him to follow so that he doesn't lose all his time to work alone.

You wash his hair on his lazier days
Busier days.

You remind him again and again of things he had forgotten or was going to forget.

You know him well enough to know when he has enough energy to do certain chores,
And helping out when he does not have the energy to help himself. 

You force him to go to bed so that you can do what is left of his paperwork.

You help him out with the little things
The bigger things.

You offer to do things for him
You love him.

Words of Affirmation


You tell him that you wished he had slept well the night before.

His coffee is offered to him with a bright smile and even brighter words.

There is that oh-so-wonderful loving joke in your conversations with him during work.

You leave an "I love you" and an "I already miss you" sticky note on the side of his monitor in the morning.

You whisper sweet somethings in his ear as you wash his hair in the afternoons.

Your words of encouragement are accompanied by a sincere and happy smile
Or a loving look in your eyes.

Casual words of love and respect are exchanged between the two of you at random times of the day or night.

Your "Good luck's" and "I'll miss you's" are heartfelt and gentle and genuine.

When you whisper to him "Remember, I love you" in the weird limbo moments between the long hours of the night and the wee hours of the morning.

Physical Touch


You poke him awake in the late hours of the  morning.

Your fingers brush, sometimes purposefully, sometimes accidentally, when you hand him his coffee and food.

He can casually lean on you during a movie of sorts 
Almost sink into your side from the comfort.

Both yours and his shoulders brush against each other at the dinner table.

Softs fingers sift and brush and grip his hair 
During it's silky, soapy and wet states.

(He just really likes it when you wash his hair)

Socked feet brush against socked feet in a sort of play fight during the cold Winter nights.

His pinky grips your pinky in an unspoken promise of affection.

The sides of his face is held in a soft grip and between loving fingers. 


Hope you enjoyed.


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